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There is something you need to know about me, is important

Hi people. Maybe you recently notice I am posting a bit slow the pictures and else.

Well I am passing for a lot of things right now caused me a lot of stress... and I am messed up.


The first thing is, with my family we rescued 4 cats from the roofs of my neighborhood: 3 kitties and the mom.
There passed around 2 weeks and finally we found for they today a new home for 2 kitties and the mom, however we couldn´t put one of the kitties, because all were ferals, wild, whatever, and catch all was painful. So the kitty left probably will live with us.

The second thing, and is about cats too. In home we already have 5 cats, but were not agree with the visitors, so one is thinking on left the house, and well, I dont want because one of those is favorite of my sister. So the next week workers will modify a part of the house for prevent the cats escape... or others come. In the same time, another of our cats felt bad, and we sended her with the veterinarian for take a look. Well she needed a surgery... but the result was not good. The veterinarian is infected by bad cells on all her stomach, so maybe on the future she will generate leusemia and live few time. So I am caring her with my family and trying to make for this kitty the best days for her.


The third thing and is probably the most important.  I don´t wanted to talk about it but I think is important to everybody need to know.

I have time fighting with an issue on my eyes. All started on 2022 but this year is getting worse. Lately I can see a weird colorful purple halo on my right eye and this obscure my line vision. So I went with a doctor for see what is going on and well, the result is not good either.

I have glaucoma and I think is very advanced, and is not helping me the point about my myopia and astigmatism are advanced too. Exist the posibility about I will end blind, but I dont know when. I feel I am running of time, on some moments the vision looks like is getting good, but sometimes don´t. I am starting to use drops for reduce the tension on my eye (but are very painful to use) and change the habits for try to save my eyes, and one of those changes is I decided draw less, and probably I will start to use AI for help me to draw more faster without force my eyes too much. So no comissions for now, no trades, nothing of stress... I cannot even carry things more heavy than 10 kilograms. My situation is... not good.

In case I end blind I am putting all my galleries and pictures on patreon as zip packs, and all the money is collected there will be for my medicines or for my family if something force me stop to draw.


And well, all this thing and else passed this month. I am so tired and exausted. There are other points I omited by ran of time, but I think those are the more important you needed to know.

And that´s all, I wanted to share this with you. I wish you the best and I am sorry if I cannot draw as before. My plans, ideas and even dreams have been cut in half. But life is life, and well, I need continue living... as I can.

See you and take care.
Viewed: 269 times
Added: 2 months ago
2 months ago
*hug* wish you all the luck possible Atlas
2 months ago
Thank you.  :,)
2 months ago
i hope you get better
2 months ago
Thanks, I hope too.
2 months ago
"like wise gives a hug" good luck with life good sir, take it slow and ease some of us won't be going anywhere so take your time.
1 month, 4 weeks ago
Thanks.  :3

I´m trying to make more relax my existence, but every time I try it... new challenges and difficults are coming. Is an endless war.  xD
1 month, 3 weeks ago
"gives you a muffin" rations for the war to help you along hehe
2 months ago
Take care of yourself, especially your eyes if you can.
2 months ago
I am doing my best, but i am resigned on my life is changing and probably I will not here for a long time.
2 months ago
hola amigo, siento mucho que tengas que pasar por esto. no se que decir. algunos miembros de mi familia tambien estan pasando por algo similar. Te mando un abrazo y mis mejores deseos.
2 months ago

Te deseo lo mejor para ti, y tu familia.
2 months ago
Es verdaderamente devastador, que alguien de tu talento tenga esta situación tan horrible. Ojala pudiera hacer mas por ti, pero no soy mas que otro amateur en estos mares. Cuida tu salud, ayudate de las herramientas que puedas, y rodeate del amor y apoyo de tu familia. Te mando un gran abrazo fraternal y que ojala los pronosticos mejoren a la larga, y que en el mejor de los casos, la medicacion mantenga al minimo el glaucoma. fuerza amigo.
2 months ago
Créeme que es para mi devastador, porque toda la vida me he rodeado de cosas visuales, desde dibujos, pinturas, películas, videojuegos y ahora las IAs.

La verdad no se qué haría si me quedara ciego, creo que mi vida ya no tendría sentido. Me siento muy triste porque ahora siento que todo lo que he hecho es en vano, para qué hago tantos dibujos si después ni los voy a recordar? o, pra qué hago una videoteca si no podré ver todas las películas? Pero bueno, los caminos que recorremos en la vida son extraños y muchas veces son caminos que no queremos recorrer. En este momento así me siento, como si estuviera al borde de un acantilado, sabiendo que al frente es por donde debo pasar. Y estoy resignado a lo que pase, sea bueno o malo...

Ya quiero que existan los trasplantes de ojos o prótesis de ojos cibernéticos.  :v
2 months ago
Thanks to Our Host for this update.
I am very sorry for such bad news.
2 months ago
I don´t wanted to share this until pass more time, but lately I feel my health is getting worse, so I decided make publish this instead only friends and few people know about it.
2 months ago
Hopefully the support you recieve here can lift your spirits a bit.
2 months ago
I hope too, every day is getting more difficult receive help.
2 months ago
I hope your cats and you get better, sorry to hear about your eyes. Do you like to write? Even without seeing, screenreaders have gotten pretty good. Personally, I love audiobooks and use closed captions whenever there's an option too, though I'm among the seeing. Don't give up your love of creating yet, it's still possible to express yourself without a drawing.
a reader
2 months ago
Mmm, if I lose the view I will not able to write either.

If I do that... I will need asistence for transcription... or a capture voice app...
2 months ago
I'm actually looking for a good offline voice capture app myself... I found one, but it sends it to a server. Very annoying. I went to some springs in the woods and had like no service, so it wouldn't have helped there at all. For some reason, though I turned on Google Voice, the button is not on the Google Keyboard for my Android phone. So I was trying to find an alternative...

Sadly, they all seem to use the cloud...

2 months ago
Damn, that is a problem.

I am wondering if exist old softwares...
2 months ago
Im so sorry to hear this... No one should have to deal with those kind of issues... I hope something happens that can help with your eyes and that blindness isn't in your future. And I'm sorry for the sweet kitty too, it's so sad she has ended up with such a harsh issue too, and I hope she can love comfortably and happily. I send all my love to you and your kitty, and hope things can turn for the better soon
2 months ago
Thanks.  :3

And you know what about that cat? is the one we all love in the house, even my mom buy clothes for her because her fur is very tight, so she needs something warm for cover. I feel bad for her, she is so adorable.

Now with the other kitty is a problem. Our idea was put on adoption the 3 kitties and the mom, but we failed on capture one of the kitties. So now will live with us only we cannot find a good family for him... or she, I am not sure what is that cat, with the same about is simpossible catch it.
2 months ago
I'm very sorry for what you're going through. I'm really wishing you the best.
2 months ago
Thank you. I wish you the same for you and I hope you don´t pass for the same I am passing.
2 months ago
awww "hugs"   i hope it'll chagne for you and you get better i wich i had the money  i woulf fly you to thr us and get the very best eye dockters we have  ; _ ;   it seems like 2024 is bad for every one .

and good luck with you fur babys   as well...
2 months ago
This year, 2024, I knew it would be difficult, but I don´t expected it would be super difficult and stressful.

And I think we don´t we seen nothing yet.
2 months ago
omg dude i'm so sorry to hear that! :(

keep taking the medications as instructed and hopefully stop any more damage to your right eye

maybe with time it will even reverse the damage
2 months ago
I don´t think I can reverse the damage. The doctor said me the use of those drops is permanent, for all life.

I think is only about time suddenly I don´t see anything.

I am so scared.
2 months ago
it sounds like your glaucoma is slowly progressive over years or maybe decades

the good news is that you probably won't lose all your vision suddenly

and with the eyedrops it should slow down or even stop the progression

i truly wish you the best dude, take good care of yourself

may your eyes remain as healthy as possible <3
2 months ago
Damn, that's sad to hear. Hope things get better for you soon
2 months ago
I hope too. I am doing the best as I can.
2 months ago
Hope things will get better. 🫂 You're an amazing artist and, more importantly, seem like a very nice person.  If you ever find you're unable to make art, not only can you do the zip packs thing on Patreon, but I'd also suggest a GoFundMe.  I'd be willing to donate to that.
2 months ago
One time I almost used GoFundMe, it was on an emergency on 2020, when my sister suffered an accident on another country and it was during the covid emergency, so no planes and those things. Thankfully some donated before I started a campaign for make her come back.

If I end blind, or with my view more damaged, I will consider it.
2 months ago
Okay good.  I'd be willing to not only help out by donating but also by putting out the word on my socials. <3
1 month, 4 weeks ago
That is very nice.

I will tell everybody aboout of my health on the future journals. Around the first days of October I have my next date with my doctor, so there I will know how is evoling my decease.
1 month, 4 weeks ago
Okay, sounds like a good plan to me. <3
2 months ago
I hurt with you Atlas. I know the possibility of going blind would scare me to death.
*Hugs* I know it must have been painful to talk about it, but now I can be there
for you as much as I can.
2 months ago
I am so scared to end blind, all my life is around visual things: pictures, paints, videogames, movies (I have a large collection of animations... and I don´t even see all). End blind is like lose any sense in my life.

I only hope I can get more time for... well, whatever happen, find another sollution, or a way for do not suffer too much the lost.
1 month ago
We are in the same situation regarding eye issues.  I have a similar disease called Keratoconus and the damage has been done to my right eye.  I had surgery done on it earlier this year,  I will get the left eye surgery next week.  But I am fortunate to have surgery done for free because my service in the military.  I will be on an eye drop treatment for some time like how Glaucoma has.  My great grandmother had it and I never knew because she just treated it with eye drops.  I hope you can afford a laser surgery to reduce your swelling and then have to only treat with eye drops.  Like yours, what has been done to the eye can not be fixed and its a disease to live with for life.  Eyes are important and those fortunate to live without eye issues are lucky.
4 weeks, 1 day ago
Oh no, I didn´t knew you had that issue too. I feel bad for you.  :(

You know what? we are sick, and make me angry people inject random things on their eyes, or go to put tattoos. Is such a dumb thing, eyes are for me sacred since I was a kid.

I don´t understand how people don´t care for something is as you said very important.
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