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Mental health update. I need your help..

This is a summary of how im feeling.
Basically i feel really bad. I dont feel numb or emotionless, i don't think i can describe it as that. Maybe a form of depression.

I feel like over 2023, my mental health has been declining, perhaps it stretched on longer than just this year, maybe its a gradual thing that accumulated in different places over a longer period of time.

As of writing this i feel vulnerable, like ass. I feel weak, tired and lethargic. As if im constantly sick. At the same time i feel like I am sick, like as if my body is battling a physical and mental illness.

I have no motivation to do art. The mood to do the things i love are close to zero. Things that used to be a hobby or a passion feels empty and mundane, boring. I can hardly think of anything to draw and even in tbe rare cases i do, i barely start and almost never finish. Id have to force myself.

I feel lonely, even though there are people around me. Last year, i started to get more triggered and i started to hate people more. My dislike for day to day people grew and i cannot pin point why. It never bothered me before why does it bother me now? Or has the world around me just gone worse and that now i have opened my eyes, i realized that people around me are inconsiderate and unlikable.

As for online friends and people, i barely feel any connection anymore, yet i yearn for it. My close friend group and those i grew up with are slowly drifting away and i cannot do anything about it.

My classmates probably dislike me because of my reputation and maybe its affecting me at the back of my mind but i just dont wanna admit it.

Then what is my issue? Why am i like this?

Is it unresolved heartbreak from 2020-2021?

Is it that my neighbors upstairs that are being psychotic and noisy driving me insane?

Is it that i feel lonely and aimless?

Or is it my worry that this is spiralling out of control and i feel more and more powerless each day to stop it. As the demon grows and i get weaker at the same time every day that passes.

My speech is slurred, i feel like my mental decline has also affected my mental capacity to understand, problemsolve and think...and that adds to the fear and stress thats mounting.

What if i become too far gone? Im losing my memories, is it too late for me, can i reverse this and go back to my healthy self? My optimal self. Or is the damage within me mentally and physically done and too far gone that i cant have that anymore?

These things, these thoughts haunt me. Even if i dont think about it, it pops up.

I dont know what this is. I feel like mental sharpness and awareness are also missing. Im zoning out more.

Maybe its my lifestyle, perhaps its the sedentary lifestyle i lived thats catching up, and many many unresolved things that haunt me and become a lump of mess that i cannot solve. Like a puzzle thats messy, too messy that i cant solve it.

I dont know who to talk to about this. Im afraid my parents are just going to worry, or they might say im over thinking. I overthink alot but i feel like this is different from that.

Is this extreme stress? Or is this depression.

Lately when im in the shower alone, i almost feel like throwing up, like i need help i feel like im in danger when im alone. But theres nothing around me that can hurt me.

Each time these mini triggers happen and the more i think about it the more afraid and stressful i become. Its like feeding the demon and the demon gets stronger.

I really dont know where i can turn to. This long post is just a cry for help.

Then again i might not like what people are going to say to me...and what if people say nothing at all...

I want to know what this is, i want to know im not alone. And i also hope to know that it can be resolved

Sorry if im not responding to all texts and messages and comments. Ill try, also in another note, iv been ignoring horny messages alot as, well...iv said above i cannot find the mood for it. Im sorry.

Thank you for your time.

....should i suddenly start texting my friends? Old friends? Strangers and my ex? Or will all of this just be forced and done in a whim to try and fix it...i dunno anymore

Oh i should mention, for physical problems, i have black eyebags no matter how i sleep, and iv been losing alooooot of hair...

Sorry if its dragging on too long, i keep adding stuff that I wanna say, writing sorta feels like an outlet, speaking to you guys, i might update this alot.

At the time of writing this im in my final year and doing final year project. 2 hour commute daily, 5 days a week 9-6 in class...feels upsetting and as if im rotting away and hoping time ticks as i cant talk to anyone in class..or well..no one wants to talk to me.

I dont know, maybe work and fear of letting people down in group projects weigh on me, i also dont know whats next in life for me when i graduate. Everyone seems to have thought out their life and prepared..im not..

It feels like dread and a spiralling issue..anxiety, extreme stress, depression...

(Might keep updating post with new text, just a heads up incase i do so)
Viewed: 565 times
Added: 6 months ago
6 months ago
Yeah I feel this. Sometimes a good friend can just really help you up. It sounds like you don't know what your issues are yet. Once you get closer to what you believe to be the problem, or what's bothering you, you'll start to understand more.

I'm around your age as well - I think it's very common for us to feel like this especially depending on your lifestyle, if you're online a lot, it can really do big damage to your mental health.

Maybe just try taking a step back - a break to figure out what is ailing you.

The first step into getting better mental health is just understanding what's wrong.

I haven't interacted with your content much, but anyone who speaks mental health on this site always has my ear :P
6 months ago
Thanks but..i also was hoping for a quick fix...or an answer to whats wrong. Even stepping back and taking a bit of time feels daunting and its as if i need someone like a professional to convince me...
6 months ago
Doctor would be great. I did same and they're really helping me
6 months ago
Is there a specific profession i should ask for?
6 months ago
I am not sure where you are based so I am unsure as to how healthcare will operate for you. I basically just explained everything like you did to my doctor and they performed some steps for me (e.g. therapy, medication).
6 months ago
Currently I am going through CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and medication.

Medication can really help your mood.
Your mood impacts your thoughts.
And your thoughts impacts your actions.
6 months ago
One scary and dumb thought i have is the medical setting is a facade. I know im being tricked to believe that im okay when im not. Its an irrational fear
6 months ago
You have to believe in yourself. Always.
6 months ago
I had something similar happened to me some time ago. While I don´t know how your surrounding affects you directly which is and can be a factor, for me it was a medical thing please check your bloodsugar (longterm level you need to get blood taken and examinated for it) and try and take Vitamin D.
If your bloodsugar level is to high and your Vitamin D level is to low such symptomcan develop.
I know it´s not much but I hope it helps
6 months ago
Selene is right.  I have high blood sugar and low vitamin D and I struggle with my mental health, but I have a support network that I can always reach out to.  This includes medical professionals, psychological care (which I haven't used for a long time but is DEFINITELY there for me) and, of course, friends and family.
6 months ago
Thanks, ill check with doctors about this and do some light research
6 months ago
You're describing many of the symptoms of clinical depression.  It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.  It would eb a good idea if you would talk to someone who is prepared to help you.  A school guidance counselor, a minister, local health services, a teacher you trust,

You are a person of value.  

The skill of your artwork is fantastic, and it will get so, so much better over the years.  You have talent and skill.

By all means, keep updating your post.  This is one stranger who would be happy to answer your texts (or better yet my IB journal, since I have a very passive account most of the time.)
6 months ago
Thank you im not very clear on what depression vs clinical depression is.. sounds very serious...im always health paranoid and overthink easily as well...but thanks ill try my best to start seeking help and speaking with people more. Doing a journal like this is one of my steps to trying to figure out myself
6 months ago
Hello, the symptoms you feel are identical to mine. These are symptoms of deep depression. I do treatment with psychiatrist and psychologist, I suggest you seek help as well. I'm not going to go on at length, seek medical help, this will get better. But the improvement will be slow, it will not be automatic and immediate, be patient with the treatment. You get better, my friend.
6 months ago
Thank you, i had a hunch. I used to sY i have depression alot as im always upset, dissapointed, stressed and heart broken
 But this has been different. Its scary, i feel like im no longer in full control. Im fighting. Im losing, and i feel alone in a way where its hard to explain.
6 months ago
When I was at that point, that is when I sought help.
6 months ago
I'm gonna echo the sentiments of most of the posts here. A lot of those symptoms are depression at its most insidious. Especially feeling numb and emotionless and lacking interest in things. Media likes to portray depression as being sad, but I think that's the weakest form it takes. The Grey Blanket that covers everything, that's like a fuckin' bonus boss, just smothering everything and leaving you with nothing to hold onto, nothing to anchor yourself. So you may need professional help, you can try talking it out with people, if you want to, but it's very likely going to take full on medication. Though I can reccomend that you up your B-Vitamin and D-Vitamin intake, I've managed to keep myself from spiralling with just those two.

Though I do have to caveat, if you're Bi-Polar like me, the excessive B Vitamin intake may sometimes cycle you into a Manic state, wherein you'll have to be careful to pay attention to annoyance and anger to make sure they're real and not just overreactions or straight up fabrications by your brain making too many or the wrong chemicals.
6 months ago
Thanks...that sounds scary thay ill need medicine for it. Ill try to get more Vitamin-B and D intake. I dont think im bipolar. At least im not medically tested to be. I do have a short temper when i was a young teen. I still do sometime these days im just hateful and very...hostile towards people. Not sure why...tho i feel very lonely and distant thanks for the tips though
6 months ago
Going to be blunt here: If your sex drive isn't important to you right now, try asking a doctor for citalopram. It did wonders for me when I took it, even after only a week. Your results WILL vary. One side effect is that it does increase bleeding, but you gotta take the good with the bad. Be absolutely sure you follow the instructions, and as your dosage runs out, be sure to wean yourself off it. Talk to your doctor.

Another thing I would recommend is to take a step back. Normally, I avoid talking about my personal life over the Internet, but you obviously are wanting help. A few years ago, I was in a dark place. I wanted to end myself. I lost a job, a friend, and everything else, all at once. It took time for me to begin rebuilding myself. There is no quick cure here. But day by day, you can do it. Try doing simple things, things you know you can do. I know this is a bit childish, but there's an episode of SpongeBob where Patrick laments not being as good as his friend. SpongeBob suggests that he starts trying to accomplish something small and work his way up. That's what I've been doing. What are you good at? What do you like? Little things, no matter how "unimportant" they may seem to be. And NEVER compare yourself to others. Unless someone had the same exact circumstances of your birth and upbringing, everyone is different. So the circumstances surrounding their successes and failures are also different. Instead, if you must compare yourself to someone else, compare yourself to who you were a week ago or a month ago.

Again, this will take time. There is no quick cure. Pure and simple. But you CAN do it. Because in spite of what I just said regarding everyone being different, you're not the first and only person ever to experience what you're going through. To quote Gandalf, "And that's an encouraging thought." At least for me it was. Because if others have experienced what I am coming out of right now, then that means I can learn from them and conquer my depression. And so far, I'm still here. My demons tried to kill me and they lost. They're losers. You're not. You're going to kick this darkness's ass. I believe me, even if you can't because I've been there myself: you're going to come out of this a stronger person.

I hope this can help you. I'm still trying to figure shit out. PM me if you want. Don't be afraid. You got this.
6 months ago
I don't know what your finances are like, but if you have it in the budget I would suggest looking into therapy. I know its cliché but it really does work. Don't get discouraged if you don't fit well with the first one you get, there are a lot of different therapy techniques and not all of them work for everyone. It could really help. /gen
6 months ago
I always didnt like that idea..i used to feel weak if i done it. And many of my friends came out different...so did my ex...and i felt like something chnaged about them it scares me..

Therapy feels like expensive medication and i dont want to take the expensive meds for the rest of my life...thats what deters me :(
6 months ago
Therapy can change you. It can change how you look at the world and yourself. But if it didn't change you it wouldn't be worth the money. Yes it can be expensive, and I 100% believe that everyone should have a therapist for their entire lives because they can do so much good. And yes, I know that there are bad therapists and bad fits. Medicine can help regulate things and make things easier to endure, but therapy can help you change your mindset and how you look at problems. Not everything has a miracle fix but therapists can give you tools and techniques to help you handle things better. What ever you do I hope you do what is best for you. There is no one solution to any problem but you would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not at least look at all of your options. /gen
6 months ago
I have clinical depression that is always there but also gets worse during the dark, cold winter months (seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder - the theory is that the reduction of serotonin and vitamin D activation is responsible for the mood crash). Either or both of these may be factors for you, but it sounds like you've also got some not so cheery stuff going on in your life right now. It's hard to know for sure whether many of these things would be easier to cope with if the depression were being treated and managed, but I strongly suggest looking into therapeutic substances and counseling from professional practitioners who are specially trained in administering such things -- neither of which is shameful to use, whether short or long term.

Additional things to screen for given some of the other symptoms you mentioned:
- malnutrition
- sleep disorders
- endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism or hypogonadism)
- metabolic disorders

As far as the social avoidance and/or crabbiness goes, just be honest with folks in advance that you haven't been feeling your best. Whether they've got it in them at the time to understand and adjust as necessary has nothing to do with you (and, for all we know, they are dealing with the same stuff but are coping with it in their own way). But being upfront about this is better than getting confrontational and telling everyone you just want them to buzz off, or leaving group social spaces that simply might be too much activity for your mind right now but are usually good for you at other times. I'm speaking from personal experience with all of this, so your mileage may vary.

I wish you the best with this, and I'm open to discussing this more if you find you need it.
6 months ago
Thank you. My fear is that iv delayed and ignored it for so long that. I dont want this to be a long term thing. Thats a big fear...i used to be sarcastic and cheerful..not sure where that went or maybe im just older snd know more stuff now...yet i know less...less of how to live day to day in ignorance bliss. Some people dont have the awareness to acknowledge things and that makes them happy..i however focus too much on the negative i think
6 months ago
I also didnt know seasonal or winter things like this existed. I also should mention i just got over covid too for the first time..maybe that is affecting my overall as well
6 months ago
I'm glad you're learning these things! Getting those thoughts out there will help and you will start to learn what you need / what suits you best to live comfortably in the future :)
6 months ago
Like others have said, I'd 100% talk to a doctor and get blood work done. All my life I've always felt off and never quite there. It wasn't until I turned 30 that I mustered up the courage to talk with a doctor. Turns out my thyroid slowly stopped working and I had really bad hypothyroidism, that and really low vitamin D levels. Two years later adjusting med dosages and I feel significantly better. I'm still far from 100%, but it's absolutely a night and day difference.  
6 months ago
Oh, yeah, definitely try to rest up as much as possible at this point, as COVID-19 can really wear someone down for weeks due to how hard the immune system has had to work to yeet it from your system, even if you did get vaccinated.

As for depression help, there's a lot of useful information and also a lot of bunk "information" to sort through to figure out not only the source and the cause, but also what treatment(s) will really make a positive and lasting difference. Be wary of advice from people who have never had to live with serious, chronic clinical depression -- they're all out of ideas if taking daily morning walk doesn't make everything all better for you.

I will say it's easy to find negative things to focus on depending on the media you consume and/or the people you talk to. Though, let's be honest -- there's a lot of legitimate pain and suffering out there... yet we're all expected to somehow get up each day and interact with each other like everything's fine. Any kind of even temporary illness is stigmatized. So I understand your concern that you're somehow catching its cumulative effects too late. You're not. The brain is great at devising coping and survival mechanisms around life's adversities. Often times, these can be utilized to help oneself get through occasional short-lived rough periods. It's rare, though, for untreated illness of any kind to not get worse as time goes on. Definitely get to the root of it now. And feel free to reach out if you want to chat. I'll do the best I can to help.
6 months ago
Depression, seasonal affective disorder, stress from school and life.  Might also be a physical problem going on as well.  Go see your doctor and have them run a general physical, and get a referral for appropriate treatment.  Figuring out you need some help is the first thing, and you did that.  Now seeking out that help and going through the list of possible causes and testing for them is next.  Some of them are physical or chemical, others are mental.  Might also be more than one present.  Just gotta slog through the rule out list, and then start treatment as appropriate.  
   I hope you feel better soon.  Hugs.  
6 months ago
Yep..whats seasonal? Could you explain further im new to that. And yes im aware its probably like...a stack..one after another and one affecting the ither to make a double, triple whammy...and yep ill try my best to seek as much as i can get. Reading through it all to see whats the best agreed course of action
6 months ago
In wintertime, as the daylight hours get shorter, some folks get depressed from that.     Treatment is easy though, sit under a sunlamp for an hour or so each day.    More severe cases might require medical treatment.
6 months ago
I live in the tropics at the equator. I dont think that affects me. We only have summer and monsoons
6 months ago
Then not your problem.  I'm up in Boston, USA, I get into work shortly after sunrise and get out of work after sunset this time of year, so it's an issue up here.   I'm sure you have different problems with living there.     I hope that it turns out to be relatively easily cured.  But when you are sitting at the bottom of that hill, the uphill battle looks a lot harder from down there.  *hugs*
6 months ago
Yes, I have felt these things before. What you need to know is, is that you are not alone. That’s the worst thing that depression and anxiety does to you. It makes you feel utterly alone. Like no one else has ever felt this before. Or no one else truly understands me. But I do. A lot of people here do. One of the best cures to this is to reach out to those who love you as well. Not just family, but also friends. Probably not your ex though anyway, reach out to your friends text them just start it off small talk and to them. I know that the inner demon will start putting doubts in your head like do they truly like you are they just pretending are you really truly understand. You need to ignore that voice as best as you can. Seek medical help seek a psychiatrist and most importantly seek people out. What you are feeling is valid and you are not alone in this. Also, is a sidenote, the black bags under your eyes are definitely a sign of stress and may be possibly inflammation. And secondly, when it comes to you losing your memories, you haven’t truly lost them. It’s just that depression and anxiety tend to suppress the good memories, and only make you remember or dwell on the bad ones. They’re still there. You’re not losing your mind. I don’t know if what I said will help you or not but know that I am praying for you.
6 months ago
Thank you for praying for me. Im just a stranger...this one touched me more than i think it shouldve..whay you mentioned gave me a bit of hope that all this im going through can be explained and that its common signs of depression and illness that a cure exists. Yes i know factually im not alone but my mind is FEELING i am. Its hard to explain. I still have my awareness left in me because im a very factual person. Knowing im socially and physically not alone but knowing this mental and chemical thing is making feel extremelt strongly that i am. A dread... and yes i think the good memory suppression is also explained well. Chemicals in body and hormones being wonky and at work... thanks
6 months ago
I've been doing constant battle with thoughts like these for the past 15 years. I'm the stubborn type that refuses to seek help/go to the doctor, putting off problems until they are bigger problems, etc, and I do not recommend following in my footsteps.

Stress chemicals harm your body if they're constantly being produced. Screamy brain syndrome™ will try to keep you from going to the doctor, but its the best thing you can do in this situation
6 months ago
One more thing to note is financially. Im not well. And my parents thinks im fine and overthinking. I dont want to piss them off as i dont need any more stress...i also dont want to be looked down upon by my naive young sister. And im aware that chemicals and hormones can harm my body and mental psyche alot...im trying to supress it and think positive...rn im trying to get help and speak to people like yall and friends and family
6 months ago
If speaking to the latter doesnt work i highly recommend seeking medical help
6 months ago
I feel like your describing most of the last few year I've been through.
I will just stay that it took me many year to 'cure' my depression
leaving the city to go live in the country side, as commuting every day to go to work created an immense amount of stress and anxiety.
Being less reliant on the kind of friendship I had when I was younger, older people simply don't have time for these nice old friendship hanging out together every day. but trying to be more social as I used to be very asocial (I am still very asocial today, but I hang out a little bit more with my family than I used to before)
Taking small step that get positive in life, brushing teeth every morning, cleaning up, taking small walk, all the thing that bring even a little bit of positive.
The memory trouble you've been describing ? I also felt like that was happening to me, but all the step above helped me reduce my stress and anxiety, I personally also tried a cure of ashwagandha, a plant that aid memory, and it did felt like it did marvel on my memory after a few week.

" At the time of writing this im in my final year and doing final year project. 2 hour commute daily, 5 days a week 9-6 in class...feels upsetting and as if im rotting away and hoping time ticks as i cant talk to anyone in class..or well..no one wants to talk to me.

honestly, I feel like that alone could be the source of all your problem, anything that bring stress and anxiety can lead to depression in the long run, it important to take care of yourself.
I know depending on financial status, not everything can be done, but some drastic change must be done to feel happy again, it gonna be different for everybody.
6 months ago
Thank you..ill try to seek help and hopefully try to make my work more fun. Talk to group mates and try and make it right. Making work fun is a good way to help with this situation i think
6 months ago
Very true. We live for the small moments in life. Try and please do not lose hope. <3
6 months ago
In 2020 I had a mental breakdown due to anxiety, I haven't been able to work sense, which has led to major depression. It sounds to me like (as everyone else said) its depression. Unfortunatly, there is no easy fix, there is something causing your overall depression and you'll need to find out what it is to be able to fix it. Don't be afraid to ask for help, you're not alone and its ok to need help. Its been the hardest part for me, to show what I considered a weakness on my part, but in my experience, people don't judge you, it helps them understand you more, they are able to see when things are bothering you more than usual. Don't worry about what other people think, they are not in your shoes and don't get to dictate how you should feel.

I know all too well exactly how you are feeling. I would suggest finding a therapist, some kind of mental health practitioner. A psychologist preferably. Psychiatrists mostly just treat with meds, and while that can help, it might not solve the problem. Psychologists focus on finding the root and trying to fix it. Other therapists are great too. A LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor), or LMFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) are good choices, most LMFTs also have focuses on individuals.

As for some of the things others have said Seasonal Affective Disorder is something that causes your mood to change as the seasons change. Essentially it means when the weather gets cold and bleak and dreary in the fall and winter, and you're less able to get outside in the sun and do outdoor activities, it increases levels of depression. It's one of the reasons why this time of year is the high point for un-aliving attempts. I agree with seeing your doctor and just getting a checkup, you can tell them you're feeling depressed and they can help you find the right treatment.

Seeking therapy is not a weakness, this isn't something you should or have to take on alone, I've been seeing therapists for 3 years since I had my breakdown and I have learned so much about myself I would never have even thought to think about. Things you didn't think were traumas in your life could be traumatic events you didn't even realize.

I cannot stress this enough to EVERYONE, not just you. Getting help is ok, no one that matters will think less of you, and those that do, aren't people you need in your life because they never truly cared in the first place.

I know this is all long winded and yada yada. But I want you to know. You are not alone, there are millions of people that feel exactly as you do. I understand what you are going through. I know I am just a stranger on the internet, but if you ever want someone to talk to, about anything, I will always be there to listen.

You are more than the intrusive thoughts in your head, there is an answer, and you will find it. Trust me...
6 months ago

I can't tell you how spot on I've felt with you on this. It hit me years ago now, a few years after I separated from the military. At first I just chocked it up to post-separation anxiety or something. After awhile it started to hit me just as you explained. The loneliness, the distance from people, the realization they are selfish and inconsiderate, the lack of excitement and motivation to do anything.... all of it.

I didn't have a mental health check and for me I didn't want medication, I wanted someone to talk to. I'm to educated on the workings of my brain and body to want to mess things up with medication. The body can heal itself. As can the mind. Just like you become fatigued from working out or doing physical labor, you can become fatigued mentally over a long term. It manifests a little different for everyone and it seems you and I have a similar fatigue.

What has worked best for me is a mix of things. I tried physical things I KNOW will work. Fasting will rebalance your hormones and energy. That works wonders for health, energy, and mood. I've been teaching myself how to do it in a healthy way and testing different foods to learn macro and micro nutrient requirements with their effects on me. I plan on getting a continuous blood glucose monitor to be more proactive with my health once I can afford one. If you want 6-8 hours of natural dopamine you can take a 1-3 min ice cold plunge or shower. Not comfortable at all, I know... but it really helps when you're in a bad mood. I really do think it's impossible to be mad or depressed after a cold plunge.

The mental things I've come to rely on is being authentic to my thoughts in the moment. I know that sounds obvious and I wish I could explain it in a way that sounds like some kind of revelation or epiphany but I can't. I don't concern myself about the future and build anxiety. I don't linger on the past and build regret. I focus on the present moment and immerse myself in how I feel and think about it right then and there.

What brought me to these things was thinking about how much fun I had as a kid. The only thing I can do is bring myself back to it as best I can. Focus on taking it one step at a time. As a kid I only thought about the day I was in. I only cared about what my friends thought of me. I tried new things just because it was kind of interesting or because I knew what I learned would make my friends or other people happy to see it. I keep it simple now because I kept it simple back then. When I get a compliment or a thank you I really let it impact me and shape me again. It rebuilds my motivation and excitement. Don't do these things for other people though... always do it for yourself.

I'm absolutely up for talking any time to share my experiences. DM me here and I'll give you my Discord info and/or VRChat info if you have that. I'd love to chat with you if you're willing?
6 months ago
That's so true about staying in the present :) If anything, I learned something from this myself! Thank you for your comment.
6 months ago
Of course! Furvie's going through something similar to my own experience.  I felt it was important to reply. I'm glad you took a moment to comment! Thank you!
6 months ago
*offers hugs*
Hope you find a solution soon... :)
6 months ago
There's no shame in seeking a therapist and or psychiatrist, I did and it literally saved my life. Just remember that you're only as alone in this as you let yourself be.
6 months ago
Once again, not alone, this describes my problems so well. Unfortunately I don't really have any tips, especially none that haven't already been mentioned, cause I'm kinda in the middle of it myself. However, I definitely was given a few tips right here. So thanks for being brave enough to post this, I think it can really help people :)
6 months ago
Before you can move forward, you have to look back.  Stupid statement?
No, you need to find the root of your feelings.  That is the beginning of moving forward.

Quick solution...Long process...write down, line by line all the items that have happened to you in the past 10 years.  Nothing more than a quick line, not a full book.

Then, write a slightly more, conciese history of each of those items.  What caused it to happen and how did it end.  Mark which ones are interrelated.

Then on a scale of 1-100, rate how each of those make you feel.

Then, share with us so we can help you focus.  See, this is a journey you can not take alone.  I speak from experience.  I lock all of my "demons" away...for many I did this.  Now, I have a hoard of "demons" to fight.  This is how I fight them...one at a time, on my terms.   It is not a perfect solution as that requires you to be willing to accept that it is going to be painful...

After all, the Dread Pirate Roberts said it best:  "Life is pain, Highness.  Anyone telling you otherwise is selling something."  
6 months ago
I'm no expert at these things, heck I can relate to lots of what you're experiencing. My  advice would be similar to some I saw here. Seek out the help of professionals who can help.

I can imagine if you're not comfortable where you are going somewhere else to find a new beginning might be helpful if it's possible.
6 months ago
If one needs help, I am all ears.
6 months ago
no matter what, you are not perfect and will never be but no one is and your so specialy imperfict to me i will always care about you and what you do/how you are i know i cant talk much but you are always someone i think about when i lay down at night and i miss you

-someone who cares..... probably to much
3 months, 3 weeks ago
An ear or a shoulder if you need.  Tis good you recognize these issues and have the strength to attempt to resolve them.

Can be harmful to go numb to the world around you.  Something I know well enough of.

Apologies for late response, hope things are better.
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