may of you have notice that I´m kind of ignoring your messages on telegram (I apologize) the reason of that is that for the last past months I´ve been in full time job that decreases the amount of free time that I have to draw and when I say DECREASE i really say "(DECREASE)" because i´ve bben a whole month without a day to rest and with more thatn 12 hours straight of work ¡
my feet hurts and my head burns *snif* ... but I´m planing to quit that job and come back here and make art tell stories and become a referent here on inkbunny , you know make a comunity a discord chanel all that stuff probably a subscribe start make raffles¡ and more comissions like soulcentinel do... well probably not as much as he/she do haha thats insane
anyways this month is probably be the last month working here and I´ll get you updatedd on what I´m on soon
take care and prepare for be rewarded for your waiting¡
cheers: the magnificent quimera/animatronic AKA Disquim
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1 year, 9 months ago
08 May 2023 23:05 CEST