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Theory about Alicorns in  My Little Pony

Long Version (scroll down for short version):
Many have wondered why suddenly a new Alicorn (Unicorn with wings) exists, where presumably Luna and Celestia are the only ones and practically gods.

I have a theory. Long ago there were only Earthponies and Alicorns (the Alicorns probably created the Earthponies from their own blood, by stripping them of wings and magic power to create simple workers for everyday duties... but that is not really important for this theory).
As an Alicorn lived much longer, was larger, could fly and had powerful magic at its disposal, they were in every way better than Earthponies. It is not surprising the Earthponies began worshiping them as gods.

Life was good for the Alicorns and they lived in luxury while their worshipers did the hard work. But while sloth is nectar for body, it is poison for the mind and thus many Alicorns simply got bored with life. They stopped procreating and over many centuries they slowly died out until only 2 were left.
Luna and Celestia.

In an attempt to save their blood they began interbreeding with the Earthponies. Again over many centuries the bred again and again with their own offspring (intermixed with more Earthponies to keep the genetic pool somewhat fresh) they created the hybrids now known as Unicorns and Pegasi. Neither wingspan nor hornsize would reach an Alicorn's, but Luna and Celestia were happy at least some part of them lived on.

They went back to being the gods of the ponies and experimented with ways to lengthen their life span (Such as going into stasis to regenerate as Luna had done the last 1000 years. Sadly she was a bit groggy after 1000 years of hibernation and needed a proper weak-up call by some bright light)

Now that Earthponies, Unicorns and Pegasi lived together they also interbred with each other. And while usually the resulting babies had the physical appearance of one of the three types, the bloodline was kept intact (as could be seen with Mr. and Mrs. Cupcake).

At very rare occasions though it can happen that the blood of Earthpony, Unicorn and Pegasus mutate and combine in a way to create a new Alicorn. In most cases however the Alicorn is imperfect and has visible deformations such as: underdeveloped wings, crooked or really short horn, no magic, chaotic magic, etc.

Cadence is one of the very rare and very lucky cases, where every detail fell into place perfectly and she became a full Alicorn.

The Changeling princess is an imperfect Alicorn. She has several mutations, such as a deformed horn, fractured wings and enlarged fangs and thus was shunned from the other ponies.
She did however got the full magic prowess of a proper Alicorn which she used to create offspring similar to her with some of her power.

And that is how Equestria was made :3

Short Version:
Hasbro wanted a new princess toy they could market

PS: On a totally unrelated note. I have created an imperfect Alicorn character nick-named "Chicken Wings". You may guess why ^^. Expect upload this evening when I get home XD
Viewed: 77 times
Added: 12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
Wait, Hasbro...? Should I be expecting to see ponies in Battleship, then? O_o
No escape from teh ponies! D8
In all seriousness, though, an interesting theory. =P
12 years, 1 month ago
Thanks :P
12 years, 1 month ago
Well, Taking the Hasbro theory into account, Candice was practically REQUIRED, so they could relabel the 'sunburned pink' Princess Celestia dolls into something that fit with the show.
12 years, 1 month ago
Also a good idea :3
12 years, 1 month ago
I suppose you could call this the divine descent theory.  

The 'real' story of course is Hasbro wanted a pretty pink princess so they based a princess on a Hub executive's daughter.  It's so dumb that Celestia is a princess and not a queen the way she was originally intended to be.  That's purely Hasbro interference.  
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah. Celestia should be Queen. But Faust said people think in Fantasy Land all Queens are evil ^^

One of the hub executives has a daughter with pink skin and horns and wings?
12 years, 1 month ago
Horns and wings and fangs.  =^⏖^=
12 years, 1 month ago
I was talking about Cadence not Chrystalis
12 years, 1 month ago
The way I see it, judging by the "Hearts and Hooves Day" story, when Celestia and Luna came to Equestria to help the struggling civilization prosper, the unicorns insisted they rule as queens. But the earth ponies and pegasi had, in previous treaties, insisted they would never bow to a unicorn king or queen. So they became princesses so as to please everypony.

Alternative: "Be our leaders! We shall crown you both queens!" "Oh, I really don't think we ought to. You have so much capability for self-rule, you should..." "Okay, if you won't be queens, how about princesses?" "Errr..." "Mine sister, let us take this burden now, lest they negotiate us all the way down to baronetesses." "Sounds good to me! :D"
12 years, 1 month ago
Sounds intersting too ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
Or it might simply just be a rarer breed of pony. Without the need for ridiculous theories x3
12 years, 1 month ago
Theorizing is fun ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
But, as science says, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.
12 years, 1 month ago
What I said is pretty much "It is a rare pony breed."  (today at least)
12 years, 1 month ago
Though I admit, I still believe one of the four alicorns had a direct hand in the Cake's children. That eye shift was just plain suspicious.
12 years, 1 month ago
Maybe ^^

We all know gods love to sleep with mortals :P
12 years, 1 month ago
Your ideas are interesting, dear Sen, but your logic is flawed.  Backwards, in fact.

If you remember back to the Heartswarming Eve episode, they were very clear on two points.  One, that there were three distinct pony clans well before Celestia and Luna came about; and two, that Hasbro is making all this shit up as they go because somehow the pony clans had a banner showing Celestia before she was even born.

As I figure (and why I say you got it backwards), the Pegacorns (I refuse to use the term Alicorn) are the result of mixed bloodlines, not diluted bloodlines.  Some lucky combination of Pegasus and Unicorn genes resulted in a superior mix of both species, and was thus deemed to be a royal line.  Not all offspring of the royal line remain as Pegacorns (Prince Blueblood for instance was just Unicorn), but any and all Pegacorns would trace their roots to royalty.  I could also surmise that a royal Pegasus would be rare or impossible, and "Earth Pony" royalty being flat-out impossible (except by marriage).  Why, you ask?  Magic.  Royalty would have its strongest ties to magic, as only the royals can move the sun and moon.  Also, their intense magical ability could be why they live so long, and it is possible thus that all current "princes" and "princesses" share one set of parents - the original Pegacorn or Pegacorns (whom will never be revealed).

Though you gotta wonder if there's some other deity for some other race (such as Zecora's Zebra race) who also creates day and night for his/her people, and how in the f**k would that work then?

Re: the short version.  Anyone notice how Cadence looks suspiciously like the (pink) toy versions of Celestia?  I'm betting they were getting so much flak for a pink 'Tia, that they wanted a way to re-print her in white, without making all the existing pink toys worthless.

Edit:  Oh, regarding bug-horse girl.  Completely unrelated to the pony races, same as Zecora.  Possibly the result of some bug-pony sex, but Hasbro would never admit to such, but definitely not related to Tia or Luna.
12 years, 1 month ago
" KhellSennet wrote:
, the Pegacorns (I refuse to use the term Alicorn)

The Alicorn, the winged unicorn, and the alicorn, ground 'unicorn horn,' are what are known in linguistics as 'false friends.'

The winged unicorn is a combination of the Latin words ala (wing) and cornus (horn), literally meaning 'wing-horn.'  it has nothing to do with ground narwhale tusk.
12 years, 1 month ago
This is why Latin and English don't mix.
12 years, 1 month ago
Also nice theory. ^^

Wait. Bugpony? Did I miss anything?
And yes. Zecora is not a pony, but a zebra. Just like donkey's in the show are no pony.

And the theory with the wrongly colored Celestia toys I heard from a poster above you. Sounds very reasonable.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, those changelings were insects with a pony-like form.
Insect wings, they showed an insect-like hive as their dwelling, those swiss-cheese limbs are insectoid, and their bodies looked more like beetle chitin than horse hair.
12 years, 1 month ago
Oh... I didn't get you referred to the changelings ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
forget Cadence toys, I want a god damn Chrysalis!
12 years, 1 month ago
Would be nice yes ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
Hmm, interesting read. I would comment further, but I am a bit crunched for time right now, however I will say this, your theory is no more out there than any other. Heck, I still have my theory that the alicorns/pegacorns are aliens. XD
12 years, 1 month ago
Pretty aliens though. ;3
12 years, 1 month ago
Yes, very much so. :D
12 years, 1 month ago
My theory is that they wanted to rebrand the pink Celestia toys and told the MLP guys to make something up. XD
12 years, 1 month ago
Several people have had this idea :3
12 years ago
Die Theorie macht Sinn.
Es würde sogar den Hintergrund mit den drei Clans erklären.

Am Anfang gab es die Alicorns. Entweder sie oder Discord erschufen die Erdponies und später die anderen (vielleicht vögelten sie ihre Untertanen auch einfach gerne, wie die griechischen und römischen Götter). Allerdings erhoben sich ihre Geschöpfe gegen sie und die Schwestern sind möglicherweise die beiden einzigen der ursprünglichen Alicorns, die diese Revolution überlebten (wer mit keinem Angriff rechnet stellt keine Wachen auf).

Später wandten sich die verschiedenen Ponyarten gegeneinander, nicht zuletzt weil sie Angst hatten dass ihre persönlichen Kinder durch eine Vermischung ihre Gaben verlieren oder zu Alicorns (und somit wahrscheinlich verstümmelt oder gelyncht) würden. Die Erdponies trauten keinem der beiden anderen Arten, weil ihnen beide noch zu viel Alicorn enthielten.

Im Laufe der Zeit entwickelte sich an manchen Orten eine friedliche Koexistenz während sich die drei Arnten an anderen Orten offen bekriegten - was wiederum die Windigos anzog und eine kleine Eiszeit auslöste, der auch fast die drei Clans zum Opfer fielen, die später Equestria gründeten.

Eine Alternative wäre dass die Pegasi und Einhörner ursprünglich von Discord erschaffen wurden weil er die Erdponies langweilig fand (wäre ihm von Macht und Mentalität her zuzutrauen), und dann hat er in seiner üblichen Selbstüberschätzung weitergebastelt - das Ergebnis waren die Alicorns, und sie waren etwas stärker als er erwartet hatte.

In beiden Fällen enthält das Banner der drei Ponyclans deswegen Celestia und Luna, weil die Schwestern schon vorher existierten und regierten, sich nun aber den Blicken der Ponies entzogen hatten und nur noch als Legende existierten - eine Legende, die dann für das Banner wieder aufgegriffen wurde, als man etwas suchte, das die Einheit der drei Clans symbolisierte. Das wiederum könnte die Schwestern motiviert haben, sich wieder zu zeigen, weil sie davon ausgingen, dass sie wieder verehrt statt gejagt würden. Gleichzeitig hatten sie in ihrem Exil etwas Bescheidenheit gelernt, Celestia zumindest. Ihr Entschuss, sich selbst gegenüber den Ponies niemals wieder als Königinnen zu bezeichnen, stammt auch aus dieser Zeit.
12 years ago
Auch interessant ^^
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