I've noticed there's quite a bit of variation in the number of views my stories get. Since there's only the warning thumbnail and the title to go on, I'd like to ask all of you questions:
* What info in the thumbnail makes you want to click on the story and read it?
* And conversely, is there something that makes you less likely to click through? (Of course I understand that if there's a kink mentioned that you don't like, then that's a fair pass. But anything else?)
Now, obviously I will never make misleading thumbnails, but I would still like them to be as "selling" as possible. Especially if there's been a story you didn't think you'd like based on the thumbnail, but read it and did like. I'd really like to know how to make that better so the story reaches its fullest audience.
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66 times |
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6 years, 6 months ago
05 Aug 2018 23:51 CEST