~~ Contest Status: **CLOSED]**
Winners===>> TBA
I am going to do another contest sooner than I thought I would. This one will be New Year theme. I want to keep encouraging myself to keep drawing, as have been dealing with a lot of stress and depression and forcing myself to something will keep me from just playing Vanilla Wow On Light's Hope. Shout out to anyone playing on Darrowshire server.
*** THEME ***
What would you do with/to/for me on New Year's?
*** RULES ***
1) This a YOU AND ME image, so it is something that YOUR character is doing with my ever-loving BearCat self. See THEME above. ONLY ONE IDEA PLEASE!
2) The idea can be anything from G to X rating, but I won't draw stuff like CUB porn or horrid stuff like Nazi stuffs. Generally though, if it can be posted on FA and won't send me to jail...
3) You MUST post to this journal or on my FA Journal. Post your idea here on this journal, or post that you are sending me your idea if you want your idea to be kept private. Keep in mind, that if you win, that I will be posting the art.
4) Having a ref on your FA/IB/SF page is helpful... because if you win I won't tell you until the art is done. If you don't have a ref on your account page here, maybe leave a link to an F-list or something that has a description or ref of your character.
*** HOW TO WIN ***
I pick a winner at random or by personal preference or by a point system, I just don't know.. I pick them how ever I feel like. On occasion, I have even had someone else pick the winner for me or just get some sort of RNG. Never know, but once I choose the winner(s), will close the contest, and start drawing.. and the winner(s) are announced when have completed the art, and start posting.
Right now, I am aiming for a EARLY January close date.. The first or second I am thinking...
**** Any questions? Anything you are unsure of? Jjust ask. ****
Happy New Year and good luck!