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In Defense Of Roarey Raccoon

What I say here will probably not affect the IB moderators' decision to have suspended his account or change anybody's opinion of him.  I don't know him personally and everything I know about him is what I've seen posted on his IB pictures and journals and his response to them.  I also know he doesn't share much information on himself to the public.

But unless I am wrong, I haven't seen him post on other peoples' threads.  If he did there would have been reason to take action against him.  But all I have seen him doing is posting journals and pictures, some politically motivated but others simply as commissions.  And his material is nothing worse than what I've seen from so many other artists here.

If there is anything you know about Roarey that I don't, or if he has done harm toward you, anyone can post it here.  My intention isn't to argue, but I do feel he has been unfairly treated and this is your chance to tell me if I am wrong in what I think of him.
Viewed: 89 times
Added: 2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
i never had any problems with Roarey Raccoon he seems like a vert good fursone to me ..
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I have not either.  I've been watching Roareyraccon for years, and I've never seen any malicious comments made by him directed toward others.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-Noam Chomsky
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Exactly...Once activists get their foot in that door in the name of political correctness, freedom of speech will eventually fall for everyone else like dominoes...including for the activists who start it.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
And the only valid censorship is just ignoring completely.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
In 2017, RoareyRaccoon, IBp (Pierce) and Wolfblade essentially agitated so much it dragged a huge part of the site into and harassed me directly to the point where I archived my art on my PC and was preparing to delete my (at the time) 8 year old account. Roarey and Pierce would basically laugh in the face of staff notices, completely ignoring them and doing whatever they wanted. Wolfblade took his absolutely massive following to call for my removal. I had completely baseless accusations thrown at me about my political leanings and other things. We lost one founding staff member early in the issues, and I only remained because I was dissuaded from quitting by GreenReaper. To this day, I am significantly less involved and less outgoing in the fandom because of the abuse hurled at me during that.

Roarey's problems on Inkbunny are not about his views or his politics. To blame it on his politics is to play the victim for something he has less control over. Roarey's problems on Inkbunny are directly tied to his idea that Inkbunny is something it is not (an absolute free speech platform where you have complete discretion over your space). This idea is prevalent in his circle of people, but it is a fiction, a fantasy that has never been reality. We allow as much discourse as we possibly can, but inevitably if it begins to detract from our mission as an art gallery, it is not long for the site.

If Roarey merely wanted to discuss differing opinions, he'd be here, and fine. But he wants to fight. He wants to insult and degrade, and he wants other people in his space to do that. He cultivates that. He has been warned that he MUST moderate his space. We didn't sit here and wait for someone to make a comment that was inappropriate. We discussed the situation for days before choosing to leverage consequences, and in that time he had been replying directly to abusive and inflammatory comments, indicating that he saw them but would not moderate them.

The bar is different if you have are a user in good standing who has never done anything wrong, versus a user who has been warned a half dozen times, and every time has told staff to fuck off because it's none of our business.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I am so sorry what happened to you.
Hope things got better for you.
All I can say is, that I follow your words.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
In their minds, if Inkbunny cannot be what they want it to be, then it should be on fire, and efforts to get people to cause unrest are just an extension of that ethos. If they can't have it, then might as well make everyone else miserable. To that end, I hope people think about how these people arrived at the point of being banned on a site that is notorious for allowing everything and moderating almost nothing. They got here by their choices.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
OK, you are right in that Roarey has a penchant for fighting.  I should have mentioned that in my initial comment.  And if he went to other people's threads and bothered them of course he deserved banning.  But nobody has mentioned that so far.

But I know such behavior has been exhibited by several other people here and it would help if I got the idea they were banned.  Did you ban them too?  If so I will be satisfied.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
We use graduated punishment to guide all of our consequences. So when someone fights with someone else, like Roarey, we warn both users, or apply higher consequences as appropriate for any warnings they've already received. No one gets banned instantly for a first offense, unless the offense is EXTREMELY egregious (blank, new profiles that are threatening and harassing users, people posting illegal things, etc).

So a majority of people who fight with Roarey get warned, we enforce a locked moderator block between them, and never have any other issues with them. If in the future, they had other issues or did that again, we've warned them and we'd escalate the consequences as appropriate.

The consequences appear uneven to an outsider because the other parties often don't talk about the penalties and warnings they receive. So people spin it as though no one else receives consequences, but the reality is that things are applied evenly, but if you've been warned 6+ times, you receive a more severe consequence.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Too bad you don't have a labelling system where you can tell the world why someone got penalized, such as harassment or other bad conduct.  Then there would be no controversy at all.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't really like the idea of stigmatizing people like that. Imagine someone reaches out to you and you immediately see that they're on their 5th warning and will probably get banned. Does that change how you interact with them? Would it have changed how you interacted with Roarey? Maybe not for you, but for other people.

Warnings are intended to correct behavior that is unacceptable on Inkbunny. They are between the staff and the user who was warned. The are not inherently punitive, but rather we take every effort to coach people to remain in good standing. You can only trust that we are applying consequences evenly. Or reach out to those other people and ask. But we don't disclose the outcomes of support tickets, even to the reporters. There are some exceptions when users disclose the consequences themselves, as we like to add context if they're being deceptive, but such situations are rare.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Now days, I tend to express any political and moral issues on artsites in the form of dialogs between characters in some of my stories.
An example is linked below.
Clarence Coyote and Project Courier - Part 45 - Homeward Bound by moyomongoose

Pages 91 through 109 is one of the parts further explaining that an 8 year old coyote cub, Clarence, accidentally traveled from 2018 to 1960 in a time travel machine.

Pages 50 through 54 contain a dialog among several characters discussing the abortion issue with Clarence in the year 1960.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Another example I have of characters expressing views is in a story set during the Vietnam War when Jed and Rex Coyote were young adults. Jed was drafted into the Army, and Rex joined the Navy.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
One I almost forgot is this one having a message how parents smoking cigarettes has a bad influence on their youngsters.
Clarence Coyote and Project Courier - Part 20 - Cubs Caught Smoking by moyomongoose
2 months, 2 weeks ago
A question about users moderating there own journals and submission comments.

Is it in TOS that the page owner is responsible for policing other users comments on their page?

They have the tools to lock, block, and delete, and sensible users will utilize them.

But is it a requirement that they have to?

Personal instruction to Roarey was sent to him personally as I understand it, but what about everyone else going foward?

Should a comment section become over whelming some might miss exchanges that should be locked and flagged.

Some general advice for users on what they are responsible for would be appreciated.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I would say that we expect people to utilize them. The Terms of Service lays out what is considered inappropriate content for Inkbunny. So if those things are in your space, you should remove them.

That said, a user in good standing is unlikely to face any consequences for 'missing' something, whether it is intentional or not. In Roarey's case it's not just one warning about moderating his space, but several. And it's not just that he 'missed' things. We waited several days, during which he would reply to these comments he should be moderating. There is intention and malice on his part, taking his actions combined with his scorn and ridicule in his replies to staff.

If a normal person misses one thing in their space, we remove it and warn the user that violated the Terms of Service. In order for a normal user to get a warning similar to Roarey they would need to have the same thing happen over and over for years, while also actively telling us to fuck off, indicating they are intentionally not listening.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I have seen dozens of users posting hateful journals against Trump supporters, asking them to commit suicide. I have learned that it is the leftists who are the most toxic, stupid and intolerant. And nothing ever happens to them, But if you are a Trump supporter you will face censorship or account deletion like Roarey. Because """Republicans are the bad people here"""😒
This is all unfair bullshit and the moderators are hypocrites
2 months, 2 weeks ago
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Swap "leftist" with trump supporters and then it is right.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Sorry Charlie, he was right the first time.  I see things too you know.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
So you are saying, that if I am going onto the internet, I won't find a whole bunch of trump supporters rading the white house, attacking harris voters with machetes, telling people to k themselves and much more?
Is that what you are, trying, to tell us here?

And since you never denied your logic, that a few people describe a whole group, might wanna explain that?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Forgot to take your lithium again?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Not gonna overdose, like you on copium as of the whole time.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't see why you are allowed here since you sound as pugnacious and obnoxious as Roarey.  At least he has stayed on his own threads.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I mean, you habe been on my post before, so by your logic, I am allowed.

Although, what do you mean "allowed" anyway? I thought this was "freedom of speech" as you and the others always keep implying. But eh, that you often don't listen to your made up logic is no surprise. Such is fated to contradict itself.
But hey, at least now you know what Roarey is like, well, most of it.

But dam, such harsh words? And you call not taking any lithium.
Although, I doubt lithium and copium may result to "total happines", which I know in your perspective it ain't worth for ya.
Good day
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I certainly know what you are like.  You harass people, insult them, and act like an innocent victim when you are called out on it.  Lithium or not lithium, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Since when my name is Roarey?
2 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't recall an instance where Roarey even posted on other people's pages.  If you can name any, I will believe you.
2 months, 2 weeks ago

You seriously think it takes one to go to your page to harass and insult people?
Like bro, do you read your stuff before hitting enter?
What is it with your logic and "your thread" stuff?
Are you seriously that butt hurt people go to his PUBLIC page n' thread and comment on it?
Man, I really hit a nerve there huh?

Funny, by your "logic" I am still "allowed" to do that, cause you were on my page before I was on yours, so.
Ironic how you twist "freedom of speech" more around than you or roarey accuse leftist to be doing that.

I mean, if you are so butt hurt about that, then post it on a private post, but you let yourself enter all these people.
And then later you wonder why you broke the rules, even though agreeing to them in the first place.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
You failed to name any instances where Roarey bothered other people.

But as for the free speech argument, it means political speech.  You cannot advertise anywhere you want, or make false claims, or libel people, and so forth.  I don't know anything about you, but when I went to high school one of the things we learned about was the US Supreme Court during the Earl Warren era.  When you have a speaker talking to a crown that threatens to erupt in violence, is it unconstitutional to stop them from speaking?  This seems to be the case with Roarey, who sets up verbal boxing rings and people go into them wanting to fight.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah and then he cries that they are boxing.

Also 1. I just put up the link, but maybe your are colorblind.
2. That is litteraly what you, Roarey and anyone else in your bubble does

You claim your problems onto others and play the victims.

Also don't come with me with "failed to name instances" of any kind, when you barely have done any of yourself.

You keep failing over and over to proof something here, and if it fails you bring up something new or different-
Yeah it is indeed a waste of time arguring with ya, cause ya aint even brining anything good.
2 months, 2 weeks ago
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