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i hate my weird little problem

i put in a journal a bit ago.

i have some ideas around how it came about, but that really doesn't matter. it's ruined my ability to enjoy things that should be fun and horny and arousing. i don't want to feel disappointed all the time. i don't want to have anxiety before opening a picture. i don't want to be the person who feels excluded and left out when people are getting excited about it on stream.

it's so fucking dumb

i'm sorry for vagueposting here, so i'll try to clarify a little bit:

i've said this before.
i love het stuff, but i've practically come to hate vaginal sex. at best: it does NOTHING for me. and that's at best. at worst, it is a huge turnoff. immediate boner killing bleh.
i've been anally fixated since as long as i can remember, and even earlier than that if family photos are to be believed. So while it's _always_ been a preference, it's gone from preferred optional to required to exclusive in my own fucked up system of arousal

i feel like i complain and whine and whinge about this bullshit constantly, but this thing is a fucking obstacle in between me and anything that i might otherwise appreciate or love. it feels like it gets worse by the day

there's this weird sense of exclusion that i feel around it too. it's like when you're in an audience and someone makes an idiotic basic joke and everyone is uproarious and you're like "this is so fucking stupid, why is anyone laughing?"

i'm such a fucking killjoy

it's wretched.
i wish i could just enjoy things
Viewed: 107 times
Added: 3 weeks, 1 day ago
3 weeks, 1 day ago
Oh no I'm sorry :(
I've been thinking something similar lately honestly, I enjoy the *look* of vaginas on their own but anything penetrative is an automatic turnoff. Artistically it doesn't bother me too much, but physically...... Yeah it bugs me....
I'm not sexually active anyways so maybe I shouldn't think about it, but I have this big fear that if I were to ever trust someone enough to be intimate, they'd want something vaginal and be upset because I can't provide it. Like there's just this expectation that if you have a vagina it HAS to be penetrated. When there's like a million different alternative ways to have a good time..... It's just lame.

3 weeks, 1 day ago
ur good <3

i feel like if you were active and if you were in the right kinda queer communities u could find understanding partners that you could trust
not typically among straight people tho...
funnily enough i don't have a problem with it irl tho it's obviously not my fave x3

but yeah, there is this sense of it being a "default" that i could very much do without...
3 weeks ago
late reply but YEAH.... I really hope one day I get that ^_^. I'm really shy about intimacy in general so it would be nice to have a partner who like.... Gets that
Honestly preferably I'd like a partner who doesn't need penetration in general, I'm 100% all for outercourse, even in artwork...... Foreplay is so much better than the actual deed imo
3 weeks, 1 day ago
The bottom line, to me, is...you shouldn't ever be, or feel forced to enjoy or participate in something.  If it doesn't do anything for you, or outright squicks or repulses you...then, straight up, no one should ever try to shoehorn or put up any argument on 'why you should like' whatever it is.

It's like Chip said up above me.  There's always another way to have fun.  <3  There's always something else to draw, there's ways to imply things without directly showing it, should there be a need in a story or lore post.

There's merit to coming out of one's comfort zone, sure.  But there's a big difference between "I wanna try this because I never have before" and "I'm forcing myself to do something that actively bothers me".  The former is healthy.  The latter is just begging for anxiety among other negative thoughts to seep in.
3 weeks, 1 day ago
oh absolutely for sure~
i do believe in exploring boundaries but i'm also not trying to push myself out of my comfort zone or anything

the thing that bothers me so much about all of this is that i did not use to have this problem. it's like my potential for arousal has been shrinking and shrinking
3 weeks, 1 day ago
Therapy is probably something to consider at this point.

What you interpret as "whining" sounds like dissonance to me. You seem fixated on this dissonance; your internal feelings seem to indicate to you this is an issue but you seem to have mental mechanisms in place to thwart your own ability to even probe it. It's extremely difficult to power through that circumstance on your own.
3 weeks, 1 day ago

i've been seeing therapists for nearly two decades now x3
my therapist is aware of this problem but we've had more pressing issues to discuss for a while...

but you are right, to be sure. There is something that i need to untwist somewhere. Should probably talk about it with him some more...
3 weeks, 1 day ago
I mean it's the only thing anyone can responsibly say nowadays because if you try to say anything else other people jump on you for being an armchair psychologist.
3 weeks, 1 day ago
well, for sure lol

diagnosis is not something to be done lightly and it's not typically polite to diagnose someone without invitation x3
3 weeks, 1 day ago
I have heard that medical doctors experience the same thing because in their profession they always see naked patients.
3 weeks, 1 day ago
well that's kind of a visual acclimation to exposure. if you're a radiologist u see breasts all day and so the sight of them loses a sense of inherent sexuality
but that's kind of normal. arousal works best within a context
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