I just realized I haven't uploaded anything here in about 3 years! I think I'd better at least post a journal to let everyone know I'm okay. I do visit here often to browse other people's art, but since I work 12 hours a day at my day-job, I haven't had the energy to create big projects for at least a few years now. But I still make stuff here and there. I mostly post my projects on my Website and Twitter. I should at least upload links to those projects here. I just keep forgetting to get around to it. Also, creating censored versions of the thumbnails for InkBunny takes time and I usually have very little of that.
Welcome back! only just recently I shared some of your images to a friend of mine who does sprite work. and I finally found out what this Chrono Trigger game is about.
Welcome back! only just recently I shared some of your images to a friend of mine who does sprite wo
These days, I suspect that uploading any of my stuff to FurAffinty would be even more difficult since most of my stuff isn't allowed due to their loli ban. Even if I censor the thumbnails, I think they also added a rule about offsite links as well. I might be wrong about that. I could post links within journals, but who reads journals? ... oh wait.
These days, I suspect that uploading any of my stuff to FurAffinty would be even more difficult sinc