So, as some of you may know, Twitter is being shut down in Brazil, which may affect my ability to communicate with you there. However, I will do my best to keep posting as much as I can.
the excessive amount of hate speech. while its legally protected in the usa, its a crime in many other countries including brazil. and because the muskrat refused to do anything about it when the brazilian government asked him, now the site is being banned in brazil.
the excessive amount of hate speech. while its legally protected in the usa, its a crime in many oth
Also, as a brazilian here... TBH, there is more to it then hate speech and mostly an attempt of censorship. Not saying that hate speech should be allowed, though the problem is mostly due to certain... political parties are not accepting criticism and that's the main reason things took the proportion it is taking.
I do have a reason to believe though that despite the dude being a douche, allowing twitter to be taken down is about to cause some havoc because it's not a platform used only by rightwingers in the country so I do guess he allowed this all to happen in the name of chaos. And TO BE HONEST, this does kinda place the country together a lil' just so we can have someone to hate in common xP
Also, as a brazilian here... TBH, there is more to it then hate speech and mostly an attempt of cen
Pfft. How they gonna do that? I guarantee they don't have the manpower to track down the average user just using something like Proton on their computer/phone.
Pfft. How they gonna do that? I guarantee they don't have the manpower to track down the average use