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Love cannot trump hate.

It seems that love, and trying to spread positivity cannot be allowed on FurAffinity.

This is disappointing.

They appear to prefer the lies and slander of others, over the truth of the situation.

They also appear to want to remove folks, and will desperately find any reason to do so. Including blaming you for knowing someone who posted a Tweet that the moderation team didn't like.

Yes, that is right. Guilt by association is a way to get banned forever from FA. But not just guilt by association, no no. Also using off site information to do so.

Something that goes directly against their own Code of Conduct. And something that they will only enforce against those they have targeted.

Yes indeed, if you know someone who has posted something that they don't like off site, you might well expect a ban, forever, because 'reasons'.
Viewed: 133 times
Added: 6 years, 9 months ago
6 years, 9 months ago
“Yeah, we’re banning you because the grandfather of a lady who’s friends with this guy who was organising an alt-right khaki pants march, the group of which is ran by Sarah Palin, whose daughter’s boyfriend’s best-friend’s uncle you stood behind while waiting in line at Starbucks drew a picture with a Swastika.  I don’t care if the artist was Art Spiegelman!  HE DREW NAZI PICTURES, AND YOU’RE GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION SOMEHOW!!!”

Oh, by the way, if you’re looking to ban people for posting art that ACTUALLY incites violence against a group of people, maybe go after these as well... (trigger warning?)


...or, oh wait that’s right, these SJW tumblrina mongoloids are “oh so woke”, and “it’s okay to main, torture, and kill ‘nazis’, because they aren’t real people with real feelings”.  So I guess that means their outright violent fascist art is “justifiable” and not worthy of a fucking ban?!  What’s good for one group should apply to all, but godDAMN if there isn’t a major bias towards one side at FA!

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m very left of center, but I’m also fucking tired of the overbearing puritanical cleansing, censorship, and double standards that the super far SJW left constantly tries to force feed down everybody’s throats.

I hope you get your FA back sometime soon bud.
6 years, 9 months ago
All those arts are so well done, talented, beautiful, too. Such amazing and creative artists Antifa has to offer.
6 years, 9 months ago
Right?  Lol. x’D

Well, to be fair, this one is well-done and more of a display of hatred against an ideology/set of ideologies rather than a call to violence.


(The comments section full of brainwashed SJW retards notwithstanding, lol.)
6 years, 9 months ago
I am also left of centre.

And pretty far down the libertarian view axis. I am pretty much the polar opposite of a nazi, in political views. Because I oppose authoritarian rule.

But hey. Easy to just listen to lies and misinformation. Easy to make things up about someone and then ban them forever from those lies. Easy to allow hate from one side, so long as they 'choose the right target'.

Because tribalism and hate is the right way to run a site for a supportive and welcoming community.
6 years, 9 months ago
Libertarianism sounds about 90% right on par with where I’m at.  I never knew that’s what it meant, a “sensible” Leftist if you will, or like a “classical liberal”.

Well, there’s a reason the only art I post on FA (when I bother to that is) is from an alt account with a monster/creepypasta bear character that indulges in the most brutal violence imaginable.  It’s a matter of being tired of many people in the fandom who are far more intolerant of the Rightwing than the Christian Conservatives were of gays.  I’m just sick of the direction our fandom is heading as the Tumblritis virus spreads.

Matter of fact, I tire of the world in general with just how stupid many people are, all the ignorance, all the pisstaking (in a non-joking manner), the fact every bit of media has to be politically correct sanitised garbage (or even to the point you have some faggot rapper like xxxtension or whatever the name is lynching some white boy), the fact humor (a coping mechanism I use to deal with things) must be mostly unfunny sanitized garbage or else you’re a “racist/sexist/homophobe/transphobe/ableist/whatever other -ists and -phobes you can think of”, etc.

Even today, one of my friends was talking smack about this one Conservative furry, and he’s all like “He wonders why Conservative furries are being banned, lol.”  I said, “Because the super far left are a bunch of spineless puritanical jackasses who’d rather silence differing opinions rather than, I dunno, debate them.”

Look at
, how he was metaphorically gangraped by the far left, just because he made a rather funny parody of the gender unicorn.  (I mean, he doesn’t want to learn 72+ sets of make-believe pronouns.  Do you?  I certainly don’t!)  Roarey is one of my heroes here, because while I may not always agree with his opinions, dude has a backbone and strong moral fiber to share his beliefs.

I’m just glad Greenreaper and company are more relaxed here and keep free speech alive.  Even if I myself dislike cub porn, it’s good that it’s allowed here.  It’s good we have the freedom to express our thoughts here.  To borrow an SJW term, IB is MY “safe space”. x’D
6 years, 9 months ago
That is a wonderful statement.

And yes, I agree with most of your points as stated.

Well said indeed.

The unfortunate thing that I'm noticing. Furry was so welcoming that it welcomed the cancer that is spreading through it.

"Social justice" is anything BUT that. I wish that furry took a leaf from the BDSM community and purged that kind of thinking early on. 'Social justice' was starting to spread and kill BDSM, until BDSM managed to make a stand against it.

Furry, welcomed it with open arms, and then it just started to stab at furry over and over again without any kind of resistance.

Now we are in a situation where much of furry, that thing that used to be an escape, a community of like-minded (or at least like-interested) individuals, now has to walk on eggshells to 'not offend' and to 'appreciate the difficulties of how someone happened to be born'.

No, bugger off. This is furry. We have characters here. We interact with said characters. We ARE those characters for others. It doesn't matter how you happened to be born, that comes last. WHO you are, HOW you interact, HOW you present yourself and what your CHARACTER IS is what is important.

Meets of rodents, canines, dragons. Parties of folks based upon what they have chosen to be. WHO they are. That is what is important. Not 'people of colour' parties. That makes no sense in furry.
6 years, 9 months ago
Libertarian has no direct connection to the left at all. Libertarianism is based mostly on the NAP, and therefore is against state intervention in the economy (both regulation and subsidies) and in your wallet (taxes). Liberalism and all the little ideologies that grew out of or mostly resemble (democracy, some private property) it (paleoconservatism, fusionism, social liberalism, neoconservatism) is centrism to me, with classical liberals being closer to libertarians because they want only the Constitution or something similar. Most of the Libertarian Party are just progressives who don't hate capitalism much, so they are in between progressives (center/left) and classical liberals (center/libertarian)

I made this

I still need to add some things (like Distibutism) but that's basically what I got when I tried to map out as many political ideologies as I could.

"Libertarian" used to mean anarcho-communist, as "libertarian socialists" today make very clear, but there is nothing pro-liberty about violent revolution and genocide, and also makes no sense to be against voluntarism in the market. This is why Murray Rothbard was quite happy to use the term "libertarian" to describe himself and fellow anarcho-capitalists and those related like Nozick. "Libertarian" was finally used to describe someone who actually was about liberty and liberty for all, not just the proletariat.
6 years, 9 months ago
That chart is about the coolest, most-thorough explanation of political ideologies I’ve seen.  :) Let me know when you do update it so I can check the new version.
6 years, 9 months ago
Oh thank you <>w<> sure, when I can get it to save properly I will.
6 years, 9 months ago
If you looked at my old gallery and journals, it was pretty clear that the only association I had with people like you or Len or the others was purely professional. They definitely mined info from other places. And I never at any point drew any specific "hate symbols." And I never drew uniforms outside of the context of my historical novel, either. Definitely guilt by association.
6 years, 9 months ago
Yes, that is what they are doing.

Removing anyone even remotely associated with anyone 'bad'.

It isn't fair and it isn't right. But that is what extreme tribalism will get you, hate and bigotry.
6 years, 9 months ago
Gotta love the irony in that, like you said. In fighting, they have become the very monsters they seek to destroy.
6 years, 9 months ago
They absolutely have.

And I just wonder how long it will take, how many folks will be falsely called a 'nazi' and bullied and harassed until they get removed.

First they came for the free speech advocates. And many furries didn't speak up, because they didn't advocate for free speech.
Then they came for the 'nazi ex-staff moderator'. And many furries didn't speak up, because they weren't an ex-mod.
Then they came for popular artists that they didn't like. And many furries didn't speak up, because they weren't popular.
And then they came for you.
6 years, 9 months ago
I got permabanned 2 years ago for daring to QUESTION transexualism as it was just starting to pop up, as I really did not get it as a gay man.  Your gender is your physical gender I believe and thinking it otherwise is just imagining because you can't know what being the opposite (or many genders now) is just that, imagining.  This was my line of thinking using reason.  It would be like, to me, imagining you're a real wolf, but you, as a human, can't know what its like to be a wolf.

The transexual attack group called me bigoted and urged me to do research and I did, which paints a much darker picture on the movement, as it was founded in late 60s by pedophilic doctor who published the test case, that gender is a social construct.  He forced the boy who had a botched circumcision to be raised like a girl, forced him and his under 10 brother to engage in sexual simulation play while filming and taking pics.  Then he wanted the boy to undergo transition surgery.  Parents had finally had enough and cut ties with the doctor.  Doctor declared it a success.  Boy went back to being a boy though and even got married.  Yet he and his brother both ended up committing suicide, no doubt because of the abuse put upon them.  Yet its a SUCCESS.  (I now believe transgender movement is an attempt to get pedophilia legalized in a backdoor manner, as if kids of age 3 can legally determine their own gender and if parents do not go along, they will be removed (as is the case in Canada now) then they can also determine if they can consent to sex.  This is ON the communist agenda btw to destroy the family - this was not in journal, came to this conclusion later.)

I posted these historical facts in journal, they got journal removed for being hateful and I got 3 day ban.  When I got back, I asked why as it had not violated any policy.  They said I could repost it, like I remember what was said or the 100+ comments on it.

The SJWarriors then searched for any of my 2500 arts posted they could complain about.  Got another 3 day ban for something posted 2 1/2 years before.  It was Spike walking along side a feral Big Mac which showed the horse's balls.  This was not against the rules when posted and was a totally innocent picture.  I complained again and got permabanned for complaining.  I was on a hit list apparently.
6 years, 9 months ago
Yep, that sounds about right.

You rocked the boat, you needed to be purged.

That is the way it works now. If you offend the wrong folks, they will find anything and everything to hold against you and get you removed from 'their' area.

And that Dr you talk about, is Dr Money, have heard of him and that experiment that was deemed a 'success'. And yes, that is the first instance of the use of 'gender roles' rather than 'sex roles', and starting the transition from 'sex' to 'gender'. Essentially from biological to mental.
6 years, 9 months ago
well I'm definately right of center, gay libertarian.  XD  so I piss off both nazis and communists, all totalitarians, the whole communist agenda from transexualism to antireligious people.  and PC SJWs have taken over furaffinity...i saw we do nazi art of furaffinity in protest..

btw, I once got a 3 day ban to protest the rules of basically art we dont like, like saying sonic art is underaged, which caused 2nd mass exodus from FA 7 years ago that helped spur IB into fullness.  It was Sonic and roadrunner fucking with a big censor bar over it....they banned me because they said they KNEW what was underneath it XD  looked like a hug in what you could see, it was titled whose faster
5 years, 11 months ago
you know you called me out on youtube saying *I* was presenting bad opinion of furries due to just MUH NAME...ps my former name was cobra mcjingleballs....also due to my sense of humor...which I needed a name (sadly) almost 10 yrs ago when I started doing art) and coopted the name from the dole pineapple heir, who got sued by a female VP who made her made that name under her email on facebook.  So I made an account on FA pretending to be him on journal, who I pictured as a drunk rich guy, always carrying around a glass of whiskey on rocks mixed with will ferrell's hary carey impersonation, a sports commentator:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMNaTApbo8E  then i got popular...and then my conservative views, as a gay man, became unfit views...merely questioning, as a gay man, wtf all these transgenders coming from??  questioning that, people attacked me in SJW fashion got suspended for posting journal, tho they admitted nothing wrong with that...then few days later...got suspended for cub porn a few days later for 3 days...from something posted 3 years before...

it was spike walking next to pony in comic because the pony had balls....nothing sexual, just walking, but you cant show balls according to whoever suspended me.  Had this problem years before, where nipples where not allowed..but person banning, pinkuh, admin, had pics of full bare naked breasts, but she was ok, as no nipples...I argued...str8 people dont care...full fun balloons...I have literally seen a str8 guy just imagining grasping them, working fingers in front of me...titties...I dont think they care about the nipples...

My mistake is I tried to argue with admin, about unfairness of it all, when I said, just delete all my content and I'll start over, since these people are going to target things from nearly a decade ago...and he said he cant do that....so i said, I remove my consent to previously posted copyright so now you have to...he instantly banned my account and somehow did what I asked, removed all journals and arts...so he lied when he couldnt do that.
5 years, 11 months ago
and I do NOT think peace n wuv is how we deal with SJW.  I think lawsuits.  Demanding freedom of speech from websites...so be the head...freedom of speech...freedom of art.  Yesh we should stick together as community, but against SJW who want to tear it apart...they are the enemy....no?  or did they cower you?
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