Posted a random story in my scraps. So, if you want to read it...well...yeah , go ahead. It contains force feeding and involves a ferret. Also, I wrote it in like 10 minutes (or perhaps 20). So, it's totally random, unedited, and isn't up to the standards I write my other stories with. Though, during the writing, reception from friends ranged from...
"This is cute :3."
"Needs moar force!"
"I wish you wrote a random story of a foxy."
"This is soooo sexah!"
Okay, , that last part was me. But seriously , random story about a cute ferret being force fed by a foxy in my scraps . Check it out if you'd like. I think I'll be writing a bunch more totally random stories for the future, just to get the writing juices flowing. So if you're not watching my scraps, you might want to . Don't know if you could watch ink bunny scraps, but...yeah.
Take care yall.
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12 years, 7 months ago
03 Aug 2012 05:07 CEST