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My game is out on Steam

Releasing into Early Access

Check it out here:https://store.steampowered.com/app/2422540/Burning_Branch/
Viewed: 335 times
Added: 12 months ago
12 months ago
nice! can't wait to play!
12 months ago
I'm interested! But think you could release the game on GoG as well? I'd much prefer to buy it there.
12 months ago
Hi, I'm planning on Releasing on itch a patch or so in, I'll post more info on the games life elsewhere when that stuff is ready.
12 months ago
That works ^_^
12 months ago
I sadly can not afford.....would been nice to stream
12 months ago
got it right away ^^ pre-purchased (something i rarely do)

looking forward to its final release!
12 months ago
Looks amazing Doom!
12 months ago
(Inkbunny bugged out, comment went through again)
12 months ago
Congrats! I love me some rogue likes, added to my wish list. owo
12 months ago
Well that's great good for you
12 months ago
Great news! I'm going to be trying it out now ♥
12 months ago
I have to say I'm surprised, From the trailer I was scared the combat would feel clunky but it really doesn't.
I'm actually enjoying this game :D
12 months ago
Awwn, glad you're enjoying!
12 months ago
Just got myself a copy!
12 months ago
It looks awesome!! I'll try to play it soon! <3
12 months ago
An option to rebind the controller would be nice. My muscle memory demands the "B" button be dodge!
12 months ago
Got to the end of the story content so far. Liking the narrative and looking forward to seeing where it goes! I thought I'd try to compile a few thoughts from my runs. This is intended to be constructive - keep in mind that I did half a dozen runs back to back, which I don't normally do with games like this.

Based on similar games I expected there to be multiple maps, rather than one single map. I get why you might want to just have one map - making more is probably a huge amount of work. Just saying it because other people might have a similar thought. Maybe some visual clues on the map to temper expectations?

I feel like I've got most bosses down to the point where a no-hit run is probably going to happen. This is good! For the most part their attack telegraphs are nice and clear, none of their attacks feel cheap, etc. Only boss I have trouble reading is the Slime Hero - his "facing forward" lunge always seems to come out of nowhere and catch me off-guard. Might just need more practice though. Also, if there is a tell between his charge attack and double slash, I'm struggling to spot it. That's the only boss I'm struggling to read though.

The "Elite" versions are really fun! Again, I'm feeling confident with the regular bosses, so I would personally love to be able to set them all to Elite as default, maybe via the contract system. That to me is much better than just giving them more health or more damage - more complex enemies are much more fun than just giving them more health and damage!

Does the third ghost have a boss fight? If so I've not seen him yet. I really hope he does! If not, I hope he gets one.

With a couple of the bosses having dash attacks, a run button to close the distance would be great.

I think that's everything. Congratulations with what you've made so far, and I'm looking forward to the next content update!
12 months ago
Hi, lots of this has to do with it's nature as an early access game. So far it's just the first of three planned areas. so there will be more maps with there own act bosses just like the first part. Likewise The third mous ghost does has a boss coming in the next patch (Actually already implemented in the dev build at the time of writing)

I think all/increased elite fights is a wonderful idea. And will definitely happen the next time the Contract system get's expanded.

If you haven't already, consider leaving a steam review as it'll be very helpful.

Thank you again for buying, enjoying, and telling me your thoughts about my game!
12 months ago
I got to the end of the story so far :D
Only took me 22 runs (I know I'm not the best XD)
I'm loving the game though. Can't wait to see where the story is progressing.

Btw, is there any kind of forum / discord server dedicated to the game? Maybe even a wiki page?
I'll admit there are still some things I don't fully grasp from the in-game descriptions.
Maybe a "help" menu with a definition of all the key word used could help.
And a better description of the pact you can do 1/2 way through the game, I don't understand what's it's meant to do.
12 months ago
Confusion about keywords in the game is something that has been something on my mind a lot. And I will be adding in solutions to this problem on the next patch following the current boss and bug fix patch I'm working on. Unfortunately there will probably not be any official forum or discord, as I personally wouldn't be able to run one without getting anxious. I'll look into getting a wiki up that I personally seed a bit.

Thanks so much for enjoying my game, if you haven't already, a steam review would go a long way to helping the game out.

Thanks so much!
12 months ago
Nice! Congratulations! If you don't mind, I would like to ask about how you went about getting your game onto Steam. I'm working on my own game and am still far too early in development to worry about publishing; however, I like to have all of my bases covered before I get to them and this was a question I had thought about. Itch.io, I feel, would be pretty straightforward; Steam, however, might be a bit more difficult, but I'm not entirely certain.
12 months ago
I'm not going to lie, it was really painful. Lots of digital bureaucracy to get through. For me I got stuck filing for my tax status with one of their partners. I never even got denied I just got no response until the automated system caused the request to fail  a month later then let me try again.

Besides that, a thing to keep in mind is Steam requires a fair amount of assets for the steam page, library, and to use when showing off your game. It might be good to have branding in mind. For me I kept trying stuff over five days before I landed on falling in an orange sunset branding.

I have also launched a game on itch. It is REALLY easy, like as easy as posting an image on inkbunny easy.
12 months ago
As someone who has never done anything like this project before — not only will I be making this game myself, in Unity, I will also be making the music and drawing the art and assets myself — I think, once it's finished, I will just stick with Itch for a little bit. It's going to be free anyway, and on itch, if people want to show support by paying, maybe I'll set that up. But, whenever I feel like I'm ready for Steam, I'll delve deeper and see if it'll ultimately be worth it because it will be free on there as well >.<

Thank you for the information! And good luck with your game~ 😸
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Been really enjoying the game so far <3 Even though I finished the story I keep wanting to play. Only thing I'm not really getting is how the Pact thing works. Unless its just there to increase the challenge, in which case I understand it perfectly XD

Also, found a bug! If you press left at just the right time when leaving the screen, Sen turns around and walks out backwards!
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Yeah, the pact is just to make things more difficult. I'll be looking into way for things to get more clear in a couple patches. Thanks for the bug report.

Happy to here you're enjoying it. If you haven't already, please consider writing a steam review. Thanks!
11 months, 3 weeks ago
I did! <3 its in my usual style of taking a million words to say "It's very fun, cute and still in early access" But i did it XD
11 months, 2 weeks ago
The new Chained boss is a really cool idea! <3 <3
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