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Visit - Hi Babies!

Hi, it's been almost a year since I left I believe. How have you been? I'd like to see where your at.

As always I'm a safe user. No bad language, sexual stuff in profile or name. You know.

Viewed: 560 times
Added: 2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
*hugs tight* ahhhhhh felyn! im happy to see you!! <3
i been improving on art myself, though i got a long ways to go. i hope someday i could draw as good as you do cause your arts are so good and lovely!
im glad you came around again though and im really happy to see your still kicking <3 (your an energetic little baby batty! x3)
i missed you alot and thought about you all the time. doesnt matter how much time has passed, i still see you as a sweet and wonderful friend felyn. lots of kisses and hugs go to the sweet little batty boy (you of course! x3) <3
have you been well?
2 years, 6 months ago
Eee, thank you >w< I am very happy to see you. And I see you've been making a lot of drawings! It's okay if no one learns how to draw. I think you've probably been enjoying it as a form of expression for yourself and all the things you like.
Hehehe yeah kicking my baby feet around <3
I missed you too. I always have attachments to you and my heart will always be bound to yours. You don't have to expect this being the only time I come back around >~<
Hahaha thank you ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ

I've definitely been okay. A lot about me has been changing about me and for the better. My family has been closer and many things have become better for me where I can stand better on my own. (Believe me I'm still a baby and I'm not sure if I'll grow out of that XD)
There's also been a lot of new challenges, I've been taking a lot of steps to overcome them. I really appreciate you asking.
2 years, 6 months ago
yes! i been making lots of drawings x3
i had wanted to try making one of your cutie bat boy sometime but i couldnt find a ref for him x.x
i wanted it to be a nice surprise from me to you. but ahhhhh i got to find the baby album somewhere!
" I always have attachments to you and my heart will always be bound to yours."
hehe sweet talking baby batty x3 <3

im glad things are going well for you felyn! you deserve all the best! <3
are you still drawing to? please dont ever give up on your art, your so talented and an amazing artist! id cry if you gave up on it >.<
but remember though felyn take your challenges one step at a time, and if you are to fall, ill always be here with a paw extended to help you get back to your feet. even if you stumble, dont ever give up. get right back up and keep going. <3
ill always be here walking with you by your side <3

im always here for you.

for my art im drawing stuff because yeah it is a form of expression for me, but i also really like art and want to become better at it. i want to draw all sorts of things and even draw gifts and whatnot for my close friends. i have a lot to learn though so its a very long path for me to learn all of this. but i wont give up. i want to do art more! x3

and you never give up either felyn, keep fighting the good fight! (yes fight them baby bottles, show them whos the best baby around! xD)
i hope ill be able to see youa round more often to. this bun misses you alot <3
2 years, 6 months ago
Ah ^w^ a lot of drawings. I see you had a hard time trying to but you Lahumcham has motivated you a lot. ^^
Aw.. <3. I appreciate that a lot eeveefan. Obviously the baby album is gone now.. Maybe I should have left something to you.
^~^ so sweet bun. ๐ŸŒธ

Thank you, I am doing better with many things.

I draw a little bit, but I've barely drawn anything over the past year. I think it's great you like my art so much <3. I think it's good though for me to recognize other people's lives. There's a world inside people I'm missing, and a world no one knows about. It would be a pain to waste it over myself. Everything in me is already known and experienced. But I need others to tell me about them now.

Thank you for your advice. Because there are many challenges. I feel I need to take baby steps (saying jokingly and also not jokingly X3). Baby steps and not give up, just get back up and try again. <3
Something only my bun can tell me ๐ŸŒธ

There's so much you can do, with friends. Learning how to draw and embracing you so lovingly. I can appreciate it being for the love you have inside you for all your friends. ๐Ÿ’•

You have many goals too. You're drawing, but I also know you want to fight the pains within and get out of the pains around you. And you want to live with more peace everyday.

XD if there's something I know you for it's for a laugh. I've laughed a plenty good bit by now. Also really loving the meanings of those things you said as well. It means a lot to me actually ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ I've gotten through many bottles by now. But more are coming haha..

I miss you too. For all the things you've been able to do through my time here. And before actually experiencing the first times crying after many years of having feelings frozen in. And yes uncontrollably all day. Someone like me needs that to feel up to life. And I wish I had more close friends to help me feel that emotional freezing break again. I miss you miss you miss you ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ

XD I also think you wouldn't feel right with a batty kiss. *smooch* XD
2 years, 6 months ago
(im replying section by section.)

yes, lcham has given me alot of motivation to keep going with my art. he keeps encouraging me to do better and he makes me want to draw him to. (even though my arts of him look bad, he still doesnt mind and keeps encouraging me to keep going >///<)
lcham makes this buns heart all fluttery -//w//-

felyn, please dont give up on art, your the best baby artist i know, i wasnt really into baby stuff but i couldnt ignore just how adorable and straight up CUTE you made everything you draw! i really respect you as an artist and as a friend to. your talent is so good and your 3D arts are so amazing! your not wasting anything on yourself felyn, cause your walking along side the people who are your friends, people you love and who care about you. and thats never a waste in my eyes. experiencing things with people you care about and who love and care about you.

heeee <3 take things 1 step at a time felyn, and im always your sweet bun hehe just like your my sweet batty boy x3

i love drawing for my friends. i love making them smile to. especially lcham, the sweet chameleon boy really deserves more happiness. im trying to be here for him as much as i can <3
you deserve all the happiness to felyn. youve suffered quite a bit, but your trying to overcome it as best you can and im glad you arent letting it win. keep fighting and stay strong! flex them little baby arms and show them how adorable tough you are! x3

i always try to make ya smile felyn, cause you deserve a nice smile on your face all the time <3
life can be a hard thing to get through, but having people by your side who love and care about you, those who make you feel loved and welcomed, those who look out for you and are there for you, makes it a whole lot easier. and this buns always here for his sweet batty boy hehe <3

aww felyn, theres no need to ever cry, but i know it would be tears of happiness. its never a good thing to bottle up your emotions (baby bottle hehe). sooner or later itll get to be to much for you to handle and that dam that you built to keep your feelings in will eventually break. its hard opening up to people due to beliefs and whatnot nowadays. but there are people out there who put all that aside and focus on the one thing that really matters. you. i missed you alot felyn, i still do. i care alot about your well being and im always here for you. <3

ahhhh the baby batty needs lots of smooches!! *smooches the cutie batty* <3

this bun loves ya felyn. and ill find lots more bottles for you, i just got a few hundred boxes to sort through hehe x3
2 years, 6 months ago
also LahunCham says hi to Felyn. he says he hopes you are well! <3
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahhhhhhhh hi LahumCham. Tell him I said I still have his chameleon reference somewhere special on my computer >.<
Short times we met. But I feel like they are a big heart I never got a chance to know. Much of who they are reflect some of the deep parts of me in me.. So much a good friend I wish I knew more.. ;~;  You know that eeveefan. Why they never got a chance to come to my drawing stream more.. ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
lcham gave this reply to. (hes away on a job so he cant communicate right now through inkbunny)
Hi hi thanks for the message I really feel the same about you felyn, circumstances haven't allow us to meet each other but deep in my heart I feel you have something that unite us and is nothing related to kinky stuff I swear I feel it pure and innocent but well... maybe I'm being a bit excited and I could be a bit exaggerate ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
2 years, 6 months ago
I’m doing ok. I hope you’re doing fine as well.
2 years, 6 months ago
I'm glad you're doing okay. You've always been so kind to me. <3 Still working at the hotel? I've always appreciate you haha
2 years, 6 months ago
I don’t work in a hotel, but the place I work in has one. I only go there maybe once a week to help our room service worker with a job.
2 years, 6 months ago
Oh okay, I understand now. I don't know your work place. But something makes me feel like I wish I knew it more. It sounds nice going into a hotel..
2 years, 6 months ago
Heya! I hope you are doing well! It's nice to see you :) Miss your art but it's you choice so total respect!

for me, I'm getting more in sync with my bear part, never going out without my bear ears now ^_^

I hope you'll visit IB again soon :) take care of yourself cutie ^_^
2 years, 6 months ago
Thank you so much. I'm so glad you miss me. And especially your respect me with my decision (That means lot to me). Ahh, so you've been enjoying really just being yourself an getting out there wearing that. I enjoy that just getting more comfortable with yourself. Just as long as you don't make the word all about you that's the perfect happy balance >w<.

Thank you so much Nounours. I appreciate what you said very much.
2 years, 6 months ago
im doing ok but i miss you. hope your doing fine in your life-endeavors :3
2 years, 6 months ago
Hi Spotty >w< it's been a long time since I've seen you. You're so sweet and I miss you too. I'm doing fine, I appreciate it a whole lot. <3
I'm glad you're doing okay Spotty. That means a lot to me
2 years, 6 months ago
๐Ÿ˜ญ I've missed you SO much! ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ–ค

But I'm doing all right so far.  Hope you are as well~
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahh my CyCy! <3<3<3

I'm glad you're doing alright. There' a lot of things we go through that are very difficult. I'm doing okay right now, and very much doing better overall ^w^
What have you been doing?
2 years, 6 months ago
Let's see... Lost about 20lbs, and working on losing more.  Got back from a recent con located in Philly, and trying my best to stay cool under this weather.
Other than that, I'm the same person. ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
Whaaat?!? Please don't tell me beatsaber did that.. I'm so proud of you XD ๐ŸŒธ

Ahh wow. I really hope you liked the con. That's very nice CyCy ^w^.
It's understandable that everything is very similar. I'm glad like many other there is nothing bad happened
2 years, 6 months ago
Thanks ^_^
Beat Saber sure, then I expaned to other VR games, and actually did exercise outside that with intermittent fasting.

The con Furrydelphia was pretty fun.  Spent a little too much since the merch there was amazing, and the artists were great lol
But yeah, same ol' me after that, doing my best to get better physically and mentally~
2 years, 6 months ago
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm glad to see your post! Any way we can keep in contact?! :O
2 years, 6 months ago
^w^ Hiii TsunderePanda. I feel like it's always been difficult to get with talking to you. I'm glad you could be here at this time to talk to me. It's been a long time. I'm not keeping contact with anyone, but I wanted to see everyone here today ^v^

By the way here's a fix edit of an old commission https://imgur.com/cAWJOwa
I was doing it one day this year and I thought I could share it haha
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahhh alright, i hope we can talk again. I missed comming you DX
2 years, 6 months ago
Also oooh, yeah that does look better with the mouth in that position xD
2 years, 6 months ago
XD yeah, whatever you like about it. I just decided to tweak it for some reason one day. Ah ^^, I'm glad I could draw for you for the times I've enjoyed it TsunderePanda
2 years, 6 months ago
2 years, 6 months ago
felyn babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
2 years, 6 months ago
Hahaha Tamaroooooooooooo ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
welcome backk
2 years, 6 months ago
^^ ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
Same 'ol same 'ol here. Same job, same life, most days the same. Glad to see ya hop on by ^^

How's your vision doing? Gain any interesting introspective from your time away?
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahh I see. Bu that's not bad. The idea of seeing one my friends are in terrible life situations is terrible to me. So I'm happy you are not worse. But I support you for what you're trying to do everyday.
Set some goals for yourself too and step out of some comfort zones. It can make life more fulfilling for yourself ^^

Fortunate to tell you.. my vision is the same. It still has the doubling. But my brain has gotten used to filtering it looking up close like a computer screen, so I don't see it up close anymore ^w^. I also still have that annoying sound in my ear. But I don't pay attention to either anymore.

The good thing I needed to know was that it was nothing dangerous.

I would love to see you as my sweet friend getting better and better..

Here's a quick drawing of baby Vincent I'll sneak in here.. https://imgur.com/vr9CfWQ
2 years, 6 months ago
Whoa, cute! o: Thankies

I struggle with fulfillment and purpose a lot these days admittedly '^^ Was in a pretty bad/dire situation for most of my life, but powered my way through it and felt on top of the world. Now that I live a peaceful life without worry, stress, and drama, I've kind of accomplished all my goals and it feels hard to create new ones. All of my previous goals were out of necessity, but now that I've met all my needs it's like I have to re-learn how to live and create my own purpose in life.

I'm glad to hear you are healthy and that you've been able to keep doing what you love and cope with the double vision.
2 years, 6 months ago
You're welcome! ^w^ ๐ŸŒธ

Ooh.. I see. I did not know that at all. I'm very happy things have shifted for you so much. But I wish I knew about what happened in your life. I really feel like asking about you.

I can understand the difficulty of making new goals. It's seriously hard. When you have the sea of comfort and life in front of you. I think this can mean a big thing for you. If it's where you are, you have the real chance to bloom who you are into something new.

 For me fulfillment began, when I was looking for what I could do for other people, rather than what the world could offer me. Especially not looking for something prestigious. Just something low and humble. Those opportunities are right in front of your face. Like myself, my friends are something I want to build up, this to me is the first and greatest thing you can start doing with your life. Then others than your friends which is a greater challenge... I've found a need to look at the life I live, and figure out who put me here on Earth, and give them back for what they gave me.

Hopefully that doesn't sound like ramble to you. I mean that very heartfelt.

What are more of your feelings? Is looking for a fulfilment and purpose something you think about often? I would really like to hear from you as you can probably tell by now..

Thank you about my health. If you remember my health defintiely care about me.. ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
You're so caring <3 If you ever want to hear more about my life then I'm more than happy to talk in private. It's understandable if your time back here is very brief to visit and you won't be sticking around to chitchat though.

And it's not a ramble, it's very thoughtful. I think I am at that point in life where I'm no longer asking what the world can offer me, as you put it. I've become complacent in letting time fly by instead of actively seeking to improve myself. It's relatively rare that I feel a yearning for more, so maybe I'm just not a very ambitious person, maybe I haven't reached that point in my life, or maybe I'm wasting my time and will have regrets later on in life as I grow older. It's hard to say.  But 90% of my life was filled with problems to solve, I solved them, and just as I thought I had everything figured out it feels like there's nothing left to do but keep on keeping on.
2 years, 6 months ago
Aw ^^' when you say things like that you're so kind. ๐ŸŒธ

Yeah I would love to hear you smaxattax, I'll send you a note. I'm just really sorry, I can't imagine being so stuck in a bad place for so long.

I see how you feel now. That's very honest and truthful. I can completely see you thinking and feeling that way. Especially just being in a state of complete relief from everything. Then there is also the serious worry that years will pass by and regretting not doing anything. I competely understand that. Especially when I look at my life that resonates very hard.

If you're having trouble improving yourself, I believe from my experience, we never seem to know where to improve until we ask questions about our lives or meet challenges. You've likely improved and adapted a bunch when you were going through tons of situations..

You probably had to learn new things and learn how to put up with things without losing yourself. I believe this actually creates considerate, humble, and appreciative people. I believe in it. I know when I meet someone who's really nice ^^'

 For myself, when I find myself looking for ways to be a better friend to somoene, I find that those things can reveal to you ways you can improve. And I learned becoming more humble, kind, patient. I have friends that are nice, but for years I dealt with aspects of them I didn't like. I later realized I had serious flaws in my thinking and that's where I learned to improve. Now I find more fulfillment in my life being with them.

I believe being complacent can be a now or never situation. If you never dive your heart into new things you won't find the ambition.

It's really tough honestly.. I believe you might want to ask yourself what's really close to your heart. Possibly people living in terrible situations resonates with you.. then focusing your thoughts around that opens a lot of questions. And those questions lead to seeking things.

I believe reflecting on your life, asking questions, and new challenges. Those things lead you to seek more.

Though rather than myself, I wonder what thoughts you have personally ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
Good to see you again, Felyn!
2 years, 6 months ago
^^ <3 You too very much Belly. It always means a lot to me having people who want to support me. I really needed it all those times previously and it's helped me so much.
2 years, 6 months ago
Aww its my pleasure!
2 years, 6 months ago
^^ <3 <3
2 years, 6 months ago
Glad to see you pop up, I'm glad you are okay.  I'm a Vtuber on Twitch now streaming video games.  It's a lot of fun even if I don't have a lot of people watching right now.
2 years, 6 months ago
Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒธ. Ahh. I hope that's been nice to do with your time. Doing something like that can definitely just be very nice for your friends. It doesn't have to be an abundance of people you never know. If you have people who enjoy it with you I think it's a really great chance to learn about them. ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
Glad you're still alive :3 *baby hugs*
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahh thank you <3. Of course it "has" to be a baby hug as well ^^ *hugs* ๐ŸŒธ

I hope you're alright Unistar.
2 years, 6 months ago
I'm fine, and of course, baby life is best! <3

Much love!
2 years, 6 months ago
I wasn't expecting to see you back here, good you're okay
2 years, 6 months ago
Ah, hi SenorG. I honestly have to say so much the same, I wouldn't expect to see you. It's been more than a year, maybe 2 since I've seen you at all. ^^'

I remember when you first were making these really cute drawings of just different characters you like. I can imagine farther in the past you probably drew on pencil and really had a passion for cartoons and just cartooning.

I feel like I would've loved to see that again. And maybe see more of what you love. I know we did an art trade a long time ago. But I don't feel like that was what I would've liked to know you for...

I think there's something else really awesome about you but I wish I got to see it more ^^'

Thanks for coming here to see me.
2 years, 6 months ago
Seriously though. I wonder what you really first came here for, and what you really love ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
Good to see that you are still around, even if you don't return, it's still nice to have artists and people like you in the fandom.
2 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for your thoughts a lot ^^. I'm kind of disappeared entirely. But I still have a love that exists around here. Thank you ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
even tho I believe I can see your gallery on other websites I sure do miss your art, it's a very cute style.
sorry if this bothers you.
2 years, 6 months ago
I checked and it's not much of it. I miss you're art so much. >.<;
2 years, 6 months ago
Ah thanks about me art ^^. Yeah I don't really post anymore. But I'm happy you liked my drawings. I hope you're doing okay.
Get closer to your family and friends more and more. I'm sure you can find lots more enjoyment in that. Just a short thought.

Thank you ^^ ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
aww thank you, I honestly was terrified when I wrote that cause I feel like I was being selfish.
2 years, 6 months ago
Aw. You're okay with me love. <3 ^^
Don't worry about anything to be terrified about it
2 years, 6 months ago
So good to hear from you on here, how I have missed thee (sits on one knee bowing to you)
2 years, 6 months ago
Hahaha classic Blaze ^^ <3. Thank you so much. ๐ŸŒธ
2 years, 6 months ago
Hey there. ๐Ÿ˜Š
It's nice to see that you're doing well. I'm just here observing and commissioning cute art as always.
I definitely still miss your art style and sometimes wish that you'll be back one day to contininue it. But even if you never do, we all hope you continue to live your life the way you want.
Much love to you.โค๏ธ
2 years, 6 months ago
Ahhh hi BunPatrol!! Yeah I see. I'm very happy to see you. Thank you for all of your thoughts and feelings. I loved making art on here but just using that art to meet different people like you ^^. And I enjoyed just getting to know the world you want to build with all of your characters. I wish I got to know you more personally though, outside of just the art. Much love to you too BunPatrol ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
2 years, 6 months ago
Hey Felyn! It's so nice to see you again!
Coincidentally, a new friend and I were talking about you when showing each other art we commissioned from you. It's awesome seeing you once more, and I'm hoping your life has gotten better since the double vision you were experiencing so long ago.
I miss your talented art, but I fully respect your decision to move on from it. I just hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You're a mega sweet person from the little interactions I had with you, and I hope you visit here again!
2 years, 6 months ago
Deeridoodle! Hi!! I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you. Days can be so busy sometimes v~v

Aww, that's so cool to me. It's so nice to me seeing how you like the drawing I made  ๐Ÿ’•. Things are going well for me, and fortunately that double vision and ear ringing has stayed the same, nothing's gotten worse.

But these health problems seem to be permanent with no answers to them :(. It's okay, I've been learning to live and ignore it. It's especially great I can see the computer screen without doubling. Since my brain probably got used to it. Also people looked creepy. I'm happy it's not the same as it was..  

Thank you for your thoughts and feelings ๐Ÿ’•. I appreciate it very greatly. Aw, you know Deeridoodle you're a very sweet person. I've really loved just learning about you and your whole situation. It's really tied my thoughts and memories with yours. And honestly it reinforces the reason I left. I can see the beauty in you and in so many people as individuals. Many of us are caught into feeling that we are only a face in the crowd. But the truthful thing is we are becoming so lonely and independent of each other as a whole human family. And we're missing out on the beautiful things each of us are.

You're not a person who likes me art. You're a person that means a whole lot, and I just want to live that now.

I hope you've been doing well. You seem almost like you're thriving after your new job haha ๐ŸŒธ. And making tons of art I've never seen before. Is everything okay for you?
2 years, 6 months ago
A significant number of things are happening in my life, and I'm simultaneously excited and terrified!  x3

Really nice to hear from you again~  I'm glad to hear you've been doing well too.  ^^  Been thinking about you and your old arts.  โค๏ธ
2 years, 6 months ago
Ah sheesh, well can you tell me about it!? You don't have to keep it to yourself >~< ๐ŸŒธ

It is nice to see you again, and I'm very happy to have gotten to know you and eeveefan haha ^^
2 years, 6 months ago
Well let's see...  I lost my job a month ago, but I'm using the time to purchase a house and move into it.  :o  Still got enough stability to pull that off, and it's long overdue for us to leave this apartment  x3
2 years, 6 months ago
My good gravy. You have no idea how much of a surprised you are popping up.
 Happy to see you back to what seems like forever
2 years, 6 months ago
Hiya! Yeah haha I can say the exact same for you. I hope you've been okay
2 years, 6 months ago
Iv been ok just a little hard these days
Hopefully your doing much better tho, both you and inkune
2 years, 6 months ago
I'm really sorry about that. Hang in there. I really am sorry about that.
Thank you about me and Inkune. Is there anything particular going on?
2 years, 6 months ago
Oh no im not sick im just worried that my friend almost committed suicide.
its been hard for him and im just worried, but hopefully he can recover.
2 years, 6 months ago
Me and Inkune are doing good. I appreciate it a lot
2 years, 6 months ago
How is your eyes doing I'm hoping your are doing more art work soon
2 years, 6 months ago
My eyes are doing well, thank you so much Angelo ๐Ÿ’•. I have new art posted now
2 years, 6 months ago
Welcome Back Felyn *hugs*
2 years, 6 months ago
Hiya! ^^ *hugs*
Very happy to see you XaveyPike
2 years, 6 months ago
Glad you're safe
2 years, 6 months ago
Thank you <3 Yeah I'm doing safe and well. I appreciate it. I hope you've been okay Rush
2 years, 6 months ago
Hanging in there! Hope to commission you again soon.
2 years, 6 months ago
Ah okay, I'm glad you're just trying to hang in there with things. ^^ I'm happy to see you Rush
2 years, 6 months ago
I'm sorry happy to see you back again! I've sorely missed you and your art. I've been doing well, but I hope you're doing better!
2 years, 6 months ago
Hii ^w^. You're honestly so sweet, I would never stop missing you. I look at everyone's baby drawings every time. And just staring at them reminds me of them and everything I've done with them. I just remember you being sweet and it just made me really connect with you.

I'm so happy you miss me so much. ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ

I hope you've been doing okay. How are you really?
2 years, 6 months ago
Aaww, that's really sweet of you to say! I'm glad that you kept all your pictures, I was afraid you deleted them and all your adorable art was lost forever.

Of course I miss you! You're really kind and talented and going through some rough medical stuff, I was worried. How are your eyes, by the way? Has anything changed?

I've really been doing well, I have a well-paying and easy job and am (finally) preparing to move out and become an official adult in a year or two. Very exciting things, but also very boring things ๐Ÿ˜‚
2 years, 6 months ago
Glad to see you around again!! Hope things are going well for you.
2 years, 6 months ago
Yeah hi Ashley, I've always had a love for you. And definitely thought of you different days this past year. Yeah things are going well for me.

Are things okay for you? I'm just thinking about things because some people have a lot of events in their life one week to the next. Some people don't have too much going on. So I'm just wondering about that ^^

It's very nice to see you ๐Ÿ’•
2 years, 6 months ago
Welcome back, are you feeling any better?  How's your eyes and stress lvl been doing?

For me eh quite the harsh year deaths sickness loss of friendship's, loneliness but I have my dream job so fare ,and health is getting stable again
2 years, 6 months ago
Welcome back friend! <3 I saw you posting again elsewhere and thought to myself "Look who refuses to be done" =) Glad to know you often still find your inspirations to draw. Cause I can totally relate, but I can't art half as good LOL
I was in the mood to write a journal on this for Deviantart for some reason with my birthday being tomorrow but since you asked I wanted to write a quick summary of it here instead!
Lately, in the past few weeks I've been reading dl themed fanfictions again, but what I'm on now is no ordinary fanfiction. In fact it's a completely original fiction based around a collection of drawings I stored on my drive over a decade ago. Looking through my old drive's content I was drawn back to it and I dug up the web archives on it, some of which are over 20 years old but are total relics. Only issue is the story is written in Japanese but through Google translate and the years of English classes I've taken, I'm able to make out the jist of what is written in one of the cutest stories I've read to date. Piecing together the story behind these old drawings I've had etched into memory after so long seems so unreal. Some plot situations were as expected but I had no idea the full making went this deep. I'm hoping to have it fully translated soon after I finish because I adore it that much. The plot is a classic and really gives a feel for how modern dl themes were shaped at least on the anime art scene, even though it appears to be a bit lewd it's rather tame overall, the premise is very unorthodox yet themes are softcore.

Yesterday, I thought to myself, isn't it funny that we don't truly discover certain things we look at until we're ready for them. Back when I discovered it, I was a young teenager and there's no way I could've fully comprehended the themes of this story from my old perspective at any diaper related content. This story seemed to just hit me at the right moment. I think I'm enjoying more from the heart than anywhere and it's really given me the urge to try and take drawing seriously again, if just to make a few "actual" sketches of the characters depicted.
Another thing I wondered is why aren't many dl/fur fanfics or original works today accompanied by the . Granted similar surrounding titles on that website and its collection have apparently been at one point aimed at a commercial sector, what reason do so many of us have that folks don't strive to add onto and collaborate onto others' writings anymore? Have we just gotten that caught up with copyright or concerned for how it would make others feel to ask for collaboration every now and then? For as much as I've seen in the last decade, collaborating on artwork has always been a rare sight but from what I've seen results have always proved a hidden greatness.

Anyway I think I've written too much by now. How about you?? It IS nice to see you again. Can you tell us anything about your endeavors lately ..or should I just read above at what's posted so far. It's likely to be in there somewhere lol
2 years, 6 months ago
Haha. I've never forgotten your message from 2 years ago Snowingloo. The first thing I want to say is thank you for that. I deal with online social anxiety. So it's really hard for me to speak. I wanted you to know I did read it. And its disturbed me for 2 years I never said anything back ^^

Thanks for telling me about what's going on either you. I'm personally not a ab or dl, though I find it nice hearing how you are finding inspiration through these drawings and stories you've etched in your mind ^^

I do really like collaborated drawings as well. Though I do feel we as artists are becoming too much of concerned about art. Instead of really getting to know each other as individuals. So there's a lot of failed connections in the art world. Regardless it's okay not having collaborations ^^.

Lately I've been trying to improve myself and getting to know others. Also just leaving a lot of art behind. It's not very important to me. Thank you for messaging me here ^^. I'm glad you're getting older tomorrow as well
2 years, 6 months ago
o////o thanks kindly, cool that you remembered it after so long but I had no idea I might've stressed you out to answer it ^^; (sorta, I sure you did previously tell me once about the anxiety) dw we all have a bit of online communication anxiety somewhere, I'm sure you will get better at handling yours in no time! <3 For what it's worth, I'm very glad to hear you care so much about your replies, we never know how much of an impact our words have on others, even more so when someone secretly looks up to you.
I look up to many artists, but it's the generous, kind, or struggling ones that REALLY stand out.

I couldn't claim to be ab nor dl irl either, but I didn't think of any better title off the top of my head to give it though. Usually the fics I'll read are single-themed and mainly dl, what I'm reading has more like an age-play theme surrounding emotionally conflicted characters. Also I find im stuck in love with the idea of diapers on anything and everything that is cute >~<

Yeah totally true, communication is lacking when we're too focused on our art. Very quickly can your artwork turn from your passion into your business It always saddens me to see good projects disappear but sometimes you just gotta respect others' decision to remove what belongs to them no matter what. I take consolation in knowing I hold onto what matters to me enough that I download at the time of discovery, even though some day my drive too will fail lol such is digital life =) You're welcome for stopping by :3 I don't regret typing something so long anymore
2 years, 6 months ago
Hope you're having a nice time and hoping you are progressing towards your goals. Make sure to be safe~
2 years, 6 months ago
Welcome back! Very happy to see you on Inkbunny after so long.
I am drawing a lovely cub as always.
I have recently started selling soft vinyl dolls of my OC. I also promote them on this account.
I hope you are doing well in the future.
2 years, 6 months ago
Glade you are still around and happy to see you are posting art again, but most important is to see that you are still doing okay.
2 years, 6 months ago
Hey, I just want to wish you well on your recovery process and wish for the best in terms of making yourself feel comfortable. I’ve recently had issues with anxiety and now know how crippling it can be. Your commission of Carl Gould playing with trains is still one of my favorites.
2 years, 6 months ago
Oh wow! I've read everything her up to this point and it's nice to hear that you are doing ok!
Some friends and I were talking about you recently in the past month! We were a little worried when you went but respected your choices.

I may have chatted only briefly before the hiatus but seeing you work on something with such great care is one of the things that helped motivate me to keep trying out new things to discover a style I can comfortably call my own. One day I will post some cute things and hope you can enjoy them too >w<
2 years, 3 months ago
Hi there, I wish to hear from you again as I really appreciated talking with you on other sites and I've always been fond of you and your personality!

I would LOVE if you could give me some DMs though Felyn, even if you choose not to post art, it's still nice to hear from you!
2 years, 2 months ago
hey๏ผŒbro๏ผŒwelcome to back here. I hope to see your works.  I heard that you are not going to paint this time about sexual intercourse.Is that true?
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