I hope everyone is looking forward to the upcoming holidays. I, for one, will be taking advantage and heading to the ski resort for a bit of fun. For those who don't know, I am an avid snowboarder so I like to take advantage when I can. I will likely be unable to respond during the week of Christmas due to this. It is difficult to say since the resort's wifi has been spotty in the past. I will likely make one final journal update before the end of the year with my annual retrospective so I hope you look forward to it.
In terms of writing, I made very little progress this week. It has been harder to motivate myself to do the Pokemon cannon. I'm not sure if it's because I'm burnt out, disinterested, or just unmotivated in general. So it will likely be slow going until I get back more into it. I am also curious, would people be interested in seeing a Chespin form of Xavier in that story? A poll has been posted below. All of my pending stories have now been posted and there is nothing on my queue other than personal projects.
My annual raffle has also closed. Not many people participated but that is fine. I will be notifying people shortly. You will have 72 hours to claim your prize before I give it to someone else. As always I remain open for commissions and trades. Thanks for the support and have a nice day.