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Thoughts and goals and plans

(TL;DR further down)

So, here I am, writing another post. I’ve thought about a lot of things this April, and also I realized quite a few things, so bear with me.

Having worked in proper sales for 9 months - for a cell phone carrier nonetheless - taught me some stuff.
If your boss is a dick, scrutinizing every word you say, verbally offending the whole staff when sales weren’t 100% the day before, still moaning about sales when they hit 100%, pressuring everyone to get at least 150% a day, having no people skills whatsoever and not selling anything themselves (and if they did, there was an 80% chance, the customer came back and complained...) or otherwise being any kind of role model, GET. THE FUCK. OUT. OF. THERE!

If not for a damn cool co-worker, I probably would have quit after 3 months already…
So I told everyone and their dog, that I can’t keep up with that shit anymore, it got to the boss, we had the creepiest friendly talk in all of those 9 months and they laid me off. The temp agency I was hired through laid me off as well shortly after, but there was a 4 weeks notice, so I enjoyed about 4 weeks of freedom.
Don’t get me wrong, the work itself can be quite nice, goes by quickly and the money was great. But I’d rather keep my sanity and earn a couple of 100 bucks less than being loaded and going insane...
While working at the store, I literally did nothing after coming home. Just sitting their, watching youtube and netflix, one thing after another. I made like 2 or 3 drawings in over 6 months? Shit...
Without the mental stress I went back to drawing quickly as you might have recently seen, although I only published a handful of drawings.

So, doing a retrospect of April in my mind, inspired by a couple of “rules for success” articles and videos I’ve read and watched, and a private furry con in a friend's garden with a total of about 20 people, I attended this weekend, a few things came to my mind.

I have lots of flaws I need to work around.
I’m a master of procrastination. I’m unorganized and all over the place.
I’m socially awkward, even being with nice and understanding peeps like this weekend.

So if I ever really want to achieve my goal of being a self-employed artist, I need to do it properly, I need to understand it as work. I did draw and practice almost the whole month, but there’s not much to show for it and I can’t think of a day where I didn’t get distracted by shit. It’s easy when you’re sitting home alone and you’re not accountable, just enjoying life a bit too much.
But if you don’t take what you do seriously, nobody will take YOU seriously!

So after the party, yesterday morning at around 5 AM, I started drafting countermeasures. A plan to follow, making schedules, pondering about doing more NSFW art etc.
One main point that I neglected going into hermit mode, is my audience. You guys! And for that I’m sincerely sorry. Having worked in sales and usually babbling and ranting A LOT (if there’s someone to listen, also this post is exhibit A), I have an amazing talent to NOT communicate with you guys. And I want to change that ASAP. I want to talk to you more, be more open about myself and my work (as an artist), and listening to your opinions, ideas, suggestions! You matter the most, because without you, there’s really no point to it.
So a thousand times, thank you! Thanks for bearing with me, thanks for not abandoning me, thanks for leaving comments and especially thanks to those, who welcomed me back after a long absence! I got a super warm and fuzzy feeling from that :)

Essentially I’m going to build a proper work schedule, including streaming into it,  and a rework of my Patreon. I also thought about offering merch via society6 or a similar site.

My tangible goal is to use the free time I have being unemployed, to build a steady monthly net income of at least 500€ in the shortest time possible, but not exceeding one year (cause then the unemployment benefits get halved and the jobcenter will “fuck [you] in the ass! RAW, with 30 dicks!” - quote by Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor of Game Grumps fame).

I’ve gotten myself laid off by my workplace and want to dedicate 100% of my time being unemployed to reaching self-employment. I want to take it seriously and schedule my work time, including streaming into it, a rework of my Patreon and potentially merch. I want to engage more with you, my audience and reach a monthly net income of at least 500€ within a max time of a year.

Double that though and my dream won’t be a dream anymore. :)
Luckily you can live okay with 1000 bucks / month in my little city in Germany.

So yeah, wish me… determination and endurance I guess. :)

So what about you peeps? Do you have any experience with self-employment or a same / similar situation? Any tips, tricks, or life-hacks and, of course, encouragement are appreciated!

Thanks for reading this slew of words!

Yours sincerely


Viewed: 13 times
Added: 7 years, 11 months ago
7 years, 11 months ago
I have no experience with employment of any kind really.
I kno the social awkwardness feeling, I tend to distance myself sometimes from people not for any particular reason and surely not to be mean or rude I just do sadly.
But I hope you'll achieve your dream of being a self employed artist, I really hope you do!
One thing though drawing NSFW in this community least on IB maybe FA too is more lucrative. At least from what i have seen I could be wrong.
7 years, 11 months ago
No, you're absolutely right with the NSFW thing. Sex sells. It always has been and will be :) But I really reached a point, where my fucks to give are reduced to reaching my goal. Unemployed? That's the best thing right now. Rethinking life and realizing, that I have to take things seriously and in my own hand. Subdividing the goal to smaller and even smaller goals, going step by step, planning what to do and using all the time to actually produce some art. It doesn't always have to be a masterpiece. Small doodles often exploded in my face whereas fully rendered stuff sometimes got little to no attention.

Anyway. Babbling again. I'm actually genuinely, positively excited! :)

Thank you, man ^^
7 years, 11 months ago
Sorry to hear about your job, but I'm glad you got out before it drove you completely insane.  Now, u got time to get drawing, improving, and making money while doing it :)
7 years, 11 months ago
Yaaasss, exactly! :) I'm super glad as well. Thanks for chiming in!
7 years, 11 months ago
I wish you well in trying to go for self employment! This world sucks and having yourself as a boss makes it just a little better.
7 years, 11 months ago
Thank you! :) I'll try my best!
7 years, 11 months ago
My only advice is to gather all your willpower and do it.

I'm familiar with all of it, the asshole bosses, the bad jobs, the procrastination... and I also told myself one day I would break the cycle and get ahead. but I was always too lay or too stupid. Always leaving it for later, always getting distracted by something else. then one day I realized days turned into months and months turned into years and I'm here, almost fifty years old and I never achieved my goals.

Stick to your plan and fight. Maybe you succeed and maybe you don't... but at least you would not end up feeling you didn't try hard enough.
7 years, 11 months ago
The evil spiral of procrastination... it's a hard thing to break through! I don't know what exactly your goals are, but even with almost 50 it's not too late to try and do what you want. :) I think procrastination comes from kinda being overwhelmed as well. There's so many choices, just in general, you don't know where to start and what to do, so narrow it down. Prioritizing things and having a time table to follow is, at least for me, the only way to go.

I have a couple of "nonbelievers" around me, who don't really think, I can make it. Especially my dad. So I can't wait to shove my victory in his face :)

Thanks for your motivational words! Your drawings and that sculpt I saw, are pretty fucking awesome! There might be higher priorities in your life, but don't give up fighting for what you want and get that procrastination into a chokehold until it breaks down under the force of your willpower! (And don't choke on my triple cheese topping I added here ;) )
7 years, 11 months ago
Thanks! I appreciate that. Right now I have at least 3 comic book ideas I'd love to finish and put in print. But I work almost all day every day just to pay bills. I have very little time to draw. Most of my drawings are done a few minutes at the time when I'm waiting in the car for a package to deliver.

And even when I have sometime to draw I'm either too tired or I get distracted by something else. Then I hate myself for not trying.

There will always be nonbelievers, some times proving them wrong is half of the fun.
7 years, 11 months ago
I totally get that. When I was working at a callcenter, it worked rather well. I was unstructured, but I did draw. Switching to the mobile carrier shop, two weeks after I started, drawing time went to zero. My brain was just done.
So yeah, I don't have any advice on how to motivate yourself. There's tons of articles on that topic. The only thing I know, that might work, is not having "zero days". If you draw at least one line a day, you won't have done nothing. Maybe it'll grow to 30 minutes or more a day and then you keep the ball rolling. As long as you do it every day :)
7 years, 10 months ago
Going through similar stuff, actually... Working a job where it's my coworker who made me realize I want to quit. There've been promises of raises and promotion galore, and I've seen none of it. I don't know that I have the chops to pursue a profession as an artist or writer yet though, so I may just take another job in the meantime.

Also, where's the link? You should make the word 'Patreon' clickable for the severely lazy people who want to support you! Sorry to say, a lot of your work is probably going to be self-promotion to the border of what you might consider obnoxious, making sure your work is out there and credited and all that.
7 years, 10 months ago
Hey there! Yeah well, I really don't know if I can sustain myself with drawing either. But if it's necessary I'll be drawing every free minute I have to make it work. I earned a couple of peanuts here and there already with commissions, so if I get into gear , it shouldn't be impossible. :)
Also, yes. I need to promote myself all the time on every picture, BUT I wanted to rework my patreon before I stick it in everyone's face again :) That's why it's not linked in the text.
7 years, 10 months ago
Well, it seems like it's getting easier all the time. Some people speculate that in a little while artistic professions will be some of the few left as machines take over all of the more formulaic work, and they might be right.

Make sure to share once you've worked over your Patreon!
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