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Commission Info

Just to be up front, I'm not currently open for commissions and I have no idea when I will open them again.  Motivation for writing stories *I* want to write is hard to come by so I don't want to set expectations of being able to finish someone else story/idea when I'd be hard pressed to make something adequate in a reasonable time frame.

However, figured I need to move this over from SF and a couple people have asked as well so, here yah go!


Since people have expressed interest in commissioning me, I've decided to put up my prices for your viewing pleasure. Prices can be negotiated somewhat. Also, if you're an artist, I'm happy to do trades! Depending on the quality of your art and the complexity of the idea your willing to do I'm usually quite willing to swap talents ^_^

When they are open, I only take one commission at a time with one additional in queue. Do not send me money! I will send you an invoice or payment request when I am satisfied the details have been worked out.

Also, keep in mind the story lengths described below are approximate. If you purchase a 3-5 page short story and it takes me 8 pages before I'm satisfied the story is complete, there's no extra charge to receive your piece (though tips wont be refused!)

-= Updated 03-06-22 =-

Prices (USD):

2-3 page "Teaser" Story: $50
• What you get -
Short sex story with significant detail between up to two characters.
• What you do NOT get -
Story is given minimal plot and setting, characters are not heavily described and typically require previous knowledge of.
• What you must provide -
I will need written or visual reference for each character involved. The desired sexual acts, fetishes or positions and a general idea of mood and mindset for each character is also a plus.
"Teaser" Story Example

3-5 page Short Story: $50-100
• What you get -
A well detailed, erotic adventure with up to three characters. May contain a short explanatory back-story, plot and protagonist/antagonist -OR- a significantly detailed character description of those involved.
• What you do NOT get -
Lengthy in depth plot and involved side characters or overly rich world setting or history.
• What you must provide -
I will need detailed information of the looks, mindset and motives of each character involved as well as reasoning behind the driving desire of the commission (so I know better what to aim for when creating it). You may pick up to a dozen sexual acts, fetishes or positions in order of priority and I will work them in as best as possible.
Short Story Example

5-8 page Story: $100-250
• What you get -
A very detailed story in both plot/setting and sexual interaction between up to four characters. Can contain a logical explanation of why the characters are where they are, doing what they're doing as well as a simple but effective resolution at the end.
• What you do NOT get -
• What you must provide -
I will need detailed information of the looks, mindset and motives of each character involved as well as any information you wish to provide about the world in which the story takes place. This may include political, psychological and sexual stigmas regarding each character. You may also provide insight behind the driving force of the commission to better aim where the creative juices flow to. You may pick any number of sexual acts, fetishes or positions in order of priority and I will work them in as best as they fit into the story.
Story Example

8-12+ page Long Story: $250+
• What you get -
A story needing several weeks to script out, draft, review and finalize containing a host of characters. Generally this level is reserved for stories that require significant draw up for the idea to reach its full potential. I must review a Long Story idea before I will even consider spending so much time on it and provide a cost based on what I would expect it to take to complete accurately.
• What you do NOT get -
• What you must provide -
I will need detailed information of the looks, mindset and motives of each character involved as well as as much information you care to provide about the world and setting in which the story takes place. This may include political, psychological and sexual stigmas regarding each character. You should also provide insight behind the driving force behind the commission to better aim where the creative juices flow to. You may pick any number of sexual acts, fetishes or positions in order of priority and I will work them in as best as they fit into the story.
Long Story Example


Private/Non-posted Stories
If you would like your story to be private, an additional 25% charge will be applied to the commission.
The great majority of my enjoyment with writing is sharing it with others so if you would like your commission to be private for you and your inner circle only, I'll require additional compensation to make it worth my time. This cost can be added and paid any time before the commission is complete.

Alternatively, if you want to remain anonymous, I am happy to write the story as commissioned and then make a secondary 'public' copy changing names and any significant defining character traits at no additional charge. Using the anonymous alternative has no additional cost.

Creation time and 'rush' orders
As a creative endeavor, writing a story takes time and, more importantly, motivation to complete. I cannot force myself to write and you wouldn't want me to (the few times I have tried have come out as total bland garbage). To that end, stories may takes weeks, months or even years to complete.

For this reason, I absolutely do not take 'rush orders' or commissions with a deadline. If at any time you would like a refund for commission, be it because you found another person you would like to commission or need the funds for some other reason entirely, do not hesitate to contact me. I do writing exclusively for fun and personally never spend the commissioner's money until the product they paid for is complete and delivered. To that end:

If, for any reason, you would like to have your commission refunded, please let me know and I will be happy to refund the cost paid. In most cases the refund will be for the full amount but, if the project has been started with some significant amount of content already created, I may, at my discretion, offer the current content and a partial refund. I am highly negotiable.

However, I am not responsible for and do not refund payment platform charges/fees. I do believe PayPal dose not charge a fee for canceling an invoice payment but, if for any reason the payment processer charges a fee for the return or it is outside the cancelation window and a refund payment is required, I am not responsible for refunding the cost of any fees.

If I believe I will be unable to complete the requested commission within a reasonable timeframe, I may also offer a refund. The commissioner has the opportunity to accept the refund or remain on the wait list indefinitely.

Word Count/Story Length
All my commissions are described in the general number of pages I will put into the scene/story. 1 page is approximately 500-600 words. When given a commission I will write the story to completion until I am content that the idea has been completed to my satisfaction. I guarantee a minimum amount of content (as described in the commission list above) but I guarantee no maximum. This essentially means I do not 'rush' a story to fit inside an arbitrary word count and will ensure a smooth flow from beginning to end.

As a personal creative work, I cannot offer any guarantee that the commission will meet any sort of standard or criteria you may have. I hold myself to a high standard so hopefully it will meet your desires but be aware there is always an inherent risk that the content may not push your buttons or follow in the exact flow you were anticipating.

For small corrections, such as incorrect color or anatomical details, I will do my best to fix them but larger plot or personality discrepancies are unlikely to be correctable without considerable effort.

I do not share WIPs or 'review' copies of the story due to the nature of the medium. I will often ask questions for clarification of things I am uncertain about but I do not provide pieces of content updates during the content creation.

The commissioner is allowed to repost the story in its entire and completed form without modification. You are, of course, allowed to modify it for your own non-public personal use and enjoyment as desired so long as the modified version is not widely shared (such if you wanted to change a color or modify a scene to your liking).
Content reposted must provide credit to the original author (myself) and a link back to either my profile page or the original story.
Content that is paid for private consumption (see Private/Non-posted Stories section) may not be posted publicly elsewhere. If paid-private content is found posted publicly on other sites, I will request it be taken down. If the original commissioner posts and does not take down the content of their own accord within 30 days, I may, at my own liberty, permanently post the works publicly on my profile.

As a creative medium and one that takes significant thought and planning to get right, I have 3 levels of subjects: what I love writing and therefore am more likely to write better stories about, what I like writing about and what personally dislike and wont write good stories about.
This is not an exhaustive list and anything that is not listed is likely either something I've not tired or am neutral about. I'm also very open to exploration and, even some idea that might appear to be on my 'no' list, it might be okay if used in a particular story or content so don't be afraid to ask! (no kink shaming here)

They are as follows in no particular order under each category:

Love Writing
Accidental Impregnation
Ageplay / Cub
Non-Anthro / Ferals
Gryphons / Avians
Cervical Penetration
Clothed Sex
Clothed Ferals
Coercion / Blackmail
Cum Inflation (Light / Medium)
Dragon / Scalies / Reptiles / Dinos
Drug / Alcohol Use
Rape / Forced / NC
Egg Layers
Exotic Cocks / Non-human genitals
Heat / Rut
Hyper-Impregnation (Mild-Extreme)
Incest (parent/sibling most but any is good)
Insects / Arachnids
Lamia / Naga
Marine Mammals
Monsters / Dangerous Partners
Nightclubs / Bars
Original Characters
Ovulation / Forced Ovulation
Prehensile Cocks
Risk of Pregnancy
Rough Sex
Sexy / Slutty Clothing
Soft Vore
Surreptitious Impregnation
Throat Penetration
M/F interaction (herms interchangeable)

Enjoy Writing
Anal Sex
Biting / Bloodletting
Breath Control
Hard Vore / Digestion
Dirty Talking
Excessive Precum / Semen
Fangs / Sharp Teeth
Fish / Sharks
Bondage / Immobilization
Inexperienced Partners
Knotting / Tying
Leash & Collar
Master / Slave & Master / Pet
Medical Play
Natural Musk
Oral Sex
Photography / Videotaping
Public Humiliation
Role Reversal
Sensory Deprivation
Sex Toys
Sexual Exhaustion / Frustration
Sloppy Seconds
Stomach Bulging
Strip Tease
Unintelligent Characters
M/M interactions (herms interchangeable)

Not Interested
Alternative Vore (cock, anal, ear, etc. unbirthing is fine w/o digestion)
Anal Pregnancy
Bathroom Control
Cock Fucking
Cum Enemas
Fat Play
Genital Torture
Micro / Macro
Hyper Content
Male Pregnancy
Monkeys / Primates
My Little Pony
Non-Standard Penetration

Final Thoughts
- Commissions, once decided upon, I require at least 50% paid up front and 50% once I have the final draft completed. The final draft will not be given or displayed until full payment has been received.

- I retain all copyright laws to the created works and provide only non-profit redistribution rights to the commissioner upon completion.

- Payment through PayPal only. Please remember: Do not send me money! I will send you an invoice or payment request when I am satisfied the details have been worked out.

- A single story takes between 3 days and 3 years to complete; your patience is a must. Trying to force a creative project results in a sloppy, uninteresting and noticeably less enjoyable piece of literature.

- If my que is full you may take up the 'reserve slot'. I work on one commission at a time with up to one fully fleshed out idea in queue. With a reserve slot I retain no commission information and no payment info but when my current work is finished, the reserve will be put into que at which point I'll contact you and make it an official commission.

If you have any questions feel free to Note or email me, I check them daily.
Viewed: 119 times
Added: 3 years ago
2 years, 10 months ago
you do vore? i dont think ive seen a story with it that you have wrote but thats awsome!
2 years, 10 months ago
Yup. They havent been moved yet but you can find most of them on SoFurry still.
An example: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1562820
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