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"white privilege"

EDIT - PREFACE June 2020, in italic bold, actual original journal remains unedited.
Namasté to you all, i hope you have a good day :3  It seems that this particular writing has suddenly gathered lots and lots of views, like, over tripled the views in just few days.. i highly suggest anyone who has any questions about this, to boldly contact me and ask questions, either in public or private, i'd be happy to clarify or re-iterate anything.. also take in in to consideration that this thing is not a response at the slightest on what is happening at the moment in united states, this was written over a year ago, and is just a slight, tiny slice of the whole of what i think.. sure anyone can come up with plethora of cases and example like "what about X" or "you didn't mention Y from the perspective of Z from Å country" .. sure. no one can write in this kinda limited format all encompassing thing about the history of privileged classes compared to races from the Babylonian era to this day, and how it impacts modern societies and how things can be viewed from the lenses of different people around the world.. naturally that is impossible... i just wrote train of thought at that moment in time when things were not so highly polarised, and i write this preface to encourage conversation and engagement with me, since i have an inkling feeling this text is spread buy the kinda people and kinda forums where extremely angry people just like to scream RACIST BIGOT MISOGYNIST FUCKFACE .. kinda things, without getting to actually know the person.. you know, practice the kinda strong prejudices they claim to be against so... do not be that person, instead of judging someone without knowing anything about him besides some random, over a year old train of thought improvised piece of journal, ask questions boldly and engage in dialogue, or at least read my latest journal to get a bit of perspective ^^ ..that's all i ask, don't judge others from the position of anger just because judging someone makes you feel better and is the easy choice..  i already got this nice engagement from this journal https://inkbunny.net/s/2174823#commentid_6250771 where is was just blatantly called a fucking idiot and racist, and blocked without the possibility of conversation... judging others is easy, engaging others to lessen hostilities is not that easy... in any case, since this whole things seems to gather so much interest, i will make this fully open to everyone, even if you're not logged in to this site, just because i personally have nothing much to hide about my point of views, nor do i see the reason to block others to stop discussion... that's all.. now to the actual journal from springtime of the innocent year 2019..

i hate to do this, but this has been on my mind for a LONG time, so here goes a little political rant..

white privilege, to me is... it's just so extremely narrow and so so very very american way of seeing the issue of race and favouritism.. the whole thing is ludicrous.. sure, in the USA there might be instances where in some cases certain individuals get certain treatment for the colour of their skin, or certain assumptions might be made about them.. but that's america.. USA baby..
claiming in general that there is such a global thing as "white privilege" that in some way is infused through the globe, is just blatantly wrong..
it would be more right to make a claim that nations have "majority bias" ... where people belonging ethnic majority of that certain country are seen and handled in more favourable ways then rest of ethnicities.
like, for example.
just go to Asia as a white person, and you will hear lots and lots of stuff behind your back from thailands "farang" to japans "gaijin" to chinas "Gweilo"
travel to israel and you're a "Goyum", and looked down at like second class person..
and so on and so forth.. and in many countries those slurs are not even used behind your back.. they just blatantly call you that to your face...
chanting this mantra of "white privilege" just seems so extremely USA centric way of thinking to me..
.. and if we are talking about "slavery" .. well , how about this story
.. i live in the whitest possible country in the world , Finland.. highest percentage in the world of our population are blonde and blue eyed... we are often seen as modern Nordic country, very western, rated as happiest country in the world and all that shit..
but our history is .. kinda different story..
like, we never as a nation had any part of colonialism, we never had any slaves or plantations etc,... on the contrary, most of our written history, we were either slaves and vassals to the Swedish or to the Russians... hundreds of years, almost a millennia of slavery.. we managed to claw ourselves out from the ike of Russian in the 1918, when Russia had its communist revolution, and were with the Irish among the poorest nations in the world, most of the inhabitants were extremely poor farmers who didn't even own their land.. after WWII, when we managed just barely to fight against Russia long enough to not be overrun by them, we managed to keep our then few decades old independence, and were hit with amazingly harsh reparations from the war,.. and we were among , and still are among the extremely few nations who actually paid of war reparations, and because of that, in the the 1950's-60's, we actually had proper industrial revolution, first time in hour history we built production plants, factories, shipyards and shit.. and because of those war reparations, after they were paid, we actually had somewhat robust infrastructure to keep on production and slowly crawled out of extreme poverty as a nation, to become the thing we are today...
to someone come and claim that we as nation have white privilege, because of something that happened in america hundreds of years ago, or because of how some individuals are treated by some ass-hole law enforcement agents and such these days in USA... to me is just EXTREMELY narrow minded way of seeing things, and reeks of usa centric thinking and racism..
it would be , imho, more correct way to say that in any nation in the world, there is a majority bias.. japan has majority bias for native Japanese, against everyone else, but especially some other Asian neighbours, for example...  Japanese are not white, and are among the richest nations in the world.. Chinese have huge bias even in courts and by law to everyone not natively Chinese, and china is like one of the major superpowers at the moment.. and Chinese are not white..
and so on.. and so forth..
to someone claim that world is run by old white men and white privilege... just should broaden their way of thinking beyond USA, and beyond the history of USA into a global scale, open their eyes a bit and REALLY think what is actually going on..
*drops mic*

(ps. this is not a claim against the fact that USA has some racial tensions and issues at the moment and that the "black" people living there are not in all cases treated as fairly as some other inhabitants of that nation, but again, that the nepotism of the majority race living there, not just "white privilege" ..there is a difference, where the other term is racist and demonizes the whole population of one particular skin colour, and the other states the factual state of being in the USA at the moment.. also this political rant is not a claim that racism doesn't exist, of course it does.. but to claim that it's just "the whites" against all the rest and "the whites" are the only, or even major benefactors of it globally, is just blatantly ignorant as fuck)

Viewed: 296 times
Added: 5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
I wish this kind of hate on no one :( makes me sad to see... It's this kind of stuff that has me like I don't wanna live on this planet...
5 years, 11 months ago
what kinda "hate" are you seeing here now ?
i'm a bit confused on what you mean
5 years, 11 months ago
No no, not from you. In the world. I'm sorry, I should have made it clearer
5 years, 11 months ago
sure ^^ , that is what i actually assumed you ment, but i just wanted to be crystal clear :3
since, many of the issues these days are about huge misunderstandings and bad communication ^^
5 years, 11 months ago
You're so right :)
5 years, 11 months ago
Well said!
5 years, 11 months ago
issa elmo    
5 years, 11 months ago
It me!
5 years, 11 months ago
Such a thing as white privilege doesn't exist if you ask me. What few exceptions are made because I look the way I look, I can probably count on one hand in all of my lifetime. Small things and big things. And I've always been conscious to watch out for that kind of thing. I've got a very strong sense of fairness towards everyone around me, so I do sense it when someone treats me better than others.

You are treated better and kinder by most everyone, if you return the gestures. It is up to you to make life good for people around you, and you can safely say that if you are a friendly person, people are going to appreciate you more. If you have a "bad" character, people are probably going to treat you special in good or bad ways.

That all being said, I see it every day because it's like a global epidemic: people in the US especially, but also in the UK now, and other parts of the world .... are *obsessed* with skin color, preferential treatment; are *obsessed* with sexism and racism where it is there, and also when it is clearly not.

One of my favourite human beings once said ...

5 years, 11 months ago
" claiming in general that there is such a global thing as "white privilege" that in some way is infused through the globe, is just blatantly wrong..
it would be more right to make a claim that nations have "majority bias" ... where people belonging ethnic majority of that certain country are seen and handled in more favorable ways then rest of ethnicities.
like, for example.
just go to Asia as a white person, and you will hear lots and lots of stuff behind your back from thailands "farang" to japans "gaijin" to chinas "Gweilo"
travel to israel and you're a "Goyum", and looked down at like second class person..
and so on and so forth.. and in many countries those slurs are not even used behind your back.. they just blatantly call you that to your face...
chanting this mantra of "white privilege" just seems so extremely USA centric way of thinking to me..

I mean that's basically what "white privelege" means in that respect, however, i guess what they refer to the "global aspect"  of "white privelege" it's how people treat certain races or perceive attributes behind certain racial and ethnic groups. For example, I believe there was this one YouTube video by a user named "TheJapaneseManYuta" who went out and publicly interviewed fellow Japanese people about how they saw races, basically, they saw white people and associated them with "successful" and such. this kind of high regard is what they likely mean with "white privelege"

That, along with how people perceive other races, especially foreigners that come to the US don't always see Black Americans (and media is partly to blame on that end), is also part of that issue too.

So I understand where they're coming from, to disagree with the notion that it "doesn't" exist. Because when i've brought it up with people concerning things such as  property value based on ethnic groups, etc,  i'm also reminded of the US's race-based crime statistics as an excuse to show why the "privilege" exists.

I mean, at the end of the day, I don't want privilege, I just want people to be treated equally on an individual level basis regardless of race, skin color, ethnicity,  sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or creed.
4 years, 9 months ago
i can agree with this sentiment.. sorry for the slow response... been away a LONG time again x3
5 years, 11 months ago
Ragging on races, sighting either so called "white supremacy", or so called "black radicalism" is the kind of stuff that causes racial tensions that could ultimately lead to a race war...And that's the last thing any country needs.

As for myself; If I was given a choice between living in a 3rd world country where everyone gets along...Or living in a 1st world country that is in a race war, I would have to pick the 3rd world country where everyone is getting along.

I'll take living in a thatch and tin hut, with no utilities, malaria, drinking dirty drinking water, rice one or two times a day, working for $40 per month, relying on New Tribes Missions for occasional help, and ragged filthy cloths rather than to be living in the middle of something as ugly and scary as a race war.  
3 years, 3 months ago
OK, but do you know about the efforts of republicans to keep black people as second class citizens? Are these efforts happening in any of those other countries you mentioned? Because all you mentioned are slurs that are used. Nothing of actual substance.
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