So as a quick update, sorry for such a lack of activity it has been a difficult past few years, and things have gone from bad to worse, but i bother you with all that as I'm the type that doesn't like to seek sympathy. As a result, I'm unfortunately entering a bit of a lockdown on commissions and spending on art to try to help myself out. (expect moments of weakness where I slip and ask for art with money i shouldn't be spending cause let's face it, it may be an addiction at this point)
However, as some of you pay of noticed, I have been posting! Stuff I never did post, so I'll try to regularly post stuff my stash and hope you all enjoy it. I have decided from your feedback before to post it all here, no separate account, if you don't like the extreme content, don't look, I'll always label it so. But I also like my cute are too, so if you are here for that, I will still have it as well. Till I run out anyways =/
And finally, to the question. For those who have watched me for a while or know me, you'll know I don't consider any type of drawing taboo, since its a drawing, so i don't have much issue with what kinda art I get as long as i like the idea and it doesn't cross any irl lines. However IB has rules which i respect, FA has rules which i didn't respect so I left. This leaves me with a large amount of content I have nowhere to post. If it contains humans, can't be here, if it contains what they considered underage, can't be FA, etc. So hoping for suggestions otherwise some of my content my never see the light of day (maybe for the best? haha)
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy what I post.
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1 year ago
10 Mar 2024 02:59 CET