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A Couple of Upcoming Changes

It happened again, where I have too many characters and not enough ideas for them all. So I'm going to make a couple changes. First change is I'm not going to keep character families/groups separate anymore. I think it would be easier for me in the long run to start to intermingle groups and have just one big universe where all characters are connected somehow. I'm also contemplating of bringing Chani's mother, Elise, as a real character, and not just an AU character. I would like to hear thoughts about that.

The other change is going to be selling off a few characters that I haven't really used, nor have even shown off. As I stated, I've got too many characters right now, and might as well see if anybody would like the few that I haven't used. I'm thinking of putting them up next week for adoption. We'll see.
Viewed: 125 times
Added: 2 weeks, 3 days ago
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Hmm. Not sure, if I wanna see her fully in the universe, but what would be really interesting would be a kind of backstory to Elise. Like maybe how she got pregnant with Chani and why she´s no longer around. Maybe a small comic or a picture series to it
2 weeks, 3 days ago
There already is story of what happened. Their house was broken into by robbers, Chani hid away while her parents were taken and then killed.

What I was thinking of doing was that Elise, wasn't killed, but taken and then kept as a "play thing" for the robbers, keeping her for years. She was then rescued and rehabilitated, during which she learned what happened to Chani. Elise tries to find her, then learning who found her and took her in. She contacts An-Jun and she gets to meet Chani again.
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Maybe a comic about that story then. How she spend the last years, how she got free and ending everything like a big crying mother/daughter pic XD
2 weeks, 3 days ago
A comic might be a bit much, but the reunion picture would definitely be a thing to do. I probably could do a mix of story and art, getting pictures of major story events and writing about them.
2 weeks, 3 days ago
sounds fine to me.
2 weeks, 3 days ago
You could probably do some backstory for how she (Elise) ended up without Chani, and then her working her way around to finding her and trying to reintegrate into her life
2 weeks, 3 days ago
*Points to my reply to ManicMoon*
2 weeks, 3 days ago
mmm cant be as bad as me. i got over 80 characters lol >.>
not all of them get used but i try to find time for them... which is rare to but i do what i can. its just difficult juggling that many chars at a time -w-
2 weeks, 3 days ago
I'm close to having 80 characters, and it is hard to figure ideas for them all. I get an idea or a see a picture that I like, and think it might go well with a character, but then I'll fall back to using the main Durai family for that idea. >_<
I like my main group a lot and tend to use them for my commission ideas. XD
2 weeks, 2 days ago
i notice you use the durai family more then other chars, you should give your other chars some love to. i mean.. i get that the ideas you have would fit your durai family more though, i get that alot when it comes to my chars to. i tend to like getting alot of art of my bunny sona cause i like seeing him in lots of things -w-
also 80 chars is on the low for me, really i have over 100 but alot of those chars i have arent on ib and are mostly ideas in my head atm. i dont have the money to get them all made. i wish i did though cause i do like supporting artists and coming up with stuff for my characters. maybe someday but not now. hell if i ever get good enough at art i might be able to draw them myself. though thatll take a while -w-
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