I'm sure some of you have heard about what happened on SoFurry with their new AUP changes (and if you haven't, check over here if you want). While I was loathe to leave my ancient home on the internet, I'm also happy to make Inkbunny my new den on the web :)
Its been some time since I seriously considered making this place as my new home and now I'm here!
I plan to move my entire archive of content to this platform and, while the first pieces will undoubtedly be those directly effected by the new AUP changes, I do plan to include all my other work as well. I am primarily a writer but look forward to seeing some fun commissioned art and some new never before seen stuff too =3
Its going to take me some time to get used to the change so if I dont see a comment, note, or PM, please forgive me, I'm an ancient broodmother leaving her cave for the first time in ages c.c
Very true. I advocated for SF for a very long time and brought a not insignificant number of users to the site which will no longer occur. I'm not so vain as to say the authors with objectionable content were the reason SF stayed afloat but it will certainly be a notable blow to the community overall.
It will survive, SF has always been very small but, at this point, it really has nothing to encourage growth. There are simply too many better community options =\
Very true. I advocated for SF for a very long time and brought a not insignificant number of users t
Yeah sad to hear...i heard of them getting more strict but dam this will hurt them more but then again they are small and growth will stop..at least you found another to put your lovely work in
Yeah sad to hear...i heard of them getting more strict but dam this will hurt them more but then aga
Hello new person here also from SF following the link from Do no harm. I do agree the removal of certain content is a blow but I hope it doesn't kill the site. My friends and I moved to sf from the shut down of bf and I am not sure they could deal with another site change since only one really settled in and still chose to rp.
Hello new person here also from SF following the link from Do no harm. I do agree the removal of cer
I doubt the site will 'die' per say, I think so long as Toumal can keep SoFurry up, he will even if there are only 6 people on the site. Problem is that you use a social site for the social aspect and I know a dozen people who are leaving SF and taking their content with them. That exodus takes significant traffic off an already pretty small site. I often used SF first and directed links to it first even if the content was also posted to other, more popular locations just to drive likes and comments and view to SF and all of that will no longer occur XP
It sucks but its a sign of the times. Hell, its likely only a matter of time I feel before IB is forced to do something of similar measure and I'll have to find some other place to host my more controversial work (even if its just a locally sourced file archive). I doubt I'd go back to SoFurry though.
I doubt the site will 'die' per say, I think so long as Toumal can keep SoFurry up, he will even if