and ALL western social media and one chinese social media have now agreed to make the internet even WORSE!
THANKS, ELON! thanks for joining the enemy and making things WORSE!
2:34 that is correct. "hate speech" isn't a real thing. it is a tool of censorship.
hate speech is whatever people enforcing censorship across a platform or website want it to be and nothing more than that.
so, yeah, the internet's about to get even worse...AGAIN!
edit: always remember, in communist internet, free speech is strictly FORBIDDEN and WILL be punished!
"The signed voluntary commitment is geared towards making efforts to prevent illegal hate speech (as defined by European Union laws) on their platforms in the EU."
there's no such thing as "illegal hate speech". that's just punished free speech.
"“Hatred and polarisation are threats to EU values and fundamental rights and undermine the stability of our democracies. The internet is amplifying the negative effects of hate speech,” EU Commissioner Michael McGrath said in a statement. “We trust this Code of conduct+ will do its part in ensuring a robust response.”"
GO F YOURSELF, EU! free speech is not a threat to ANYONE'S rights! on the other hand, YOU are a DIRECT threat to EVERYONE'S rights including the right to speak freely! you are censorious EVIL!