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Is It Me Or Does It Feel No One Reads Descriptions?

Just as the title says. Feels like no one reads descriptions on pictures anymore, tending to see comments that show that sort of thing. That just makes me believe that is going on. Either asking something already answered in the description or something like that.
Viewed: 99 times
Added: 12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
This isn't unusual, I'm guilty of this to a point myself.

This roughly comes down to just how imperative people put in "Time". People are just facinated with how much TIME they have, they have to rush to get to the next thing cause they just feel they don't have time to do it. So they see a picture they like, fav it and do a one word comment cause of the never ending rush that society has now put on us. We feel that we need to get as much down in one day or else we just waste our "Time".
12 years, 1 month ago
Don't they already know that they're wasting their time on here as it is?  I mean, most of this entire website is made up of porn, which isn't exactly revered as being thought-provoking or something that spurs our culture to evolve.  Besides that, how much insight do they plan on obtaining from anything with only a five-second glance?
12 years, 1 month ago
I am guilty of it too but not in the bad way. I mean if there is something I wanna know and almost feel the need to ask, then I read the description to see if it is in there before doing so. While of course seems most ask away without thinking to do that first.
12 years, 1 month ago
Doesn't really matter to me if they read them or not. I write them
because I enjoy writing them. :) If they're read that's icing on the cake. :D
12 years, 1 month ago
That's good that you do then.
12 years, 1 month ago
I get what you're saying.

I'm not an artist, so when I submit art, I put the artist credit in the thumbnail, the submission title, and on the first line of the submission description in bold red text, and some people still think that I drew that art.  It annoys me.
12 years, 1 month ago
i get this alot too >.>  tho im sorta an artist only 10% is my work  x3
12 years, 1 month ago
I tend to notice that as well. It's a bit of a shame when someone else submits a work that is not theirs and steals the attention from the hard working artist. A friend told me he feels those who didn't draw the picture shouldn't be submitting pictures, copyright or other such I dunno. But hmm yeah I mean if the artist submits it and all. If not then is more fine to do so. Oh I could go onto a topic about this but probably not a good idea, would probably upset many out there.
12 years, 1 month ago
Oddly enough, I tend to go out of my way to make -sure- I read them, as well as the tags.  Being nearsighted, colorblind and contrast impaired, it tends to be my saving grace in commenting.

But yes, I know what you mean.  People just want to stare at pretty pictures rather than read big words.  <laughs>
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah which is fine, so long they don't make a derp comment of something that is already answered and such.
12 years, 1 month ago
A lot of people don't bother to read them. Sometimes I only skim descriptions myself, especially if they're long, especially if the picture didn't lead me to be particularly interested in it. I always at least read enough to get various basic facts such as who drew the picture which, as Zeikcied mentions, is something that a lot of people don't. When I'm actively posting a lot of art, I usually get at least one person thinking I was the artist of one of my submissions a week.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah I do about the same, more so if I am gonna comment then I read it all. But hmm... a thought comes to mind about those submitting work that is not theirs but that is a whole other thing that probably wouldn't be good to discuss as it would upset others.

Eh darn I was gonna say something else but my mind forgets easily since I decided to say something else before that thought... darn. Hate how that happens.
12 years, 1 month ago
I usually read descriptions, even the really long ones, and tend to ramble on a bit with my own descriptions... they probably don't get read much either, but meh, it's important information as far as I'm concerned, and like to re-read what I was thinking at the time, whenever I go back to look at them. XP
But I'm sorta shy, so I rarely comment. I do like to scroll through and read the other comments, though. Every time! (unless there are like 100s and 1000s of them D8) ^_^
I've noticed quite a lot of people asking questions that were already answered in the description. Looks like an epidemic! =P
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah... I don't think things were like this in the past. And epidemic just like sooo many people saying your instead of you're I mean... when did that catch on? It is mind blowing at how so many people say your instead of you're just... arg.

But yeah it is important info and if you plan to comment it does help to read rather than ask what has already been answered. But I guess if you don't comment then it's kind of ok... but there are those who think someone drew something that they didn't because lack of reading.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yea, that's why I don't really bother to put up much of a description anymore because no one reads that little text box under the image. :P
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah sad as that is, even though I see other artists do that to say nothing or 5 words or less and bugs me a bit that they don't say something to a picture, especially one that looks all interesting and I'd wanna know how the picture came to be.
12 years, 1 month ago
All my drawings have a story, even if initially it didn't. As I draw it, I make something up explaining whatever is going on. I used to write out short, 1-2 half-paragraph long mini stories as to what is going on but... No one gave a hoot, so I stopped.
12 years, 1 month ago
So few people actually do.

it sucks.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah. I just wonder if things were like this in the past. It didn't feel that way, from my memory.
12 years, 1 month ago
I summit alot of music. And Watch alot of artists.
(no music on IB yet)
When I see art from thouse I watch, alot of times its a sketch and the artist would just post it with out a discription. Other times they would add comment such as "I was bored, here"

But other times I enjoy comments on the art when there is alot going on or its facinating on the characters or actions or theme.
Its good to acknowledge others too if its a commission.

I will always read a comment discription. given its not a novel of one lol.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah interesting to get thoughts on a picture from someone. And I do wonder about those posting work that is not theirs but that is another story.

Long descriptions indeed are eh... I have done a few myself, mostly an included story like one of my latest ones, with Charmander, Pichu, Veemon and Gabumon. Guess most wouldn't read that but those who do I guess would get more turned on knowing the story, heh.
12 years, 1 month ago
Indeed :P

Alot who write stories would add picture in a comic like stile or at various parts. Hence why some pitures have long story like discriptions. There isn't anything wrong with that of course. XD When it does come to something like that I sorta wish it would come up as a story instead of a picture though. =) But that is just me. I find a pictures to have alot of elements to in like the line work and shading while the events and characters to be more story bassed. So the disciptions writing can be all over the place. Still interesting to read what ever the artist has to say.. As long as the artist isn't just being silly with discriptions.
12 years, 1 month ago
yeah it actually seems so. I mean I read every description, I kinda have to, my eyes automatically go there xP
but when I read comments you're right, there are lots of comments that are unnecessary or simply already answered there *nods*
and what
said is pretty much bothersome indeed, and sometimes even when you directly tell the person "I'm not an/the artist, xxx drew this for me" even then some still don't get it ^^;
12 years, 1 month ago
If directly told maybe they just don't understand English all that well? Hmm. But yeah it seems to be a growing trend. And it is interesting how their comment gets replied to and then they kind of defend themselves and act like they did read the description and make up some excuse to cover themselves and all. I seen a few of that recently where the artist asks "Did you even read the description?" and they just make an excuse, say they did but this and that... yeah.
12 years, 1 month ago
yeah, true that. that seems to grow and I've had that myself too twice. luckily only twice ^^'
12 years, 1 month ago

I guess its more because people see the submisson and then the comments and while reading comments they think about the picture and have the impulse to directly ask what they have in their mind.
Sometimes its because the submission is so awesome that the mind is just so stunned that the brain is not calm enough to just think about reading the description or other comments with the needed answer.

Thats psychological thesis stuff I guess.  

12 years, 1 month ago
Hmm I dunno. Guess that is how things are. But I mean not just from this, when I see some certain shows like Maury and Steve Wilkos, which I can't watch that anymore.. darn Time Warner... anyway yeah, just mind blowing how people lack common sense and all that. Eh dunno if that even makes sense on the comment you made but eh think you know what I mean.

But yeah I mean I almost ask before reading but I stop myself and read so yeah.
12 years, 1 month ago

My god, yes.  I feel like NOBODY fucking reads them, not even on Youtube.  The number of times I uploaded a piece of videogame music and SOME dipshit goes "hurr whut game's dat from 8B" and it's RIGHT THERE IN THE FIRST LINES OF THE DESCRIPTION

12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah. So it feels like a lot of people out there feeling the same thing. If I have some question I be sure to read the description to see if it is in there. But yeah... people not thinking and all.
12 years, 1 month ago
Agreed.  Glad you know as well :3
12 years, 1 month ago

Hmm the on going trend shown here? Early in the comments.
12 years, 1 month ago
I actually read Descriptions :D
12 years, 1 month ago
Good stuff.
12 years, 1 month ago
Before leaving a comment/question, I always read the description.  I will admit if the pic is not very interesting, I may not read the description at all; there is an artist out there for whom I have tried to explain you can't put the interesting part of the picture in the description on an art board and hope to get many fans.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah I guess. It is hard to come up with ideas though for pictures.
12 years, 1 month ago
Not really; I have tons of ideas, it is just that I am not an artist, and am too broke to commission anyone right now.
12 years, 1 month ago
Ah well for me I lack ideas. I am open for ideas, I just don't have to use the requested characters is all, heh. Just yeah the whole positions, poses, situation and all.
12 years, 1 month ago
Part of it's selection bias, I would expect.
The people leaving those comments are the ones who didn't read the description; everyone who did read it either didn't leave a comment (because their question was answered) or left some other, non-irritating comment (that didn't draw your attention in this way).
So it's hard to say which group is actually bigger.
12 years, 1 month ago
Well obviously most don't leave a comment of course, wish more did, so I know how well I did or not well. And all that.
12 years, 1 month ago
Most of the time I read the descriptions. Occasionally, someone will post a whole long story in the description that I might skip, depending if I feel like reading or fapping at the moment, but most of the time, I read.
12 years, 1 month ago
Yeah it's how it goes. Just I was meaning those who comment mostly asking something already answered in the description. I mean I too don't read if too long or other such but at least be sure to do so if I plan to comment.

Just hmm those who don't read yet read long things all the time, be it stories of some sort or I dunno, or comments... odd to not at least read the bit of description.
12 years, 1 month ago
I tend to write too much in the description column at times, I personally feel atleast.  I am very surprised though of how many people actually do read them.  I'm not really concerned about people not reading it, because if someone comments on somethign like "Whats going on in this picture?" or something, you can just point out the obvious and they'll just look like an ass lol.  
I think you're always going to get that crowd who could care less about what the description is, and then ask a really stupid question about it that wouldn't have been asked if they spent a minute to read.  I've even have a lot of people overlook obvious stuff in a drawing, let alone a little description I tagged along with the art.  I don't think it's very intentional, but I guess people are just going to be the way they are with some things.  You obviously have a great number of followers that love what you do and read what you write, so I wouldn't try to get too annoyed over it ^_^
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