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Things I was told

Things I was told I'd do once I became an adult:
Stop wasting time with video games
Stop eating sweets
Drink my coffee black
Eat my vegetables
Iron my clothes
Wash my curtains
Get a wife that will make me a "proper adult"
Marry "properly" in a church
Start a family
Dress properly/fancy
Stop reading Comics and Fantasy/SciFi novels.
Become a christian again

Things I was told I'd get once I was an adult
Drinking alcohol
Going out

Things I actually started to do/get as an adult:
Eat my vegetables (most of them)
Wash my curtains (rarely)
Politics (it sucks ass)
Viewed: 212 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I was told that I'd warm up to ketchup once I grew up, I still consider the most foul substance people put on food
2 weeks, 6 days ago
Oh that is unusual. So many people like ketchup.
I like ketchup but I also like to switch it up a little and use other sauces.
2 weeks, 6 days ago
I actually couldn't enjoy a simple hamburger until I was freaking 19.  Whenever I tried one I couldn't get past the first bite because it was so disgusting, turns out that despite knowing full well how much I hated ketchup nobody thought to give me one that didn't have any until then.  I don't use other condiments such as mustard or mayonnaise either, though I'll at least use them as ingredients, ketchup however has NO place in my diet at all.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
There is great coffee in the world, but you have to find it. Don't drink the stuff they sell at supermarkets black, it's between awful and barely tolerable. Go to a proper coffee shop, and then having it black can be very pleasant.
2 weeks, 6 days ago
I have been to proper coffee shops. But I could never warm up to it.
Also it is way too hot when brewed and I am impatient and want to drink it right away.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I know what you mean there

On the road to adulthood I did stuff I was told & it trained me more for that time period than this time period

As for politics as in voting - years ago I saw a commercial which had what might be considered rowdy mailbox-pinata airheads (bat-bustin' mailboxes & acting like European soccer rioters) the voice-over said something like -- they vote , will you let them determine ......
The usual propaganda but that commercial scared me enough to take more control in how my future would unfold

As for religion -- I see contradictory info in the Bible that might have been made (more) sense to me if stuff was included centuries ago (yes back when the Bible was compiled some stuff wasn't included)
2 weeks, 6 days ago
Yeah. Can't beat forging your own path ^^
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I had been told:

Chocolate makes you fat.
A school teacher once told me, if you have a craving for chocolate as a teenager, you are likely to become an alcoholic as an adult.

As a teenager I was told, if you drive a car faster than 45 mph, you'll tear up the transmission.
I was also told as a teenager, if you accelerate a car too quickly from a stand still, the cops will ticket you for excessive acceleration.
My dad told me that so I don't do any hot rod driving.

Squeezing zits will cause the zit to go into cancer. My mom told me that one.

Eating sweets right after eating crab will make you sick. My dad's family believed that.

If you are a squatter on the same parcel of land for 10 years and never got evicted for trespassing, you can apply after that 10 years for a deed to the land in your name. That one actually came from a Florida realtor.

As a kid my younger siblings and I were told by my dad, if you're not careful in deep water, your body will turn upside down in the water and you'll drown. My dad told us that so we don't venture out unsupervised into deep water.

Wearing rubber boots will protect you from a lightning strike.
Playing a transistor radio during a thunderstorm will attract lightning.
My mom told us siblings those two things.

If you kill a cotton mouth snake, it's mate will come after you. My dad told us that, and I've seen that actually happen.
2 weeks, 6 days ago
Oh wow. Some of these are really specific. But I an not sure it was necessary to make up horror stories when the truth about the dangers would have sufficed.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
This brings up something interesting, I may write a journal on it as well.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
Glad to have inspired something ^^
1 month, 1 week ago
I already started eating vegetables. x3
basically I just stopped being a picky eater even if stuff tasted weird.
3 weeks, 1 day ago
Good boy!
3 weeks ago
2 weeks, 2 days ago
Well, you are an adult, so nobody can tell you what to do anymore.
2 weeks, 1 day ago
Yes. And I learned many things myself what I need ^^
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