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Political dumpster fire 9/27/2018

Nothing about yesterday judicial committee meeting should be seen as a positive episode for our country or democracy.  Everyone has justifiable reason to be enraged, I dont blame anyone involved or watching for being disgusted by the whole affiar.

While I found Lindsey's Graham comment on this being the wrong town and time for a fair hearing to be a true statement, he cynically forgets he and his party contributed to the environment he's complaining about when they refused to vote on Garlands confirmation for over 400 days so an election could take place.

What goes around comes around, and this accusation indeed was sadly politicized due to the fact Graham refused to vote for political gain himself.  I do not have sympathy for him nor his party, nor trust in any of them or any of their candidates for any court seat or legislative post.

And this mistrust, scincely held by many people in this country on both sides of the political spectrum lead not only to both Ford and Kavanuagh received threats and insults online but Senators Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch being doxxed during their questions of Kavanuagh yesterday.

Both parties have lost the faith of the American people, and worse then that they allowed and promoted that division for political profit in the short term.

This should be plainly evident by the behavior we seen on the committee, and in public between each other.

Until integrity and loyalty to country and the constitution trumps over party happens, this state of affairs will only contiune to worsen.

It probably to late for a change to happen or matter any way.

Edit: Possible solution to the confirmation mess.in the future.

Elections for Supreme Court Justices

As loath as I am to put the matter in the hands of a population that can only show up at 50% for a presidential election, at least it would create an independence to the court and prevent ether party from gaming the process.

We elect state level judges this way, no reason the high court cant as well.
Viewed: 102 times
Added: 5 years, 7 months ago
5 years, 7 months ago
Just wondering, did you watch the entire meeting on its official channel?
5 years, 7 months ago
Not the entire.  Was working for most of it.  And what coverage was aired was cherry picked to extremes.
5 years, 7 months ago
Okay, the reason I asked was, I advocate finding out what a person actually says or stands for, or the actual content of a meeting, before believing anything someone else says about them. For instance, before I believed anything said (or written, for that matter) about Trump, Hillary, or Jordan Peterson, I would watch the relevant video on the White House's YouTube, Hillary's YouTube, or a video of Professor Peterson that was untouched by the news.

I don't know where on YouTube to find the uncut video of the meeting you mention, maybe C-SPAN's channel?

Anyway, I just thought it important to mention this. It's relatively easy to do for most videos under about 20 minutes.
5 years, 7 months ago
Wise policy.

C-span should have a clip of Graham's questioning of Kavanuagh, as well as the entirety of the hearing.  That particular exchange happened late in the afternoon around 3 pm.
5 years, 7 months ago
... a lot of people who pay attention can understand that the republican party is so full of hypocrites and opportunist that they are dysfunctional as a national party... So exactly how do you go about turning this around to blaming both sides.

The democratic party is also dysfunctional.. and this is generally political theater.    But this is generally republican incompetence.  I don't see any of trumps secretaries being accused of rape..or the other justice.  How come the Trump administration decided to sprinkle their support for people accused of being sexual predators.  
5 years, 7 months ago
Outside of Kavanuagh, Rob Porter, and Trump himself of course,  I'm not aware of anyone else accused of sexual assualting a woman being put up for a nomination or serving as an aid at this time.

Trump blatant compulsive lying makes anyone hes known personally suspect as a safe assumption.

But assumptions aren't convictions, that takes evidence as well as testimony.

It would have been better for Ford to have attempted going through the FBI first, and if denied then the Dems could point out a cover up.  They used the allegation as a political weapon but didnt ensure the proper due process of the proper authority to investigate such claim was attempted first.
5 years, 7 months ago
Do your member Roy Moore...  

You're on about if it's true he's a rapist.. It shouldn't matter if he is or isn't... Someone accused of being a rapist.. shouldn't have been considered for the position, it would have avoided this.  They could have simply gone for another person with horrible position and avoid this bit of drama.  

Ford wrote in when he was being considered and they still ignored her.  So this is the consequence of ignoring her.... Ford isn't requesting to put Kavanuagh for a criminal trial.. she can't just contact the FBI and ask them to investigate something..

She privately told the administration not to consider this person and a Dem got word and revealed it to the world.  Though people already decided rather they will vote for him or not.. this is just another footnote on the long list to why he shouldn't be a justice.  

If the republican vote him in.. this is just example one million and seventy nine towards why the republicans are hypocrites and have double standards.

To repeat, the dems aren't perfect.. or even good.. but this is simply yet another example why you should never.. ever EVER trust a republican politician..  they literally have no value, and you get closer to the truth if you simply assume the worst of them.
5 years, 7 months ago
I assure you I do assume the worse of Republicans.
5 years, 7 months ago
It's hard to tell if you do.. but that's my nitpick.

I'm not particularly in favor in notion of elections for justices... We have election where the person who gets the most money wins.. what happens if a few companies bank more money for judges than the president..

You believe if we put it in the hands of the people, the two party system won't gaming the system... I will argue those election do help game the system.  We already have an insane prison population and oppressive laws that will send you to jail... make you serve time while working as a slave.. then let you leave jail while having to pay a bill you can never pay.. and will be endangered of going to jail again.. modern slavery

What's happening with this justice isn't a 'problem'.. it's political theater involving clowns who can't be  smart enough to go for a clean nominations.. where they will rush through this vote and if confirmed.. will be political  hay over the absurdity  of the situation... and at the mean time.. there are still cities that don't have clean water.
5 years, 7 months ago
I won't lay down money on which way this one will go just yet.

Flake and Murkowski calling for an investigation before a vote.
5 years, 7 months ago
Even if there is an FBI investigation.. it won't be conclusive.  At most they may find more people who can contradict what  Kavanuagh said.  He already advanced..  and at most this all leads up to saying there's a very strong chance was the type of person who would rape a woman.

Personally, I think he is a rapist.. but what I think doesn't matter.. Even if 60% of the population thinks he's a rapist, that doesn't technically disqualify him... he should have been disqualified from the beginning by republicans, but we have a circus.

But if you assume the worst.. Kavanuagh  is a rapist.. we'll hear more stories of his sketchy possible past.. and in the end it doesn't matter and the republicans will vote him in as a Justice before they're endangered of a big portion of congress.  

If by some chance something else happened, that's would be better.. but so far we gotten Trump which lead to this.
5 years, 7 months ago
The accusation wasn't part of some conspiracy, no. However its hard to divorce from politics anything to do with a man who believes the gay marriage decision was decided wrong and that Presidents should have unchecked power - both things that would be insanely unpopular among the American people. I'm also not going to play into the claim that sexual assault claims are just political fodder given that there is no evidence - the people acting like they keep coming up and getting proven wrong (which isn't true) are the people that have NEVER believed them from the start to begin with.

Graham's statement was absolutely insane, he doesn't represent the people of South Carolina anymore, just himself and a small base of people that have the cognitive dissonance to believe a man who has been vocal about his views on issues secretly doesn't mean any of it.
5 years, 7 months ago
The committee is not a court.  Only reason Republicans agreed to the extra hearing was optics.  Even if they believed Kavanuagh was involved by testimony alone they would have directed the matter to the state attorney to open a case for any criminal charges.

Ford needed to attempt to have an investigation started and likely been denied to show proof of an attempted cover up.

We already know that conservatives don't care about equal rights, and that what should have disqualified Kavanuagh before theses accusation even came up.

Proof of bias by denal of an investigation needed to happen by the proper authorities before this was brought committee.
5 years, 7 months ago
Well Senator Flake just expressed his desire to have an FBI investigation, so maybe we will get one.
5 years, 7 months ago
Depends if his final vote is being held for there to be one.

Why hes hedging, I can't imagine.
5 years, 7 months ago
Another swing senator appears to support his call for an investigation.
5 years, 7 months ago
That seals an investigation, or with drawl.
5 years, 7 months ago
one suggestion I`ve hear to solve partisanship in the supreme court is to  have a randomly selected  group of circuit court judges assigned for brief periods to the supreme court. One example I`ve heard is to keep the 9 justices but add another 5 to 7 justices who serve like one month terms.That way no one can settle in and know what cases they will hear or be lobbied to ,etc. The court has become too  openly partisan and becoming more of legislative branch then a arbiter of  legal disputes as it was intended to be.
 I also think lifetime appointments made more sense hundreds of years ago when there were no political parties and peoples life spans were shorter.  A long  but not lifetime term would be a good idea . Say 20-30 years  or until health no longer permits and they retire.
5 years, 7 months ago
This.. is a better idea.. instead of having a life long appointed justice, have it be random and impartial.. like a Jury.

This is... i really good idea, you thought of this yourself or there been talks?

There would be problems over how the judges are picked.. I mean.. we still don't trust our voting machines, but this is a step in the right direction.. which would remove a personality and ideology of a judge and lean having current opinions dictating our laws.  
5 years, 7 months ago
I saw an article online.I dont remember if it was Vice or some legal magazine but it seemed like a real good idea to me.The last thing we need is direct election of judges with as broken as our current election system is where the rich can give as much money they want to candidates.
5 years, 7 months ago
It's a shame we don't have a party that would progress with good ideas and argue the best way to go... instead of perpetuate the status quote and pretend nothing could be done...  
5 years, 7 months ago
We have this system at the state level.

But campaign funding only accounts for so much of the problem.

My bigger concern is lack of participation by so many.

This has the potential should the people actually involve themself in taking away power form both parties and putting it in the hand of the masses.

Which to some is a terrifying thought.
5 years, 7 months ago
The whole hearing was filmed and put on YouTube. From what I have seen, neither side was in the right, and both were wrong. The accusations sound false, and the opposition echoed too harsh.
5 years, 7 months ago
What sounds false about the accusations?
5 years, 7 months ago
Have you watched the whole hearing? I believe the Ford could have been raped, but I don't think it's likely that she has her story straight on who did it.
5 years, 7 months ago
She said Kavanaugh was the perp. As far as I know, she's never said he wasn't. What part of the hearing did she say otherwise?
5 years, 7 months ago
That doesn't mean she's correct. An FBI official was present at the hearing and after hearing both testimonies, said that it's doubtful that Kavanaugh was the assailant.
5 years, 7 months ago
But you said she didn't have her story straight. What wasn't straight about it?

Also, do you have a source re the "FBI official"?
5 years, 7 months ago
The whole thing's on YouTube. Watch it there (I'd recommend double speed) and then argue.
5 years, 7 months ago
I listened to it live. She said she was "100%" certain that it was Kavanaugh.
5 years, 7 months ago
That doesn't mean she's correct. I don't think either side was.
5 years, 7 months ago
How can both sides be wrong? Do you mean Kavanaugh committed or abbeted only one or two of the alleged three assaults.

You said Ford didn't have her story straight. What wasn't straight about it?

And can you clarify more about this FBI official? Were there other FBI officials watching? What were their opinions? What kind of FBI official makes a claim like that before an investigation even starts? Commenting on a case like that before an investigation is even ordered is a serious ethics violation.
5 years, 7 months ago
I think Kavanaugh was wrong for letting his emotions overpower him during his entire testimony. Matt Damon recreated that without fail. If what Kavanaugh's reports and witnesses are saying is true, then Ford was wrong. I remember it being noted that none of her witnesses had any recollection of the events or admitted that it was false. The two sides don't match, and an FBI investigation should happen because of it.
5 years, 7 months ago
Mitch McConnell: "One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, 'You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy,'"
Mitch McConnell, a year later: "Apparently there's yet a new standard now, which is not to confirm a Supreme Court nominee at all. I think that's something the American people simply will not tolerate."

Say what you will about the Dems, but they're nowhere near the level of absurdly cartoonish party-over-country sociopathy of the Repubs.
5 years, 7 months ago
Not yet.

But Lindsey Graham is right to worry about dems holding a seat open until after 2020.

Its justified by his party's actions and he knows it.
5 years, 7 months ago
That's why they're in such a hurry.  After the November midterms, the political landscape looks to be much different.
5 years, 7 months ago
They still have till the end of year to push someone through party line assuming Dems take the Senate.

Expectations are in flux at the moment.
5 years, 7 months ago
What we really need to do is get rid of the political parties
5 years, 7 months ago
5 years, 7 months ago
Are you suggesting anarchy?
5 years, 7 months ago
The parties are not what hold our nation togther.  If anything they divide to a dangerous degree.

They are not the government, without them regional and sectarian issues would dominate candidates being nominated and elected.

We would turn insular, something that isn't that terrible considering our waning relevance on the world stage.
5 years, 7 months ago
I'm independent and have lost trust in all sides at this point. Maybe someday I'll change my mind, but not now.
5 years, 7 months ago
No, we just need to ban organized politjcal parties. Or possibly mandate that no single party can comprise more than, say, 25% of either house of congress.
5 years, 7 months ago
Is that done anywhere?
5 years, 7 months ago
IIRC the ban on political parties was proposed (though obviously not adopted) by some of the founding fathers.

As for no party controlling more than 25% of the legislature, I don't know of any place where it is mandated but there are countries where it naturally happens (or, at least, where it is very difficult for any single party to get a majority) due to how their political system is set up.
5 years, 7 months ago
I know I'm going to do soon, buy a ticket for Fahrenheit 11/9. At least that would be funny.
5 years, 7 months ago
I find Moores movies to be intended for the uniformed.  Anyone with a modicum of awareness and access to Google should have presence of mind on the topics he highlights.
5 years, 7 months ago
Moore's films are well made documentary cinema. I already said that I'm in it for the humor. If I wanted to get angry, then I'd watch a Dinesh D'Souza film, because those are very poorly made.
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