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A "Going Out of Business Sale"

I can't draw at all anymore, and I've given up hope of ever being a successful artist. So if anyone hasn't yet bought any of my art for sale and still wants to, all digital sales are now 10 cents and all prints are at the lowest possible price.
If you know anyone else that might want any of the premium cub blush pics you can tell them about this, or just send them the files yourself, it dosent matter to me...
Viewed: 503 times
Added: 13 years, 5 months ago
13 years, 5 months ago
uh, what are you metrics for "success"?  Everything you draw looks pretty good to me.
13 years, 5 months ago
Everything i used to be able to draw may have looked fine to you, but i cant do it anymore...
and by success, i mean being like some of the well known artists that can make a fair amount of money with their art, like Miu and Onta and such. It's not like I'd ever get there, no matter how hard I'd try..
13 years, 5 months ago
Oh hun ... you cant go around compairing yourself to other ... espesialy in a talent that cant be taught.
Everyone has there own strong points ... it just takes time and experimenting to find out what those points are.

I think your work is really good for what it is ... but to you it may not be up to your standard.
I hope you find what it is you are good at and enjoy doing hun

13 years, 5 months ago
i have to agree with nava. you cant compare yourself to others artists and it took me a while to learn that as well. I LOVE Onta and every time i finish a piece i kinda cant help compare as well, but I'm not Onta, and i dont wanna be Onta. I'm my own artist with my own  style and I draw for me first and the fans second. love what you do and do what you love. and if somewhere in between it you start to get payed then by gorge you've got it. My golden philosophy to my art, compare yourself to Pixar. it took pixar 15 years of short films and animation before there were recognized as a studio. if you work hard and put all your effort, love, and skill into it you'll get there. it may take some time, but dammit you will.
13 years, 5 months ago
Everyone goes through dry spells from time to time.  Maybe you just need a break is all.  Maybe you just need a different perspective.  If you're anything like me, you'll come back to it eventually, when you're  ready.  *hugs*

I know we haven't really talked before, but if worse comes to worse you can always send your woes my way.  Us tortured souls need to stick together, right?
13 years, 5 months ago
I've tried taking a break and that diddn't help at all. Besides, see my above reply. There's no point in trying anyway...
13 years, 5 months ago
If it makes any difference, I've been exactly where you are before.  Judging my own work by someone else's standards nearly drove me over the edge.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to make money off of your art, but I see that as sort of a long term goal.  I'm not telling you to be content with the way your art is now (you're doing excellent in my opinion), but maybe having something to look forward to in the short term would help.  Try doing some observational stuff.  Maybe try some life drawings, or go out with the intention of improving your anatomy, perspective, ect.  Whatever the outcome of it is, comparing it to someone who already has their chops is going to get you down in the dumps every time.  

Give yourself some time.  Go out and do something enjoyable.  Don't even think about art.  When you do come back to it, do so with a different intention.  Do it for yourself when the time comes.
13 years, 5 months ago
I tried all of that before and it diddn't help at all. I just cant do it anymore, its like in Flowers for Algernon. And im not going to stress myself further by trying.
13 years, 5 months ago
Nor should you, if that's all it's doing.  It's a sorta weird, zen-like thing.  Just relax for now.  Nothing is set in stone.
13 years, 5 months ago
Zed :( Your art is amazing, the only reason I haven't bought anything from you or commissioned you is a lack of money and I'm seriously considering it now despite my lack of money. I would really miss your characters, they are all so cute and hot. You invent wonderful characters like Rachel and London, and was one of the cutest cub and watersports artists on FA before it banned cubs. To lose you from Inkbunny would be a great loss. If you need some time out, take it out, take as long as you want out, but please return some time. It would be tragic to lose you.
13 years, 5 months ago
all my characters were boring and generic, and beleve me, after mabie a few months, nobody would miss me anymore... There are other cub artists who are better than I was..
13 years, 5 months ago
So put some more work into their backstories and let that influence their design. Sketch people in real life to get better costume ideas and anatomy. Compare your characters to each other and think about what aspects are too similar.
13 years, 5 months ago
Hun, don't give up yet! D: you just need inspiration, maybe you need to try something different?
13 years, 5 months ago
like what.....
13 years, 5 months ago
Go after things you think might be difficult to draw. If you aren't being challenged you aren't improving.
13 years, 5 months ago
Shaded has a good point, hun. Try drawing things you've never drawn before! Sen is right, too; draw for FUN, not for WORK!
13 years, 5 months ago
I'll have to agree with the other posters here. I've seen tons of artists have artblocks and stuff like that. Everyone gets through it in time. I've always thought your art was good enough to pay for, that's why I bought some. =3 You shouldn't put yourself down like that. Onta and the rest of them didn't start the way they are now. They've all worked their way into how good they are now. Your characters didn't seem generic to me, they were nice to look at and what more do you need? ^_^ I hope you reverse your position on this, I'll miss your art. =/
13 years, 5 months ago
Zed, being a success on the level of Miu and Onta isn't going to be easy, and you may never reach that level.  But that doesn't make you a failure.  I think you might have the bar raised too high.

You're watched by some really great artists.  I think them liking your art is a pretty good measure of success.

I know you've been struggling with inspiration and/or motivation issues for the past few months.  But that sort of thing happens to people.  I think you're too hard on yourself, honestly.  People love your art, and they don't want to see you give up.  I don't know what the solution is, but giving up doesn't help anything.

Your characters aren't generic.  Granted, some of your characters don't have the deepest back stories, but they all look unique and their personalities are all different.  I can see the effort put in to defining the characters.

Please don't give up, hon.  You're too good. :(
13 years, 5 months ago
Just because you can't make enough money with your art, should not be a reason to stop drawing completely. You can keep it as a hobby. Draw because it's fun for you (I hope it is).
13 years, 5 months ago
it isn't, its just a chore, and not worth the effort anymore....
13 years, 5 months ago
Oh. Has it always been like this or did it stop being fun along the way?
13 years, 5 months ago
when i couldn't do it easily anymore, I still tried, but it was just work from then on...
13 years, 5 months ago
Well if it's no fun for you then you really should not feel obligated to continue drawing.

Just stick around and nejoy other peoples work ^^
13 years, 5 months ago
So you're not good enough to make money? So what? Your stuff is already pretty good. Give it a couple more years of hard work and you'll get there. I've never met an artist that would seriously quit drawing. Stop posting, yes, but not stop drawing. Quit whining and try harder. Don't just focus on technical skill either - some of the hottest porn I've ever seen was poorly drawn but worked because it had a great concept.
13 years, 5 months ago
and I have neither
13 years, 5 months ago
Just because you are intermediate now doesn't mean you won't be good later. Every great artist sucked at some point.
13 years, 5 months ago
I'm with everyone else when I say not to give up yet. If you want to keep getting better, you keep aiming to do just that or else all your work would have been for nothing Zed. And don't sell yourself short. Everything that you've done....people have taken a VERY strong notice of it. You're an amazing artist, that much goes without saying. Your art is in a niche that's not too popular, no. But to those that love and respect your art (and there are MANY), you are quite the popular artist. But, I'm going to go ahead and tell you this, your art isn't made to make you popular or loved, your art is for the fact that you love to do it, or at least, that's what it's meant to be. If you don't like something specific, single it out and improve on it. Maybe not a break, but a step back to put it all in perspective would be in order.

Don't strive to be anybody else, but yourself. You've made a name for yourself. Aiming to try to be 'popular' or 'loved' isn't what gets you there. You do it because of the passion you have. And...maybe it's time for you to find your muse. Find that passion that got you into wanting to do this in the first place. Jump into it, immerse yourself in it and you will feel your artistic juices flowing once again, and you'll be even better than you were before. But throwing in the towel now...no, that's not going to help anything. It'll just make you regret, and life is too short for regrets.

Don't let your passion die, don't let the flame flicker out. Keep going, you can make it through this.
13 years, 5 months ago
I'd lost the passion for drawing long ago, and yet I still tried to draw, but that only made it a stressful chore I could never succeed in. It's not just art, but everything I used to be able to do and had fun with (Music, animation, 3d, games) I have nothing left to do but go to sleep and hope that i never wake up because life isn't short enough...
13 years, 5 months ago
And remember, success isn't what comes from the outside, like trying to be like someone else because in the end, that usually doesn't work. True success comes from within. So far, as an artist, you've been successful due to the love and passion you put into your art. That's what a successful artist is. Fame and everything that comes along with it is a different story entirely but has nothing to do with success.

Remember, DaVinci and many, many others were considered successful. But they weren't famous til after they passed. They were successful because they did what they loved, and didn't let lack of popularity defeat them.
13 years, 5 months ago
*huggles and pets you gently* I sorry you dun feel like drawing anymore. I think your artwork is super cute, and you will be missed by me, at least.
13 years, 5 months ago
Your art is quite good, you shouldn't lose hope.  Your skill is great and you have talent - maybe you just need a break from posting it.  Do what makes you happy, but don't give up just because you think you won't get as good as some famous artists.

If everyone who did art did that, we'd have about twenty painters with only a few dozen pictures in every art museum and they'd all be super old dead guys.
13 years, 5 months ago
lol you cant just give up something like art. Trust me, it'll come nagging back at you someday. hope it does cus you are very talented
13 years, 5 months ago
Nooo! Don't give up! :(
13 years, 5 months ago
to late...
13 years, 5 months ago
I know how you feel , but try hang in there you got lots of supporters .
and f the 'succesful' artists outthere are mostly sell outs so don't feel bad about it .
13 years, 5 months ago
Explore other means of art, like music or writing.
13 years, 5 months ago
I cant do those anymore either
13 years, 5 months ago
That is a shame considering how outstanding your art is. From what I'm reading you seem pretty set on your choice so it would be pointless for me to put in my 2 cents. I hope you change your mind in the future and I will keep watching you in hopes that you will. Although I think your 600+ watches should tell you how good of an artist you are... I wish I could muster that many.
13 years, 5 months ago
I really dont want to stop, but what other choice do i have...
13 years, 5 months ago
It sounds like you are suffering through some kind of depression. If you don't want to do anything, want to always sleep, and think that life is not short enough then you show the signs. Depression could keep you from wanting to do the things you like (or use to like). I've been fighting it for the past 3 years. Taking B-12 helps a lot if you can't afford to go to a doctor for anti-depression meds. I think you may want to look into it.

If it is not depression, then you may need to give art a rest for a while. I did for 5 or 6 years a long time ago and one day I just got right back in to it. Although I'm willing to bet it is depression in this case.
13 years, 5 months ago
I think you're a great artist with tremendous potential, and it's a damn shame that you've given up hope.
If a half-assed artist like me can be "Good," then I'm sure you've got greatness ahead of you.
13 years, 5 months ago
half-assed? You're my favorite cub artist ever. I tried all the time to learn things from your style, but I could never be as good. You're anatomy is near perfect and the cuteness factor is through the roof.
13 years, 5 months ago
And yet, I'm no where near as happy with any of my stuff as I'd like to be.
There are still people out there who I will "Never be as good as".
We're on the same path, but perhaps in a different leg of the journey.

I really do think you have what it takes.
And I hope that in time, you think so too.
13 years, 5 months ago
well.. thanks hun..
13 years, 5 months ago
I'm sorry you feel you have to "retire" because I have really enjoyed your work. I will miss your artwork and hope that you will reconsider your decision someday. You have to do what you feel is best for you and I can't fault you for that. I just want to thank you for all the material you have already made and wish I was able to purchase some of the work you are offering to show my appreciation.
13 years, 5 months ago
its only 10 cents now, why not.....
13 years, 5 months ago
A big part of it is that I never do business online, I just don't trust PayPal and those other online payment schemes... The other part is I would have no place to display your art without having to answer questions about furry AND cubs. No sense buying something you can't display.
Both are probably poor excuses for not supporting good artists.
13 years, 5 months ago
Y'could just... draw for fun. -..o
13 years, 5 months ago
but its not fun, not anymore...
13 years, 5 months ago
Then you've gotta make it fun again. Try something new!
Forget the fans. Forget the promises. Forget all that detail and perfection.

Go scribble something silly! Live a little - make fun of yourself.
The best way to have fun is to not care at all about what anyone thinks.
13 years, 5 months ago
well, i'm not going to try and make you keep drawing, i just want to say thank you for all the work you shared with your fans, and i'm going to miss seeing new art from one of the best artists I've ever seen.
13 years, 5 months ago
Dear God...this is like a mirror. I've been going through the same thing, especially in the past year. I won't make any recommendations because, well, I'm in the same spot, right down to the "curled up in bed wishing to never wake up" stuff...but, for what it's worth, you aren't alone, and you apparently have many people who think there is worth to your work, so even if you never draw again, at least you can take some comfort or pride or whatever in knowing that, whatever you may feel, you did touch others' lives in a good way, and that they at least are grateful for you being here. It's cold comfort on a lonely night, but when you're facing the darkness of your own obsolescence, any comfort helps.
13 years, 5 months ago
If your measurement of success as an artist is to be well paid... or to have fame.. I can only, and with regret, inform you that you can only expect to be a failure.

The greatest artists of history were either lost to obscurity, or died in poverty... Vincent Van Gogh is one of the greatest artists to ever grace this universe. His work is as powerful and meaningful today as ever it was. He thought most of his work was garbage, and his greatest works were destroyed either by his own hand, through poor handling, or having just been left out to rot. He died in poverty, lost to madness and depression, by his own hand. Unmissed and unloved by his neighbors, but his tragedy mourned and never to be forgotten in the soul of all human kind.

Being an "artist" is not something you do. It is fundamentally what you are. If expressing your heart and soul through the raw act of creation, is nothing less then your greatest desire in life, then you are an artist. The record store's walls are lined by albums, born of artists who will never be Aerosmith, Van Halen, Elton John. John Lennon. But that does not mean their work is meaningless. No act of creation is meaningless.... "All you need is love"...love your art...if you love something....let it go......if it comes back, only then is it truly yours. If it is never to return, then never was it yours to be had..

Take my words for what ever good they should do you, And if you do go, then go in hand with Grace, may it be a road paved of gold, to a better, brighter place..
13 years, 4 months ago
THIS.  Sorry to reply to you in with a rather simple post but.. you've got the best response ever, IMHO.
13 years, 4 months ago
Thank you. I am glad my words were felt by someone, that is always a compliment
13 years, 4 months ago
No prob.  The situation is true for all things though.  You can't just start out shooting for the highest point.  Most people who seem to be able to do that either already have a foothold in that kind of stuff.... Or they get lucky when starting small.
13 years, 5 months ago
I'm gonna put it bluntly; Don't be a cock, your art is great! You're going to regret it if you give it up, and the mere fact that you started being an artist shows that you have the drive and ability to do something worthwhile. Just because you can't live off of your art, doesn't mean it's worthless. You're certainly better than more than 99% of the global population, and even compared to the creme de la creme de la creme, you aren't exactly bad.

13 years, 5 months ago
im not quitting just because i cant make money off my art, I just cant do it at all anymore. Read my other comments...
13 years, 5 months ago
oy oy oy! you can draw pretty damn good in my opinion. My drawing skills are still bad, and i'd give my left nut to draw as half as good as you.
13 years, 5 months ago
but i cant do it anymore..
13 years, 5 months ago
unless you lost your hands, eyes, or mind, you can still do it. I still draw, even though i really suck at it. but i'm improving, and if i did it every day, i'd be really good at it by now. ya know what, i'm going to draw right now, regardless if it sucks or not
13 years, 5 months ago
Do you take commissions? I found some artists like to draw inspiration from commissioners by gathering ideas from their watchers and choosing the scene(s) and character(s) that seem most appealing to them.

Anyways, do what you feel you must.
13 years, 5 months ago
Very little that is worthwhile is easy... If drawing was easy, everyone would be doing it and noone would stand out.
I draw, occasionaly I'll turn out a picture I'm happy with, but very few artists will ever look at a piece they've just spent a day, week, month working on and say "You know, I'm HAPPY with this one"
And if someone like Paige told me I had what it takes, I'd stick with it.

Also, once the sale system is back online, I will buy some of your stuff.
13 years, 5 months ago
Sounds like you might have hit some Depression (ie. clinical, not just everyday blahs). Especially with the repeated insistence that you "Just can't," it sounds like what I've seen a ton of times in my personal life and in my job at the hospital. Take a break, and talk with a doctor... not even necessarily a therapist, just your general doctor, and they can help offer some advice.
13 years, 5 months ago
sorry to hear that :/
13 years, 4 months ago
;w;!!! Nuuuu...
13 years, 4 months ago
I wish you would keep drawing. I like what you have been drawing. I hope that you'll be able to find inspiration and keep practicing to get better.
13 years, 3 months ago
Please don't just give up.  You've really got talent!  Just...y'know, maybe take a break and go try something else.  But never stop doing something you enjoy~.  Even if you don't enjoy it at the moment, you'll reignite that spark somehow.
13 years, 3 months ago
I havent drawn anything in 4 months, i think it's safe to say I wont be doing anything anymore.....
13 years, 3 months ago
-Hugs you-  Don't get so down on it.  You'll find something that'll make you happy, and then things'll just fall into place.  I just know they will.  <3
13 years, 3 months ago
well, thanks hun...
13 years, 3 months ago
Look. I may not like cub in the slightest, but that doesn't mean I can let someone who does just throw everything away.

I went 5 years without drawing anything. No literature either. You know what it was? I was depressed. You are overcome with emotions and they are keeping you from being you. I recently went back into drawing because after the depression ended (and it certainly didn't go away by itself) I liked drawing again.

You draw for yourself. If you don't like it, go on a hiatus until you do. You don't need to know how long. I stopped for 5 years. Does it really matter if someone misses you or you have fans? No. Art is about you and what you want to express.

If you are ready to permanently throw away all hope of doing what you love. Go ahead. It will undo any glimmer of strength in you. If, however, you want to simply take a break, even for a long time, you can return with new ideas.

I know you will make the right choice.
13 years, 1 month ago
hun, i am planning on buying a commission for you... but you need to give something reasonable as far as prices go hun... Don't give up, i love your work... yeah...  i know it is selfish trying to keep you from leaving, so i will just say that i agree with many peoples comments in here... one in particular, by kamimatsu, has touched me, i dont want you to lose faith, you can stop and take a break, but dont give up. if i gave up, i would probably be gone a long time ago (sorry, i usually keep my work to FA and to myself)

i am broke right now, but if it would help, i would give every cent i have to keep you from giving up...
13 years, 1 month ago
yeh, i didnt see that you this is old, my bad... glad to see u posted more work <3
13 years, 1 month ago
im still having trouble though... =<
Im trying
13 years, 1 month ago
I have no interest in prints. BUT, if you're taking COMMISSIONS (and if I can swing it) I'd like one from you.
13 years, 1 month ago
Gah, I just realised how ol this journal was :x sorry, if you wanna talk about it though you know where to find me hun.
13 years ago
With that attitude, it's no wonder. Draw what you want, when you want to draw it. Maybe it won't be a career, but it can still be a hobby. Maybe stop commissions and instead draw when you want to. Don't make it a chore.
13 years ago
I've seen more and more artists quit in the Fandom and it MAKES ME SAD WHEN THAT HAPPENS! (BAWWs)
Don't be like one of those people. Do what I do:

Simple and plain.
13 years ago
im trying. dont worry, im not gonna leave.
13 years ago
I'm going to a Technical College for Animation and Game Design... Drawing when it's "mandatory", starts feeling like "work" very fast... When it feels like work, stuff starts to suck (both life and the art). I'm not really sure why... maybe because it's not "enjoyable", or "expressive" anymore.

Me personally, I draw just for the sake of drawing. I have no plans of making money with my art. I don't even do commissions (at least not right now). I haven't uploaded much of anything on here, and definitely nothing I'm too proud of. Anyway, I don't do it for money, and I don't think I will any time soon. I'm glad to hear you're trying again, and hope you keep up the good work.
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