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Ai Garbage needs to go

It clogs up every page, every search filled with miles and miles of slop.
Weve lost so many good artists, the most recent being hikebu, for what? Machine vomit?

The policy needs to change. That stuff needs to go.
Viewed: 70 times
Added: 7 months ago
7 months ago
And its been proven AI art relies on pre existing art. Its plagirism and art theft. I posted a video here going into detail why it's bad in a recentish journal.
and Admins seem to complacent about it unfortunately.
7 months ago
It's just all art theft with no soul. Has no rights. There's no creativity behind it, It doesn't belong on an art site.
7 months ago
Yeah. I made my own journal about it too. It's not fun seeing my own art and others being overshadowed by Ai. I get that it has it's uses but this isn't it. It needs to be permanently banned off this site, otherwise, this site will drop dead within a year or so. No one likes this but art thieves because they know they can get away with stealing art through Ai.
7 months ago
Inkbunny would start to carve a real place for themselves if they just simply outright banned AI art on the site. Would be a nice show of respect to the artists, and be a refreshing oasis from the other furry art sites that have AI inside them. What could be better than showing you care for your user base and what actually goes on the site without the threat of having your art stolen and used in AI generative processes? It's an easy win if they would only take it.
7 months ago
I saw your journal, and Hikebu's without the need for you to leave a shout on my page.

We have taken a stance. It's not one that you like, but it is a stance. I don't agree with all parts of it, and I'm not personally a big fan of AI generated content, but it is the policy and we'll continue to enforce it until such a time as we're given a compelling reason to change it.

I don't think we're responsible for the mental health or wellbeing of people that utilize the site. We give people the tools to avoid things they don't want to see, but we don't guarantee that they'll never see those things at all. We fix issues with that where possible, but the argument that AI is destroying someone mentally just by being there carries about as much water with me as the argument that cub art work destroys someone mentally. I wish Hikebu all the best, but if we changed our rules every time an artist (or even a dozen artists) said they were going to quit over it, we'd be unrecognizable.

To some extent people need to come to terms with the fact that this stuff is going to exist and not let it eat away at them. It's a thing that is outside of their control. Even if we eventually make changes, this is a tiny place in the larger internet, which is awash in this stuff.
7 months ago
And choosing to actively do nothing while this already tiny place gets flooded with more and more of this content, as artists are already struggling and your 'policy' actively disincentivizes their continued participation.  This isnt the same as a moral standpoint such as the fiction vs reality argument, this is both an ethical issue (and your utter lack of of regard for the mental health of users is kind of its own problem.) And an issue of low quality slop overtaking the frontpage.

Clearly i did need to leave a comment, because you wouldnt have responded otherwise. Your moderation does nothing, i have tickets gone ignored for literal years.

If you dont agree with it, you would, as staff, do something about it. AI art has no place on a site like this, or any community site for that matter.

The overwhelming vast majority of artists dont want aI here and if you did a poll, youd end up losing 70/30% or worse, nobody except techbros and chuds want it. It was a cool concept at first but not only is it all stolen, laion straight up lied about 1: how it works and 2: the content (the dataset includes csem). The only ethical thing to do is permanently ban it.

Again this isnt something like cub art where harmless fiction is being explored, this is a machine that produces incomprehensible volumes of garbage that cannot be sifted through and further since people continue to refuse to tag ot correctly AS PER THE RULES YOU SET OUT it also cannot be avoided. When this pointed out? You ignore it. You do Nothing to fix this.
7 months ago
Artists are struggling because people are struggling financially the world over. A large amount of people who at one time had disposable income to participate in art no longer do. I don't believe that AI is having any impact on commission rates for artists. I think it's possible that it might in the future, but it's not at a point of accessibility or reliability where it can fill that hole. I'm not going to sit here and play protectionist for a particular career. If an artist wants to make a living they need to be reliable, communicative, and market themselves. The days of half-assing it and squeaking by on demand are probably gone with the way things are for most people. I think there will always be a market for artists to create and sell their works, but it may not be as easy as it has been in the past for hobby artists to make money.

I didn't say that I don't care about user mental health, merely that it isn't our responsibility. I think it's unfortunate when people are suffering, but I think it's down to individuals to manage their own needs. Sometimes Inkbunny isn't the place for people, and sometimes people change over time and outgrow it, or find they need something else. That's fine.

I personally try not to get wrapped up in worrying about the mental health of other folks. I feel sorry for them, and I'd encourage them to do what's best for them, but inevitably they are outside my control, and I cannot be responsible for their wellbeing.

As for your long running tickets, I'll admit some of them should have been answered sooner, but some of them are also non-issues (already resolved on another ticket), or your ticket is unworkable because you literally link a user profile and say 'wrong rating'. Our response times for most sorts of tickets has gone down significantly over the last two years.

We are not a democracy, and we don't put our rules to user votes. Even as staff, we work towards a consensus but inevitably Inkbunny is a sole proprietorship, and my personal feelings on matters are not how the site is run. Even if I don't agree with all parts of our policy, we worked hard to put it together, and until it is changed I will enforce as long as I'm involved, regardless of my personal feelings.

The tags that we require for AI works are mandatory. This is quite a bit more explicit than the rest of the tag policy. If you report users that are failing to tag AI works, they will be warned, and if they persist, they will lose their ability to submit works on Inkbunny. We are working these tickets at a pretty steady rate.
7 months ago
 So what about users like this. I made a ticket about it, but this violates the rules as written.

Im not even gonna try to adress the rest of what was said.
7 months ago
The user has attached a file that contains the workflow. The work is tagged AI_generated. What part of the ACP are you reporting it for? If they did that after you corrected them, that's fine. That's what we want.
7 months ago
That's correct.

https://inkbunny.net/s/3243790-p5-#pictop how about this, clearly AI set, nothing. No tag, no admission.

This is in many tags, done by many users.
7 months ago
We'll lock that users submissions, warn them, and tell them what they need to do to be compliant. I'd do it myself, but it's getting late for me, and I'll be going to bed soon so I won't have time to complete it before I do. If it's still there in the morning, I'll look at actioning it myself.

Is this something you reported at some point, or were you just looking for something new as if to prove a point? We're aware that there are people who are not abiding by the rules, and we're working to bring them in compliance with the rules. This isn't really any different than any other issue we deal with.
7 months ago
The fact and point is i Wasnt looking for this. Just checking new tags and saw something that looked neat. Only to find it was all AI.

The point is that the policy is an issue, and it being allowed emboldens people to do this,
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Its been over a month and a week and still nothing has been done about this user.
2 weeks, 2 days ago
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