It is unfortunate that people are offended more and more by insignificant things. On Facebook I had made a post posting who can do cub art for me, and there was quite a fuss about it. They tried to expose me and many of their sheep were behind them believing everything they said Worst of all is that it's MY CHARACTERS art, really, people shouldn't be so nosy, what the hell do they care what I do with my characters? And it's a shame because some of them admired them, but they fell for what they did. And they're all women, and they're supposed to be the most popular artists on Facebook. I advise you to be careful with them, they are extremely toxic:
Do you know what is the most ironic of all? Some are friends of Zooshi, and EVERYONE knows the type of drawings he does, and they still come to dramatize me? They are just hopeless assholes
Oh dear, something similar happened to me with two of my characters but with incest between teenagers (Swift and Quick). There are people too stupid, that's why the only time I published my art on facebook as they say in one of my countries "me supo a m1erd∆".
And if curiously they criticize you but not Zooshi. 1.they don't know about Zooshi's art in depth or 2."te vieron la cara".
Anyway, you keep doing what you like and don't bow down for stupid.
Oh dear, something similar happened to me with two of my characters but with incest between teenager
Y yo no tengo nada en contra de Zooshi, de hecho me encantaría tener una comisión de él, pero si no sabían de su arte a fondo y terminan funandolo, tendrá que perdonarme, simplemente es un especie de ejemplo que di acerca del asunto. Ahora si lo saben, como dices, me están viendo la cara y son hipócritas, quizás lo saben pero se hacen a las ciegas. Pero no se la van acabar porque estoy creando un contra-funa donde aprovecho a exponerlas en cosas poco conocidas de ellas y hasta haciendo memes burlándome de sus tonterías.
Y yo no tengo nada en contra de Zooshi, de hecho me encantaría tener una comisión de él, pero si no
lamento que te haya tocado recbir esos comentario, y peor aun, de artistas compatriotas mios, es lo malo, el arte cub aun sigue siendo un fuerte tabú, pero en los últimos años las persecuciones han aumentado porque hay gente que sigue sin distinguir realidad de fantasía y peor aun, acusan a los artistas cuberos de "apología del delito",en pocas palabras, puras pendejadas
lamento que te haya tocado recbir esos comentario, y peor aun, de artistas compatriotas mios, es lo