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You have an entity in your head AND Then you get high

Seriously, I'd like to hear anything from irl experiences to wild theories.
From real schizophrenia to D&D mind demons.
From THC to the really hard stuff

Does the second self see the same shit? Is it tripping balls as much as you do? is it taking over because you are too weak at that moment?

Clarification: You already have another entity in your head, and then get high. NOT "do you get another if you get high"
Viewed: 12 times
Added: 1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
Use to smoke weed when I was young. Never experienced schizophrenia or seeing mind demons. It pretty much felt to me like I was on another planet.
1 year, 3 months ago
Old friend of mine had some headmates: Natanda was a demon, and Tom was a small boy. He'd often talk about how his character (we did medieval foam weapon fighting) was made to allow one or the other to take control when we were on 'the battle field' and others wouldn't notice because he was still 'in character.'

When he got drunk though, it was much harder for him to keep Natanda in check. It was like my friend had left and now the demon was in charge. Sometimes the demon would allow Tom to surface, just to play cruel jokes on the kid, get him crying. All of this, I watched happening through one person's body.

I have since learned a lot more about this community, about Systems, headmates/alters, about peaceful cohabitation in a body. I've had my own experience with it (for a while I had an alter in my head who I would RP with online, was a big surprise when I discovered it was me), but Natanda is the only experience I have with that stuff that relates to mind-altering substances.
1 year, 3 months ago
There is a fun scene in the romance-action game Haven where the characters take some mushrooms and temporary swap bodies. They can't tell if it's an illusion or if they really are the other. Apparently in that society this drug is used once in a couple's life, when they get married to the person the Matchmakers chose for them. I could see that kind of experience really helping a couple who don't know each other come together.
1 year, 3 months ago
i dunno sounds more like lsd lol.

Weed makes me feel good and goofy and make me wanna watch videos all day
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