Ive been bored lately,and i mean REALLY bored.I want to add as many people as i can get on my Skype and MSN,so feel free to add me.
Also,my sisters birth date (irl) is actually Drawing near.Im about to be an uncle YET AGAIN for the 4th time! So im stressed a bit.Ive also been babysitting my other Nephews and Neice or however its spelled for the past few days.
Though in my spare time i cant seem to stop playing this game http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ Pretty fun stuff actually if you check it out,give me your Ingame name and ill add you and explain how it works its a Dota Inspired game Also My birthday is coming up on the 19th of April ONLY A FEW MONTHS LEFT oh,also for those who watch anime check out Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt. Hilarious show.Great music