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I just can’t help but roll my eyes so hard at people who label people who draw cub as pedos and people who draw feral porn as zoos, I unfollowed someone who was preaching about how disgusting people are because fiction apparently is reality and people who view and use these images are influenced to do actual harm lmao like what are you talking about ???

I don’t get it XD people who draw vore are weird to me but I don’t think they’re going to go out and eat someone lmao like grow up people. Fiction ≠ reality 😂
Viewed: 293 times
Added: 10 months ago
10 months ago
Yeah I hate how people can't leave others alone based on fictional stuff they like. Lots of people associate abdl with pedo stuff when the first word of the acronym is adult and they can't fathom why someone would be into wearing or liking them
10 months ago
My shepcoon is a deranged hitman and grunge bassist with a thirst for loli pussy while smoking bowls of weed packed to the brim...

I'm not, however. Some users on this site often seem to forget that... we all can't afford to live our lives like our fursonas and expect to get away with it.

I just wish I didn't have to receive such insurmountable hatred from others as a result. :/ Some fuckers will simply never understand. 😎
10 months ago
There are a lot of disempowered people who use their platforms to destroy others with the limited reach they have while their own lives are falling apart.
10 months ago
Don't you know, being into vore makes your body elastic and lets you unhinge your jaw like a snake, and also have the metabolism to eat the 150K+ calories a person is without turning into a giant blob of fat from it. (Very strongly /s of course.)

Those people are just... so insane and make no damn sense. But it's the same thing as people who police words instead of trying to combat the underlying problems that make the words hurtful: They want an easy solution that doesn't take any work and makes them the good guy without having to actually do anything.
10 months ago
Never ceases to amaze me how much people get all hot and bothered by people masturbating to art they don't like. Like I personally don't like pregnant porn...who in their right mind would go and scream at people "dont look at preggo porn, its evil" lol I mean people's differences are what makes the world go round if we're all forced to be the same way that's just totalitarianism regardless of if they call it left wing or right wing or whatever.
10 months ago
Flame and I fired a shot about this exact thing in the comic we're making, too.  People who like action or horror movies aren't murderers waiting to happen, but by the screechers' logic...

And I'm sure these "anti's" have a like or two on something noncon but that's perfectly fiiiine in their eyes.  They just want a soapbox to stand on and scream about things they don't like.

Like I've said in a journal, and like YOU said in this one - fantasy and fiction are fantasy and fiction.  Don't cross into the 'reality' line and I really don't care what media you draw or partake in!

Also, love your face, Dooks~  <3
10 months ago
I agree 100% with you, like some of these people go far and beyond and Dox others for liking fictional characters, like recently i heard that MLP fandom had a recent doxxing event where people who hated underage characters proceeded to make a list doxxing people who liked underage characters.

Of course the guy who was screaming and made the list also liked underage characters too and he got exposed hard about it.

Still.... some people go to insane lengths for their hatred and cause more harm then good
10 months ago
God I wish more people shared this thought. So many people just go fucking apeshit over the most harmless thing..
10 months ago
>"Doesn't it suck that others judge me with a sweeping brush?"

>Comments proceed to all judge others with a sweeping brush.

If I can offer some serious criticism about why this is the case; I think a lot of cub/loli/shota communities, and communities friendly to that content, do not do enough to police themselves. Think about how it was only less than a year ago that IB banned all advocacy of IRL pedophilia. To springboard off of your example; vore-enthusiasts rarely rub elbows with actual cannibals, and even more rarely tolerate it when they find out they have. But for a long time we were all sharing a site with people who openly advocated harming actual minors, and criticizing them for it might land the critic in trouble for 'harassment.' For the biggest community that caters to this niche of fetish-art that is positively shit-optics, and it's really not hard to see why people on the outside have a 'yeah right' attitude toward a cub/loli/shota fan's claims that they aren't interested in harming actual children.
10 months ago
If you ban discussion, you are wrong.
10 months ago
That's fuckin' stupid. And self-contradictory. You've essentially banned a discussion by stating this, as this statement inherently implies that even you think some things aren't up for debate, thus invalidating your own argument.
10 months ago
It is not self-contradictory. You are free to debate this.
10 months ago
You're illiterate and a moron. I already did. You just don't have an answer and are too much of a twat to admit it.
10 months ago
10 months ago
There will always be people who associate A with B.

"I ride a bike to and from work everyday."
"Oh, so you're one of those Green People."
"No, I would drive my Cadillac except for Bidenomics."
10 months ago
I agree with you on that. That's how petty people can really be. It's always best to ignore them & don't engage in an argument. I just ignore them completely.
10 months ago
One could also compare his argument to Jack Thompson back in the day where he said "Video Games cause real world violence"
10 months ago
it's hilarious with all the weird shit people are into, if fantasy was reality we would ALL be HORRIBLE human beings XD

Yucking other peoples yum in fiction is just stupid.
10 months ago
i been talking about this on my local community cuz they are all day saying stuff about babyfurs and ABDLs and is like, "Guys, im here, you all know me, i like fucking grown up men, im just drawing stuff I MYSELF do"

but yeah, is tiring trying to say "Im not a weirdo" when furry is general have been marginalized since ever, and now furs want someone to do the same, i think xd
10 months ago
Didn't we do this in the '90s with videogames?
And in the, what, '60s with movies?
And a few centuries ago with books, at the advent of cheap, mass printing?
9 months, 4 weeks ago
and the 50's with rock music IIRC
10 months ago
I am seriously concerned about these people who seem unable to separate fiction, imagination, and pictures from reality. How tenuous does your grip on what is real have to be to think a cartoon can be a victim?
10 months ago
I too am of the opinion that that sort of worldview constitutes actual insanity. There's a lot of deranged people out there who ought to be on antipsychotics (if they think that it's bad in and of itself) and/or Valium (if they think that these cartoons are going to lead to real world criminal behavior). But sadly mental healthcare is neither sufficiently available to the general public nor sufficiently accepted by society at large.
10 months ago
you are based
9 months, 4 weeks ago
These witch-hunting morons genuinely frighten me
9 months, 3 weeks ago
There are actual maps in this place, whay type of fuckface is giving you trouble over drawn cubs?
9 months, 1 week ago
It’s even funnier when these are the type of people who will constantly chant “but we care about both!!”

Which we all know is a damn lie because if they did, they would’ve been doing something about that child grooming ring that a radqueer made and not cub and feral art.
8 months ago
And those very same people will probably tell you that TV, movies, and music won't influence people to do the things they see or hear.
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