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Something there is a disturbing lack of on the internet in general is games and I don't mean those 5 minute creations on Andkon, I mean games with length and depth that have a bazillion play hours.

Now when it comes to games there is a huge and I mean HUGE difference between the so-called Western Market i.e. North America, The United Kingdom and Australia and the Eastern Market that is most of South America, almost all the rich parts of Africa and half of Asia, with Mexico, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Chile, South Korea and half of New Zealand and New Ginea flipping between the two, the poorer areas of Africa being a rule unto themselves and Europe being a complete tangled mess that people have literally wrote several hundred page books on the mechanics of that one because it's so complex with each country having their own rules, favourites, flag wavers and protests.

Despite this we still say there are 2 distinct markets and when you look what they're throwing out you can see why. the "Western" market is generally lower budget and/or effort. They have out-dated potato graphics, very limited gameplay and whenever they do something the rest of the world has already done they cheer like a babe that's just learned to go to the toilet by themselves. the "Eastern" market has such high standards and frequency following any kind of trend instantly puts you in a niche as most people just take one look and are like hmm or meh and complete that fuck-ton Gig sprite game in 3-12 hours with every collectable and instantly move on. not only does your stuff gotta be top quality but unless your kicking these out on a weekly basis the chances of your stuff being recognized in the vast sea of content that's flowing like a mighty torrent is next to none.

So on the one hand the Eastern market is better because at any moment there's an infinity of possibilities and with them all being good you might as well choose your game based on the main character having a hair colour you like because petty stuff like that is about all that matters in the end. Then again the Western market just because the sea's so dry has a better community as everyone looks forward to only a handful of games each year. Can you imagine that?

So me from the 'east' I'm used to a conveyor belt of BIG games, big in content, not popularity, and so I tend to follow suit and make just that with games multiple choices and hundreds of collectables just to pad them out. What's weird to me is when the 'west' turns up and they're like kids in a candy store on a sugar high because they've never seen anything like that before. It makes me laugh when games like Undertale become popular when they're literally a dime a dozen over here.

Funny thing is, the English speakers have such a dry bed of games, I'd be a fool not to send a monsoon and show them what they're missing. Certainly western trends like furries have it rough with places like Fur Affinity only having a couple of hundred at best out of there entire decade long run so far. That works out as about a game every fortnight and they have literally millions of members. Oh deer. And even then most of them aren't separate games but several versions of 1 game or just clips from half finished games that are still unfinished several years later.

I look at people like
and the west is so hungry for any kind of content in the right direction that they still have fresh comments on their gallery from people who've been waiting 3 YEARS for an update on a dating sim. Oh man. Somebody give these westerners a glass of water, they're dying of thirst out there. In fact, I say, that's quite the idea.

The western market has been abandoned by the world but just think what limitless potential it holds. You can pretty much make any shit as long as the gameplay isn't clunky, there's a branching story and a ridiculous number of collectables like characters, items and areas which increase the gameplay, lore items like backstories and history, I mean it works for Elder Scrolls right, or achievements or trophies or whatever they call them and bonus content like the shit you pulled when making the damn thing in the first place. You don't even need good art or anything, they're playing sprite games made in RPGMaker out there people.

So I'm going to try my hand at this and encourage my crew to do the same. I don't expect people to try to fit Flash games into the stringent size requirements, most people just post a link to a cloud anyway.

So I need some ideas I guess. I can't just use user characters because nobody will get the in-jokes. I'm gonna need at least 4 to 8 games to start with let's say about 4 main characters for now but obviously there's gonna be a lot of NPCs and side characters in the mix so get the designs in, you know how to contact me and not accepting any more goats, either as content or as payment.
Viewed: 10 times
Added: 6 years, 6 months ago
6 years, 6 months ago
I've been out of the game so long i've forgotten how to game.

I was hoping for the same myself but, you know, life.


Holy crap. Tone down the racism.
6 years, 6 months ago
sorry, I'm pretty high right now.

I'm about 3 puccho away from a heart attack.
6 years, 3 months ago
6 years, 6 months ago
In the end it boils down to: I am not a full time gamedev, I actually have a 8 to 6, 4 10s job, I have a life outside of the internet. I am a hobbyist when it comes to smut, I don't make a living out of it. The main programmer is actually finishing (hopefully this is his last semester) his College Degree so he can get a job and a life. It's been 5 years, sure, we've worked on stuff here and there, nothing to warrant a full release, because it would just be another incomplete release with missing features. Everyday I log on to find 50+ new PMs asking the same questions I've answered in journals over and over again...and anytime I write about it people just say I'm either complaining or ranting...
6 years, 6 months ago
I have now discovered that our @fastlink system does a weird thing when reposted here.
Didn't really mean to awake the mighty beast from its slumber.
But as you can tell it's more the issue of the fans I have rather than you or FA.

Yeah, it's also true that I have no real job and besides socializing and online business I have a lot of spare time.
I really should stop criticizing people for having busy lives, I know.
6 years, 5 months ago
6 years, 4 months ago
you've got quite a lot to do to catch up with
6 years, 4 months ago
i think i have enough notches in my belt
6 years, 3 months ago
yes but lol needs an identity now and some crafted games might work
6 years, 4 months ago
you've done a lot of small thing but you really need to wow us with goats is a group project.

if you can do that we might be interested.

also it would be something you could use as an identity.
6 years, 4 months ago
organizing this rabble is very difficult though
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