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regarding e621's recent shota/loli content purge

hopefully this will finally teach people just how fully compromised e621's staff are.

an indiscriminate blanket content purge...

and yes, the content purged IS still legal in the US. it would have to be INDISTINGUISHABLE from IRL children and people in general to be illegal and be considered irl child porn.

NotMeNotYou: "Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site."


"This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content."

just like when they made the "no patreon content" rule change...which they actually did to protect MONEY while using anti-piracy as the BS justification for doing so.

they're not doing this for legal reasons because this content is not illegal in the US. the most likely reason is the same reason more and more states are completely blocking porn sites.

that reason is: "won't someone PLEASE think of the children?!"

except, it's NOT being done to protect ANYONE and that has NEVER been the case for censorship. censorship, as a concept, exists to allow a small number of people to impose and enforce their beliefs onto the masses while dictating to the masses what they are or are not allowed to see, hear, or otherwise interact with.

censorship exists ONLY so a small number of people can control and have power over the rest of the population.

and in this case...it's people known as "anti's" who are completely incapable of separating fiction and reality in their minds. incapable and unwilling to even attempt to do so.

when they see a drawing of a fictional who does not exist irl, they act like that is the exact same as an irl child.

hell, they even go so far as to create new words and terms and repurpose other words.

MAPs? https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/196885-castlevania-sym... THIS is a MAP!

a person who labels themself as a "map" is a PEDOPHILE!

minor coded? such a thing does not exist irl. yet they claim things like 18-20 something years old adults are "minor coded".

i've seen these anti's on twitter claim a normal height adult man married to a short woman is pedophilia.

they see pictures of fictional characters in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with an age gap as pedophilic in nature despite the fact both characters are fictional and do not exist irl.

and yet here we are with one of the biggest furry art sites in the history of the fandom doing a blanket content purge...JUST to satisfy people who view said content as irl children.

we are so far BEYOND "think of the children" at this point... we have websites like e621 now taking part in "THINK OF THE PIXELS"!

while using NON-EXISTENT political BS as a justification for doing so!

while such content is STILL LEGAL in the country the website is based in!

there is no making this utter insanity make sense. the staff at e621 have completely lost their minds and are purging content while jumping in fear of SHADOWS that don't even exist!

i HOPE artists start pulling their content from e621 and post it on other sites instead as a result of this.

and you know why the staff didn't give a heads up before making this rule change? likely the exact same reason they blindsided the site with the patreon rule change:

they knew people would rush the site to rescue as much of the content as possible before they did the purge.

so, instead, they just did this out of the blue with no announcement that it was going to happen and i have zero doubt that they won't do this again in the future.

cub content IS on the chopping block now. it is JUST a matter of time and the clock IS ticking because anti's treat that the same way they do shota/loli content!

edit: page 22 of the forum thread about this on e621...

from notmenotyou's post...

"If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn."

i don't give a fuck about your damn excuses and BS attempts at justifying this purge.

furthermore, on the political side of things...

"If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly."

i have been waiting for over 4 years now. no one is even going to ATTEMPT to try and stop any of this when it comes to politicians. you're just flat out BULLSHITing people with this bit.

politicians just do whatever they want to do nowadays knowing full well they CAN and will face NO consequences for their actions anymore.

and that part about the payment processors? MUH MONEEEEY!

i get a monthly allowance of $40 now and me, my aunt and uncle barely scrape by each month with food and other stuff. STFU ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKING PAYMENT PROCESSORS, RICH MAN!

it's a miracle we even still have an economy AT ALL at this point! it's a wonder we can even afford food to feed ourselves at ALL in the US at this point!

the absolute LAST thing i EVER want to hear a fucking company and a website it owns whine about is MONEY! all while whole industries intentionally destroy themselves.

maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if the whole fucking world hadn't dive bombed STRAIGHT DOWN THE DRAIN several years ago!

this could ALL have been prevented! but no...those in positions of power chose to wreck EVERYTHING!
Viewed: 8 times
Added: 2 months ago
2 months ago
I feel you man, I feel ya. It's utterly ridiculous and depressing, the only thing a painting hurts is people's feelings and the tree that was used to make it's paper. Nowadays you can't even try to protect the art without being labeled as a pedo or a zoo, like bitch no maybe I just like freedom of expression! It's frustrating to see one of the last bastions of safety for such risque artwork cave to greed and corruption, and don't get me started on politics. Maybe one day the world will get better, or perhaps we will all burn with our creation. I just hope it is the former. These are dark days indeed my friend and unfortunately it looks like darker days are on the horizon. Lux sine tenebris est caeca, sicut tenebrae sine luce.
2 months ago
"Nowadays you can't even try to protect the art without being labeled as a pedo or a zoo"

and it's never ending irony as those who make the pedo accusations, 9 times out of 10, like the very content they're using to accuse you of being a pedo themselves!

and they act like drawings and animations of fictional characters that don't exist irl are the exact same as irl children.

"It's frustrating to see one of the last bastions of safety for such risque artwork cave to greed and corruption, and don't get me started on politics."

on that point, it's not all lost as all the purged content is saved on the permanent booru. but you have to use the tor browser to browse that site and understandably, many view that as kinda iffy since it's the dark net.

"Maybe one day the world will get better"

sadly, i gave up on hoping for that a year or 2 ago.

as for e621...that site jumped off the "deep end" cliff back when i was permabanned in 2017. that was when they made the "no patreon content" rule change which was purely an anti-piracy move. why? MONEY!

and the site's only ever gotten worse since then... andromorph/gynomorph tags..."Tag What You Know" lore tags which...so much for the site maintaining the old "Tag What You See" rule.

and with the recent content purge, the claims the staff make about the site being an archive have never been more false in the history of the site. an archive doesn't have a takedown system.

and most of the staff and moderators there...well...suffice it to say it's no longer normal people running the show...rather it's...

on the risk of being banned here too because speaking so much as a single word about them in the negative anywhere across 99.9% of the internet now gets you banned and censored...

it's not lgb people running things on e621 and it's not lgb people forcing changes. you can probably read between lines that wide apart. >.>

that's about as much as we're allowed to say...probably here too because this site probably also dances on eggshells.

if it's not censorship of content, it's heavily restricted, controlled, and compelled speech (and i'd sooner leave the site than allow someone try to force me to change how i speak and think against my will. absolutely no one has a right to try and do that to me or anyone else.). freedom across the internet is at its lowest point in decades now.
1 month ago
"on that point, it's not all lost as all the purged content is saved on the permanent booru. but you have to use the tor browser to browse that site and understandably, many view that as kinda iffy since it's the dark net."

How does one reach said booru?
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