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A Question on Mind control and Non-Con.

So after some horny brainstorming with my boyfriend
, love ya hun, we got to talking about how hypnosis is thrown into the non-con space. After trying to break it down I helped get some catergories down so I am going to copy and paste it from his journal which is here: https://inkbunny.net/j/514759

Do give me some input into where you feel hypno turns into non con cause the true theme of lots of hypnosis is to turn non con in consensual.


Having hypno not be one of my main kinks, learning that hypno or brainwashing is sometimes considered by people as a noncon genre of kink has always been rather fascinating for me. This is primarily because, as I'm learning more and more about it, Hypno if you stretch it enough has quite the spectrum to it.

So I wonder... Where would you draw the line here at hypno being noncon and what's your preferred level of... "hypno consent". Here's a poll with a whole spectrum of hypno and hypno adjacent stuff to choose from. If you need some clarification on what these terms are then see below.


The following are how me and the bf have consolidated these brainwashing, hypno, and hypno adjacent concepts ordered from most consensual wiht minor mind altering to straight up just forcing people into sex.

-Moving a persons emotional state into a more neutral one and perhaps reducing inhibitions a bit so you wouldn't be as hesitant to do things.

Emotional Control
-The difference between this and the previous one is that this is in a way "adds" feelings. You can force people into becoming horny and etc which is far less of just a gentle nudge but this doesn't really

Mind Wipe
This one's a bit tricky to place but there's a reason for this placement here. If say you wipe all of a persons memories away n such and install a new personality with new memories... this is a different person. You're not forcing the previous person into a role they didn't agree to. You're essentially putting an entirely different person in the body of the previous one, and if that new person consents then its pretty consenting then. That makes sense... right?

Personality Control
So this isn't just altering a persons mood which can be temporary no this is altering aspects of a persons personality to want to have sex with you and engage in certain kinks

If a personality is a bit intangible then changing a persons body so that it will inherently want sex that the person may not otherwise consent to, like say... TF-ing a person into a feral in heat, is sort of its physical counterpart which I feel would be less consenting.
This is the previous 2 combined now. Changing both a persons personality and their body to match.

Mind Control
This isn't just directly controlling the personality to indirectly control a persons actions but rather full on direct control of a persons thought process.

This is kind of like the mind wipe described earlier but rather than a persons old personality just disappearing this is gradually forcing a persons mind into changing into something else which in a way I would say would make it maybe less consenting cuz during the process yeah the person may not want this even if by the end of the process they would.

Okay so hear me out on this... this is like mindwipe but temporary right? Like with a snap of the fingers the person basically changes into a different persona nd with a snap of the fingers they're back.... so why is this much higher than its previous 2 related concepts? Well when you think about it... it's kinda almost like the original personality is... unconscious wherein you and the new personality you've created have sex using their body.... So it's pretty much the same as drugging a perso and having sex with their unconscious body... does that make sense?

Realistic brainwashing (grooming methods etc)
This is basically what cults do, raising people from the start to mold their personality into something that would never resist you so this is self explanatory.

Mind break
Destroying somebodys mind til they're in almost like a catatonic state so broken that they can't fight back

Body control
And lastly is this... you're just in a way just forcing somebody to have sex with you. The only difference between this an just doing it manually by force is that you're using the other persons body to accomplish this. self explanatorily noncon
Viewed: 159 times
Added: 10 months, 4 weeks ago
10 months, 4 weeks ago
If we apply real world standards of consent, then technically any story or scenario in which the hypnotist doesn't explicitly have the consent of the person being hypnotized, can be considered non-con. But I think part of the appeal of kinks like hypnosis (in a fantasy setting) is that it allows us to explore feelings around non-con safely (loss of control, identity play, etc.). I think it all just depends on how dark or "realistic" you'd want a hypno story to be. If its darker, then there can be more of a focus on the fact that its non-con, and the person's inner struggle in being forced to do something against their will. If its more fantastical and light-hearted, then the focus can be on the fluff like swirly eyes, spiral hypno screens, stuff like that. Personally, I like a mixture of both!
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Think how dark it is all comes to down how much someone is resisting it or is aware of it. Stories where everyone is unaware and just accepts the changes almost seems light hearted and almost consensual in a way but then you get the dark ones where everyone is aware of what is happening trying to fight it and fail and that is a true non con dark end. All comes down to how one wants to show those under the effect.
10 months, 4 weeks ago
I personally think that to some extent, all hypnosis ties to non-con (or dubious consent, at the very least), because it all in some way involves depriving the character(s) of their bodily autonomy. The only real exception would be if they consent to it prior to the hypnosis, though even then you could consider that to be like a form of consensual non-con play. Even at the lowest level of calming, it's still technically manipulating an individual's emotions against their will to coerce them into sex, like the psychic equivalent of getting someone drunk to lower their inhibitions.

Of course, like you've laid out, there are all sorts of different styles and framing to change how it's perceived in a given story/art piece, so there are always plenty of options to either downplay or lean into the non-con element. For most of them, I think it can be de-emphasized enough that the tie to non-con is more or less obscured if one wants to. It's all a matter of how you frame it, which is part of what makes it so fun to write (and read) to me.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
part of this came out when talking about parteons rules and how to skirt them but yeah. Lots of appeal of hypnosis it the change in a person whether slight or huge, temporary or permanent. Even simple ones like hypnotizing a class to lose their inhibitions or a town to think clothing is not needed are technically non cons even if some people were already feeling that. when applied to gorup settings it always a non con cause an entire group can't all be willing to that extent.
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Patreon rules come for us all T-T

(I say, having never had a Patreon lol).
6 months, 2 weeks ago
Hypnosis has nothing to do with sex, it's also a "real" thing but not in the way you're talking about.

Think of it more like "suggestion," there doesn't even have to be a conscious manipulation happening.  There doesn't have to be language, either.  It can be musical or even simply auditory without language or song

You seem to be focused on hypnosis in the context of kink and in the "economy of pr0n" (pay tree on).
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