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I'm.. Still desperate for VA's

I can't stress enough how much a lack of VAs clogs up production.

The real benefit of having a small team put together is that it allows me to commission a large amount of audio for various projects. But right now, it's a tiny team which I'm desperate to grow.

I know I probably sound a bit like a broken record in my posts calling out for voice actors, but it's one of those things that's unfortunately necessary.

Currently, the general situation essentially boils down to;

Audio recording can take time and can require a few retakes, stacking projects allows me to take direction on the audio of one project whilst I animate another project. Giving VAs 1 to 6 months allows them to work in a comfortable space to complete their submissions.

Using the same VA over and over can not only get repetitive for the VA but for the audience too.                The VA only has one voice and asking them to do mountains of characters can be super stressful.

The voice comes first
Getting voice actors to adlib is a gamble, so for most projects, the voices have to be created first and then I can animate the rhythm over the audio, This not only doubles the quality of a project but helps me invent and connect the character to voice acting.

My work comes from an inspired place, not a systematic environment. When VA's show what they can offer It can allow my head to work out what sort of character I want to put to that voice. This, in turn, allows me to "invent" characters and situations based on the skill and comfort of the VA

Commissioning VAs is not a straightforward task. Doing what I do comes with inherent risks. I have a steady flow of supporters but also a sea of enemies. Commissioning VAs comes with a mutual agreement because both myself and the VA are exposing parts of their personal lives to a wider audience, so getting to know a VA (at least a little) before any projects take place is key

I can be a perfectionist and I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with that. A good voice makes an amazing product and the feedback I get from good audio always gives me more drive for the next project. However, getting to that desired standard can take months and whether or not a VA will stick around for that time is hugely dependent on how comfortable they feel going forward.

Exit plan
All VAs have an exit plan and have a right to discontinue a project without prejudice. Some of you incel, controlling, turd sticks have this mindset of "YOU PAID THEM, THEY HAVE TO GIVE YOU A PRODUCT" and I have some news for you: No, no they do not have to give me a "product" neither are they legally obligated to. Can I make it very crystal clear that anything you commission from anyone is a verbal agreement. Some people need commission money to get by, but this doesn't inherently mean they are comfortable with the content they make. Especially for VA's. So VA's have more than a right to an exit plan, if for whatever reason they cannot continue a project. This does mean I burn through a lot of cash with a lot of dine-and-dash situations, but this doesn't give me or others the right to publicly shame individuals who have had second thoughts (and not to mention other things that may come up in their everyday life).

This is just a small window into the dynamic drive that creates these animations, I could write paragraphs and paragraphs but this journal is already getting too long. Now before you fill my PM inbox up, my dudes, please understand you are not as good as you think you are, no one wants to hear a fully grown man doing in impressions of kids. It's cringe as heck and it's truly soul-destroying having to listen to such awful creepy audio. This time round I won't be replying to any opportunistic men who want their voice fucking cubs, I can't stress how tired I am of men trying to get their voice out there just so they can use it as a fame tool to attract minors, so from now on I won't be crediting cis males for their contributions anymore as a preventative measure to nip this behaviour in the bud, I've had a recent case once again so I'm just outright banning crediting. If any of you guys have a deceitfully charming British voice for my hawk character I would love to hear it, BH's voice has changed voices for many reasons, but if you have some good recording equipment I would like to hear, but I will say again, I will not credit you.

If you'd like to know more information about what I need from you should you wish to apply, my last journal has more details on the roles I need filling.



Viewed: 1,345 times
Added: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
ugh dude I sympathize. Though my experiences are of a different kind for a different art. I know exactly what you are talking about.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Oh the horrors of being connected to the internet xD;
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Wait... Are you still working on something? I thought you quited.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I thought you quit too, how come you haven't drawn anything in 2 months?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I did quit. And I lost any reason to try.
I don't get any better, I don't feel like drawing anymore and no one needs it anyway. I have realized that I am bad at drawing and will never be good enough so why generating something useless and waste time on something worthless?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
That's a pretty negative attitude, some of your work has close to 100 views, when I first started out on Deviantart I would have killed to get 100 views :/
3 months, 3 weeks ago
100 views. For 3 or something years.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
think of your art like a physical gallery and you standing next to your art, could you imagine 100 physical people stopping to glance at your displayed artwork?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
By how I see it - they probably did so by accident. Because my drawings look slightly better from reality far away.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Are you able to make smaller animations that only have some stock/older sound effects and music without voice actors, taking a page out of H0rs3's book with trying new tech out using smaller scope animations? That seems like a good way to try out new stuff while at the same time keeping your skills up for when a VA or two comes around.

Story-wise there are several scenarios which wouldn't require voices much if at all, two characters locked into a deepthroat 69 for example or a stealth/sleep sex situation where silence is key. Remasters or spinoffs from your really old animations could be interesting, fix up the animations while keeping the audio, a modern restoration of The Brute or something.

Regardless, hope that some people actually show up soon, your animations are too high quality and niche to go unfinished. Though if no VA's are willing, I vote for just making the animations without voices and adding them later if possible.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I feel like you didn't really read the journal and your asking if I'll just make animation regardless of this situation which seems a little dismissive.

Recycling audio does not inspire fun projects, I've tried it and it's miserable.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I can see how it could be taken as dismissive so I can phrase it as: "I love your work and it's still great even without VA's, though VA's do make it better." Didn't know you already tried audio recycle but good to know your stance on that.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I would also like to add, that these are the sorta comments that make me wonder why I even bother reaching out and why I stick to radio silence. Because it always boils down to "Why don't you just make more content, why is that so hard?"

and no I don't want to animate a "69" right now
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I kinda wanted to make a similar comment to
, because I basically would just love to see more content from you, even if it was only with "cheesy music" like some of your older ones! (Dog Of Dunce is something which would also be lovely to see as a remake hehe, even though it won't be made cause you only wanna make new stories!)

However, I understand the need for the artist to be artistic, but whenever someone makes a comment like that, it isn't that they aren't reading the room, and definitely not maliciously, it's that they love your stuff and just want more of it ^^

I find the hurdle of "getting to know the VA" to be a bit of a strange one, are you not at risk of alienating possible actors by moving it beyond being a gig? As someone who commissions and do commishes, any specific 'getting to know' that isn't entirely organic would be off-putting to me (and to the other part I think)
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I completely get where Ordaa is coming from, I'm sure it's not coming from a nasty place and the same goes for you. But artists being these deva entities are just part of the nature of being creative.

The best way I can explain it is; a random stranger coming up to you and saying "Why don't you just ride a bicycle to work? It will save on fuel and it's good for the environment, not to mention will make you healthy and better at riding a bike"

and before you jump to heroics, if your answer is "That's a good suggestion!", then why doesn't everybody ride a bicycle to work? xD;    
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Diva?? You always come off as hinged and reasonable XD

Nah riding a bike is most often a matter of economy, we'll have to petition substar so that you only get payouts when you make a 5 minute vid pr month lol
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Come on now, no need to resort to sarcasm, I'm trying my best to explain my situation. Plus you already know I suspended my account for 6 months without pay to try to get my head on straight.

I can't stress enough this is the very reason I feel like giving up and going back to my old job.

I don't understand why these conversations can't be like "Oh I might know someone who can help" bringing me a sense of community and support, but instead, it's throwing money at me and hoping I'll make mountains of similar looping animations.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Genuinely just wanted to make a light-hearted comment my dude!

Wishing you the best of luck with this search, hope someone sees this and you find a compatible VA ^^
3 months, 3 weeks ago
oop sorry, my bad! It did seemed out of character for you. I think I have such low self-esteem right now I assumed you were just trying to be mean. My bad x^x; Apologies! least you can see my stress levels *haha sob*
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Humour is hard to convey (and receive) through text! No biggie ^^
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Communication is never a bad thing, sorry if my comment read badly but I thought it would be more helpful than: "That sucks man but thanks for the update."

I am a problem solver type of person, I read a journal that is saying there's a problem that an artist is having and I always try to offer some feedback or courses of action, if only to let them know that someone cares enough to comment. I am not able to make people sign up for VA roles and would have no idea how to contribute to that happening other than more frequent requests via journals or as a message in front of every animation.

My only thoughts on this journal are that if a lack of VA is preventing you from making projects could you make some projects without VA to see how it goes? I figure that you would want to make animations if you could so a comment saying that maybe VA's are not essential to every new project could help.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Sorry for jumping the gun.
Honestly, it's not just the VA stuff that makes the animations hard. I honestly just feel nothing for most of my projects. I don't feel the enjoyment I used to anymore. The stress makes my libido drop out, and not being able to make more content makes me stressed out even more, whilst people tell me to take out the one thing that kinda lets me enjoy the project. I have no off-ramp to this career and I feel trapped as hell. Every time I get a shred of confidence back in myself, people continue to talk to me like I'm not even human anymore, like if you pull my pull-string and animation just fall out of me.

sorry to offload that, but I just wanted to be honest about my mental situation aside from lacking in VA's  
3 months, 3 weeks ago
It's ok to feel how you feel and say what you want, I learned a long time ago to never get offended on the internet because most people need a space to rant or vent and that tends to happen most in off-the-cuff typing like comments.

Losing passion for your work seems to happen to most people at one time or another, I have gone through it myself a few times. Each solution is unique but trying something completely unrelated can help, I tried to learn origami for a few weeks as a new hobby and even though I never made anything worth keeping it was a nice mental break so I wasn't obsessing over the work that was making me hate my life.

If you still want VA's you can make some Adult rated posts(they get more views) with a title and description that advertise you needing VA's(link to the VA journal about what you need). A WiP character or still frame from an animation not done yet, people love teasers.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Iv actually taken up sailing again, I bought a small boat and iv been out on the ocean again, it's brought me a lot of peace and calm. I came back to this animation mindset after I activated my substar account and kinda just wept for 3 days after I spent a whole day staring at my animation program frozen. I honestly think the noodle might be fully broken seeing as every time I start my programs up to work I just gain a 5 mile stare.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
yeah that sounds really rough, good that you found something else to enjoy. You may want to take a 7 day break; log off IB and substar, disable email/phone notifications for both sites and then stay away from the internet to try and reset yourself. Read a book or two, deep clean your place, stare at a wall in silence for an hour(great for introspection), something non-screen related.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I've had 6 months to detox and iv still come back basically broken.
*deep breath*
Lets.. just see if some VAs come forward, at least then I won't feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle. I know people don't care for my cub character voices, but they help me get the pervy side of me excited about projects. I just need the flame to come back and I can hyper pile in some animation hours. Xan as we speak is making some more models for me to rig and set up which requires literally 0 creative effort, plus the short loops I post are easy to make also require no inspiration glands to fire up.  
3 months, 3 weeks ago
also, I say all this stuff openly to you guys because you both have been outstanding supporters over the years, and I feel like saying sorry has lost its meaning at this point.  
3 months, 3 weeks ago
whatever you feel like doing, you know yourself better than anyone else. All changes take time.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
"People don't care for the voices" is not true, more of an individual thing I think. Some of your VAs were/are very distinct and made the animations just as much as the animations themselves, something like Zach's Dinner Date and Camp Sunshine (even the dreaded mr Hawk came off as a big meanie imo hehe)
Brothers 2 as well!

So hope the flame rekindles with some good VAs, and I think it was a cool move to do the vacation mode for a while, even if the mojo hasn't fully returned. Those script-ideas on your substar have something for just about anyone!

3 months, 3 weeks ago
I would consider being a VA, but I don't think my voice is good enough
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Sent ya a DM :3
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'd offer my voice, but I'm no professional and pretty sure my recording equipment ain't up to snuff.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm not really asking for a professional, plus I don't have a "professional" budget xD; I'm happy to pay for recording equipment or at least invest some portion towards it. But that's only if you have the voice I'm looking for.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
What sorts of voices are you looking for?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I would love to volunteer but I've been told my voice is extremely annoying by IRL friends who are close enough to me to be brutally honest with this kinda stuff...sorry. 😔
3 months, 3 weeks ago
honest friends make life worth living, also, sorry about the annoying voice. lmao
Bit of off subject, what games do you and your friends play?  
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Unpopular Opinion: Subtitles are fine. You can always remaster/redub it later when the VA is available.

That's what I've been doing with my vids im workin on, I know it's not like AS good, but it gets the job done, and doesn't make for a hard edit when the time for a VA is available.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm actually with you here. I watch BH's speaking-line heavy content muted anyway because the voice acting makes me cringe. Do whatever you gotta because creativity be that way but the voice acting takes away from the content for me, save for the little gasps and moans and stuff.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Mostly fps like halo or borderlands, story games like BioShock, some sandbox games like destroy all humans, some 3rd person games I like included the force unleashed star wars battle front(not the new ones)and Hogwarts legacy, I also enjoyed CotL, hollow Knight, cuphead, and RuneScape.

And yes I've been told my voice sounds like the worst combo of a stoned Californian homeless surfer dude with a head cold and a really really autistic prepubescent child despite being 28 (gonna be 29 by next month) with a slight southern twang and drawl that's just barely there.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
You do you. Creativity is a fickle Mistress that will spurn the muse it craved the other day.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Well, I tried to offer my voice talent at one time or another, but you said you didn't want to choose me based on people I was friends with. And you didn't even hear my voice. Maybe you need to lower your standards if you want voice talent to flood in. (Please don't block me, I'm not a hater. I'm just trying to offer advise).
3 months, 3 weeks ago
who in the hell are you? I don't think I've ever spoken to you in my life.
Also, It screams red flags when someone I've never met before tells me where my standards should be o__o  
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
jesus.. that was a year ago, Sorry I didn't remember that, but my stance still stands. Your journals are.. interesting and your watch and watched list spells alarm bells. (IB mods have banned me from ever saying the M word) Even as I type, you have written a journal on how I forgot about a comment you sent me a year ago. That is literally unhinged and why in the goddam hell would you even think I would want to work with someone like that??
3 months, 3 weeks ago
What's the m word?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm sorry. but I'm not going to play this game.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Pedos. You are involved with too many pedos for him to want to associate with you on a business scale or even a social one. I’m sure you should be able to take that hint.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
wow holy Jesus you ripped that bandaid off so hard I almost lost the hair on my arms lmfao
3 months, 3 weeks ago
if the IB mods come down on your account, your sacrifice will not be in vain Conrad *salutes and locks thread*
3 months, 3 weeks ago
What sort of VAs do you need? I’d maybe be interested depending.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
someone to play BH and cub characters.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Can you DM? I cant DM you. Would be curious what your ideas are.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
If you're looking for VA voice work I could record some lines. You can use them for free and if you like them, then maybe you could hire me on a few projects.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
that would be great! if you can send them via cloud or telegram I would be very grateful
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Okay great. You said someone with a British accent? Well I am British and my vocal range can go to being that of a kid so anything you want.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I would enjoy trying to do VA for you.  I used to be on the radio a lot.  Please ask, and if I am not good enough, well, I accept that.  But as an author, I understand what it takes to be dedicated to something with your whole heart. Good luck!
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I mean, if you can do cub character voices or a British accent would be cool. your welcome to send a sample to my telegram or put the audio on a cloud server.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I am british if you're looking for the real deal.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Can you send me your Telegram?)
3 months, 3 weeks ago
ill try and spread the word <3
3 months, 3 weeks ago
cheers muh dude
3 months, 3 weeks ago
no problem ! <3
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'd offer but my voice is to deep and have no experience:(
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Shame that https://inkbunny.net/Beebz is in semi-retirement now. From the almost-daily convos and voice chats I've had with them, they've told me that they really enjoyed working with you ^^
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Good luck. You're gonna need it.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I hope you find some soon! ^w^ I would offer my voice but I'm just a tad worried about how having a connection to cub animations could impact my future on the internet lol
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Is knowledge of English required?
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Honestly your work is amazing, and while I understand needing voices, in feel for alot of your work its uneccissary, I get your substar on and off but financialy its been a struggle to keep up, and if I'm being honest the gap of work thats just out right gone now kinda sucks as theres not alot to go to now
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I just sound like a middle aged Dad, lol.

Good luck though! I know you've been on the hunt for awhile. So hope you can find some peeps soon.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
It ain't much but maybe give Baraag a gander. You might have to make an account, but I know there are VAs there as well.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
My french accent is so thick you can cut it with a knife. So, as much as I'd like to just for the heck of it, no english voice acting for me.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
You're definitely wrong about VAs. If you they agree to do a task and you pay them, they've agreed to do it. They have an obligation to maintain their word.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Definitely wish I could help...

If nothing else, I have to applaud your dedication—you're absolutely right in that the same three sound effects and just one person making a looped noise is an absolute waste. I know it's hell trying to find this extra talent, but let me tell you, I'm one of the highest appreciators of it. 💘
3 months, 3 weeks ago
I'm sure you have plenty of amateurs asking to be considered for voice acting.
That said, I do have a number of semi decent microphones, and excellent computer skills. I've always loved doing voices, if you want to take a chance on an unknown, I'd be interested in at least talking.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I don't know how much a deep baritone can give you, but I still float around, at least outside of AI projects.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey BH, sorry to hear about the issues with the shortage of VAs UwU You do what you need to do and we'll be here supporting you like always. I feel like I want to help because I know how important the usage of VAs are in your work so I might make this suggestion and I already know it's an unpopular opinion but hear me out.... Have you've try AI-generated Voice Overs? O.O

Again! Not to discredit any of the hard work of VAs and yourself that vets these individuals, and for sure it's definitely not at all means the Tell-All answer or solution one would hope for, but in the recent year alone with the release of AI, I seen whole anime trailers and fan art of people creating AI generated stuff and admittedly it's not all bad. It worth taking a look into, some AI tools can even do a cloning feature (which a lot of people have been doing to create AI generated voices of celebrities) and it uncanny how good the voices can sound sometimes. With VAs permission I'm sure you can keep the voice's of your beloved character's already and have them in new stuff with this technology.

However, if your stand is strongly against the AI tool then I completely understand. Just wanted to throw a solution that could help put the stress and frustration of your projects back in your hands.... or talons in your case! Surprise no one mentioned it already but best of luck to ya~
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Good luck finding some one. I saw some one mentioned looking on Baraag but I would personally avoid that site because of the type of people that have been flocking to it lately. I'd offer my voice but I'm not in a place where I can record that type of thing currently. Maybe in the future things may change.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Im sick and tired of everyone i meet telling me ive got a voice for radio with literally stressful frequency. Like... longass fawning speeches. But yeah, and quality VA talent is uncommon?   *gears cranking* Huh.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
I thought you were out of the art scene and didn't like cubs anymore. Didn't you erase all your art?
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Best of luck to you hawkster you legend. May this roadblock cease.
3 months, 1 week ago
Dam i hope you find the VAs you need btw i love when your big sona gets in on the action
2 months ago
Hey, I just wanted to say that I really love you’re video’s. I hope you get this problem sorted out so you wont have so much stress on you’re back. I dont mean to come off selfish but I hope we get new video’s and I really hope there is a way to see a lot more of you’re old ones because they are all just Amazing. Wishing you best Luck and spreading love and hope to everyone!
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