Just thought I'd throw that out, not even sure if most even notice me given how weird my perspective of time and how weird my uploads seem to come out. But yea, one of my posts had a "depiction"
of what looked like a "childlike body" on a picture that in the description specified these characters
were 18+.
I don't really care for the most part, glad to have had that site while we did, but to be honest
I think it's better to give it an honest farewell.
I'll leave the account up, that is if it still up within a week and if anyone out there is interested
there will be old stuff still there... but yea, I'm thinking FA is slowly falling now that
Dragoneer has passed.
God Bless him for a fun place for us all to enjoy while that fun lasted.
with love and thanks, that site will be missed.
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5 months, 2 weeks ago
05 Oct 2024 15:50 CEST