[Sketches Packs] ***** - 6 pics with 2 characters in sketch only $30.00 6 pics with 1 character in sketch only $24.00 - 4 pics with 2 characters in sketch only $25.00 4 pics with 1 character in sketch only $20.00 - *Note:In all pics are cheaply, but any fix have aditional cost depending on the complexity.*
ACRONYMS WIP = Work In Progress WIR = Work in References WU = Waiting Upload WA = Waiting Approval WD = Working Details RPM = Random Pics Machine WV = Waiting Votes RF= Redo File UL = Undo Lines FD = Fixing Details FR = Fixing Ref MR = Missing References TU = Temporally Unended TQ = Temporally Quended SR = Searching Refs WR = Waiting Ref
More info and details via PM or: captainleinad@gmail.com
Goal:Rent & services..
"This gallery is made thanks for you, for all the wolrd" -Leinad56-