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The final day of 2023; let's update!

So the final day of this year has started, so what's all happened since my previous move two months ago? Well, plenty and some big things, enough to warrant a new journal. Here we go.

First off, it took two freaking months, but I finally got registered as a citizen of this city I now live in. See, the place I got is actually two studios turned into one because one did not have any windows and that's a no-no. So studio 8E and 8F got turned into one large studio where I live in (fun detail; the building these studios are in is a former mortuary, hee). Of course I had to get registered, so we went to do that online two months ago, and when filling out the address, 8E was not present in the dropdown. Huh, weird. There was some back and forth with another department, which took several days, and it came down to them giving me a paper form to fill out and turn in at city hall myself. Which I did. The next day, city hall called me to tell me it would be refused because address 8E was unknown, and would I have the agency providing housing for me getting in touch with them, because I would have to be re-registered to address 8F, which required a new rental contract and all.

Now that was a problem in more than one way. For one, someone's lived here before me, so the address HAD to be known. For another, I NEED the registration because the financial agency needs it to apply for rental subsidy for me which I badly need because I'm in the super low income bracket. And they were told by the city that 8E was the proper known address, while the city told ME that 8F was the proper known address. But because it had to go through a different department at the agency providing the housing, it took a lot of going back and forth before something was finally figured out. Only a week or two ago I finally got a voice message from my contact person that it had been finally figured out; the city had accepted the registration and apologized because it was a fault at their end. Well, alrighty then, at least that's taken care of and I'm registered now.

A very big thing happening is that my father finally died at the beginning of December. The whole reason I got tossed into these forced moves in the first place was because I had to have him committed to a nursing home due to his health and him becoming severely demented, and at that time already the nursing home had asked me what they should do should his health go so bad there was no saving him. Sure enough, early December they called me to tell me that had happened; his health had taken a serious nosedive, he already was on oxygen, they were going to put him on morphine, and what should be done? The decision was; keep him comfy and in as little pain as possible, but don't take any extra measures to stretch his life, just let him go because he's done. And that decision had to be MINE. Yeah.

So two days after that his contact called me to tell me it was all over, and what should be done for a funeral and his stuff? Cremation, no ceremony or nothing because the whole family was done with him as well anyway. Sounds harsh, yes, but my father was not as nice a man as he appeared to a lot of people; he has estranged himself really really badly to everyone because of the crap he's pulled off over the years. Now, the only stuff he had gotten with him into the nursing home was some books and clothes so that could go, all the rest was furnishing of the room in the nursing home which belonged to them. Again, that was up to me to decide. Wonderful. But the response from the contact was; alright, thank you, we can work with that. Which to me sounded like; 'we'll take care of all that needs to be taken care of'. Right?
No-o-ot entirely. The whole reason I'm under financial guardianship is because I applied for that for HIS finances, but they right away took me as well. Now, that agency did an amazing job getting all his finances squared away so that there were no more debts, and after the sale of the house there was even a bit over 60K in his account. That of course has become an inheritance now, shared between me and my sister, but after I had called her to let her know, she called me back a couple days later to tell me that WE had to take care of that ourselves, rather than it being done for us by all the agencies involved. Great. Fortunately her boyfriend is in finances as well so he knows just what to do and where to go, so she is working on it, and on January 8th she has an appointment at a notary office to provide proof that our oldest sister, who died a few years before I was even born (in 1974 I believe), is indeed dead and has no claim on any inheritance (my mom, by the way, also has no claim as she was fully bought out in their divorce). So I'm waiting to hear what comes out of that. The major thing it'll mean is that my sister and I both will be getting a good 30K, which in my case means my welfare will be stopped as I'm going to have to live off that money until it's gone.

What else? Oh, yes, Social is on my case again; I've been on welfare for years because I'm partially disabled, and the last time I heard from them was late 2022. Now I have an email saying they want to get in touch with me but the phone number they have did not work anymore. Well, of course not; that's the number to the landline of the house that's been sold. So could I please provide them with a current phone number so they can get in touch with me? For now, I'm pretending I haven't seen that email yet. Frankly, I have bigger things on my mind currently. They can wait until the coming new year is underway.

The story! The 'short' introduction story I started writing for my new girl Missy and which ran away with me so much, as I mentioned about six months ago! I'm still writing on that even now; it's up to page 610 currently! And STILL nowhere near finished! Yeah, that's already a novel by now, so I won't even cut it up into chunks to post it after typing it out; it'll be officially published some way or the other, because it's really a full-blown novel now.

Anything else... hmm. I got a bunch of new fishies for my aquarium, of which a number died in the two days after receiving them, but ah well, that happens. I'll be replacing a number of books and such I lost as well, but that's not really shocking news.

So! I guess that was it! At the moment I'm listening to the final 24 hours of the Radio 2 Top 2000, counting down to midnight, and then a new year will have begun again and this super wild year I've had will finally be over!

See y'all on the other side, folks! >~_^<
Viewed: 11 times
Added: 1 year, 2 months ago
1 year, 2 months ago
*Hugs gently.* I'm so sorry you had to deal with all of that. The housing, your father's affairs, the finances, all sound like such a massive headache, and I hop everything can get smoothed out as quickly and as painlessly as possible, and '24 will be smooth sailing for you.

And, even if you were estranged, even if relationships were strained, I'm still sorry to hear of your father's passing. May the new year treat you and your family with much more kindness.

It's really neat that your "short" story has become a novel, though. That's very cool, and please do let us know when, and where, it gets published! I've actually started re-writing and re-imagining my first novel, to try to turn into something more marketable. I'm leaning more into high fantasy tropes with it, which I think will help.

And ooh, new fishies! I can't have fish, 'cause my house gets way too cold in the winter. But they're such neat little critters, and I hope your new fishies bring you joy!
1 year, 2 months ago
Yeah, like I said, it's been a ride. But in a way it's also been helpful to start over with a clean slate, so here's hoping things will work out for the better in the coming year and my next journal can be a cheery announcement telling of how I finally got a place of my own where I can live out the rest of my floofy days without needing to move every other year, hee!

And thank you. My father may have been a rotter under the surface, but I'm still grateful he let me live in his house all that time, even if in the end I was simply his live-in caretaker. But with him, bluntly said, out of the way, there's a good chance I might rekindle some family ties with aunts and uncles I haven't seen in years anymore now >^_^<

*chuckles* My good friend Steve has already repeatedly mentioned he'll be glad to help me publish the novel once it's finished, since he has published several books himself already. And I've even been thinking about, once it's in print, to poke a certain bunny for a mailing address so I could possibly send a copy as thanks for the help with some of the scenes in the story >~_^< But first things first, I still have to finish writing it first and then typing it all out, hee!

Have you considered an aquarium with a heater? That may work, although if your place gets very cold the heater might still not compensate enough, I guess. But either way, yeah, I've been an aquarist since my early teens, so it's been wonderful getting back into the hobby a year or two ago, and I already have two fully stocked aquariums plus one brand new one still sitting in the box, hee! *chuckles* And no, they're not snack buffets for this tomcat >~_^<
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