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WTF DA (part 2)

I think I know what happened with DA at the end,  I should suspect this
yesterday, for the first time in years, the mega-troll guy, contacted me directly,
this guy is the one behind the online campaing of "closing palcomix" on
change.org, the guy who constantly writes people on DA (random people)
explaining them how i am a villian and requesting them to create fake
accounts, insult me on my profile and report all my work. sounds bizzarre right?
so much that sounds like an exageration from my part..   but is not,
their caimpang on change.org reached their goal (but I suspect nothing will
happen..), I also can provide with screencaps of people reporting me "do you
know this guy Wael-sa on deviantart?  because he wrote me this"...his message
is just a pre-written message that he copy paste to random people, he has been
doing this for at least 3 years (the period I know at least),  it's creepy to think
how much dedication someone can put to destroy you,

Yesterday he contacted me for the first time (on DA he had me blocked and
never attacked me directly but throught his minions and many fake accounts)
he wrote me this on facebook


So i took the chance and talked with him, it was weird.. really weird,  he actually
believes that GOD send him to protect childhoods memories and cartoon
characters, i'm not lying.. GOD..  I told him directly "do you know why I do all this
basically told him the thruth, money of course, "first that is the only thing that
I know to do, My dad didn't had enough to pay for the university, and porn sadly is
the kind of art that sells better/faster ...and nowdays it's even little boring for me
drawing that"
(but also fun sometimes), "now i'm the support of my whole family..
 the one who pays the expensive medicines of my mom and dad.  the people that really
know me knows this, I have no car, (but my GF have it) I don't have an own home (tho
my dad gave me the third floor of his home,  but I don't want to move with my parents... lol)
 .. i'm not doing bad, I don't consider myself poor either, thanks god.I had always luck I believe.

I told him.. "I respect your beliefs, and the passion that you put on your crusade,
even in war you can hear and understand your enemy's reasons and still defend your own
interests right?,

Imagine a guy who want to steal your home and he explain you how hungry he is,
you can understand him, but that doesn't mean that you will open your home

"after all I explained to you,  i'm sure you can understand why I do this, at the end God
will judge us who was right, if you defending the honor of cartoon characters, and
childhood memories, or me, defending my family and my own lifestyle"

I of course don't expect him to change,  I was explaining to my girlfriend yesterday,
"if you are in love of a guy, then when you finally get him and he betrays you the
next day, well ..you will break with him ..right?..   but if you was in a relationship
for years and suddenly discover your boyfriend betrayed you, it will be harder
to break...  is the same here, this guy has put so much effort, so much of his time,
I really doubt few of my words, will make him change his mind."

At least I felt better at the end.

Viewed: 783 times
Added: 7 years ago
7 years ago
sounds alot like my nutbag uncle.. he swears god put him on this earth to do this and that, that god told him to steal and its ok for what he steals (things from family) the family member should not have (note this guy is a certified preacher.) And that me and my sister as the gay ones in the family are spawns of Satan... feel sorry for him but told him to suck it up and the world did not revolve around him, but I can understand what your going though, he got me kicked out of my grandma's house as i was helping her, now shes doing worse and degrading. I hope you well in all this and will always be a fan, its sad that people have to act this way and make it there life goals to ruin others
7 years ago
Thanks for your words ^^ (that sounds sad what you told me, I hope things improves from your side too)
7 years ago
Things like this..just further my belief that religion, regardless of that person's questionable sanity, makes people do horrible things in the name of their religion, even the quote unquote "Good ones"...

Hopefully none of his plans ever see fruit for your sake, and maybe hopefully he'll stop..though..I doubt with as many goons as he has that the attacks will..
7 years ago
Yeah no. As an agnostic myself, religion does not make people do awful things. Religion can't make you do anything.

These people already wanted to do these stupid things, and religion is just a convenient tool to that end. If they didn't have religion they would use crackpot science. If they had neither they wouldn't bother with an excuse at all.
7 years ago
As an Atheist I believe they use their religion as an excuse. I have seen it so many times during my upbringing by Christians.
7 years ago
I guess that is a more accurate way of putting it yeah, my apologies, I just always look at things like the crusades, the things ISIS do and other incidents of conflict caused by or done in the name of some religion or deity and come to the conclusion that they did that because they felt that's what they thought they're religion or deity demanded and the religions cause conflict  even if it goes against the religions teachings or what the deity supposedly wants, granted in some cases like some of the crusades it was just a party using the church as a puppet and I don't even try to figure out why ISIS does what they do.

And, for the record I'm also agnostic if not maybe atheist.
7 years ago
It's a sort of feedback loop - someone at a point in history corrupted x religion to add their hate rhetoric to it, and taught it to their peers and the next generation as the "true" form of the religion. Some of the people in the future generation become hateful because they're taught the religion (e.g. children of extremists) while others adopt the religion because it lines up with their hate (e.g. adults who convert to the religion).

The Bible and Quran both in their proper forms preach acceptance, forgiveness, and non-retaliation. Sick people added the hate to these religions. For instance, the Bible didn't originally condemn homosexuality - Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed for being abusive and hateful hosts to the angelic guests - yet today we use "sodomy" to refer to sexual deviancy. Mohammed patiently allowed many people to abuse and disrespect him to his face without retaliating, but modern Islamic extremists hunt and kill anyone who slights or even depicts the prophet.

The ever-popular Nazis exemplify my point quite clearly - they not only marketed themselves as "Positive Christianity" (which actually banned the Bible, crosses, & holy figures in favor of Mein Kampf, swords, and Hitler), but they also corrupted their formerly-state-of-the-art medical and science bastions to support their racist theories.

Someone who is truly hateful does not need religion, but will gladly make use of it, because it works far too well.
7 years ago
Look at it another way.  You have an obsessed fan.  Yeah, he's a fan of you.  He loves to hate you, but he still loves you.  Well, your work, anyway.  Consider it a compliment.  I know I'd say "I'm so flattered you're spending all this time and energy on little nothing nobody me.  I didn't consider myself so important, I'm just being me, doing what I do, and you've put literally all this time into my passion, my art.  I'm impressed."  Well, if I did art, I'd say that.  What you say to him is up to you, but I guarantee, sometimes playing dumb is the right answer.
7 years ago
sounds like this guy is a nut case
7 years ago
so much time ... lol
that sounds a bit like a fanatic. maybe just ignore and block them ?
7 years ago
did it for years..  of course you can't block accounts that you don't know are fake until they are used to attack you, also is hard to ignore the fact that you are BANNED from the page..   Is just not the regular troll the one that i'm facing.
7 years ago
Ahh I see.
Can't you make a new account on DA ? (I get it you need the popularity --- >_>)
7 years ago
What a dick!
7 years ago
Geez this sounds crazy! I'm not religious in any way or shape, so crusades like this weird me out big time! My only principle is to be honest and as kind as I can, but reading something like this makes me crazy angry! So, props to you staying calm and collected, even taking his angle into perspective, facing the topic of your livelihood being in danger! I wish you many paying customers and best of luck on your endeavors!
7 years ago
I'm sorry you have to face such people. I hope you never stop producing the things you love, regardless of the form they take.
7 years ago
Vaya con este tipo. Siempre he escuchado sobre personas como él en foros de internet pero tener que enfrentarse directamente a uno debe ser una experiencia muy desagradable. Ya sabe que siempre cuenta con nuestro Apoyo para cualquier cosa que se ofrezca :)
7 years ago
If only that guy could put all that effort into something worthwhile, just imagine the lives he could save...but noooooooo, instead he dedicates himself to a crusade to shut down a harmless site and ultimately ruin someone's livelihood. PRETTY sure God would be against that but what do i know, i don't have an imaginary friend telling me what to do and what not to do so. Oh and good on you for respecting the person's believes, were i in your place i would certainly NOT respect them
7 years ago
trolls destroy others lifes cause they can not accomplish anything worth...
7 years ago
You should report him to the fbi
7 years ago
He's not doing anything illegal though
7 years ago
stalking and cyberbullying are a crime
7 years ago
Pretty sure he's not doing either, just being a troll
7 years ago
Yep, stalking and cyberbullying would be more doxxing. This is just a guy being a weirdo.
7 years ago
I... How can. There are so many questions but they all boil down to just how confused I am over this person spending 900+ days trying to bring you down. I'm sorry you're dealing with... Whatever it is he is.
7 years ago
well I saw his DA,, and looks like a troll, if thats the correct DA, he need to practices his art,(looks like 4 years old), and "protect of cartoons children"?
if he found rule 34,, is going to get nuts!!
7 years ago
that guy certainly has a lot of time on his hands...
also regarding change.org, it's just a petition.
petitions don't actually do anything, so you don't have anything to worry about as far as that's concerned ^^
7 years ago
Change.org can sometimes have an effect, but only on very major issues that are well-presented by the petitioner and only if the signatures are verifiable and presented to the right influential people.

The guy attacking Palcomix is most likely a high-functioning autistic with additional independent personality flaws ala Chris-chan. No insincere troll would actually dedicate 3 years to something so pointless.
7 years ago
well, petitions themselves can only have an effect when the party they're made for takes them into account. so if bbmbbf ignores it, there's nothing it will achieve ^^
7 years ago
Too late I've totally taken this petition seriously, and as of 2 hours form now, Pal and TJA and everything associated with the sites that have been up for the past 22 years will be gone, all for this one person.. You'll see /s  
7 years ago
I've met people like him before, but this one is more extreme than others I've met.
I grew up Catholic, but I'm not religious anymore, tho here's what I remember that applies here.
It isn't upto humans to decide what is righteous or not, if they commit sins they can repent.

His "for GOD" shtick is fake, they are using it as a farce for their own beliefs to attack others like you.
If his religious goals were real, it'd be a bit different than an attack like that.
One of the people I mentioned that were similar pretended to be my friend, lied to me until it came out again and again.
What came out was that it was AGAINST GODS WILL to draw characters as a different gender.

Also, if you saw my comment in your last journal on this topic, dA's policies have changed and they don't as much support underage artwork anymore. Even if the characters are aged up.
7 years ago
first of all yeah trolls are somewhat dedicated cause the have nothing worth done in their life so they destroy others ...
second with that name i doubt he belife in god, he might belife in ala or whatever thing up there...

third... by talking about him here you give him what he wants to get... ATTENTION
so you did what he wanted in the first place.... crying about the stranger...^^;
7 years ago
Well at the very least no petition can ever make you quit unless you yourself choose to stop. The worse that can happen is that this asshat uses it to prove to places like da they don't like it, and get da to cave. Rules or no rules if a big enough majority complain they'll do something about it because the controversy hurts them. But no one can make you stop
7 years ago
Wow. I guess the only thing worse than a religious fanatic is an autistic one. No offense, but there's hardly anyone who has a life that would keep this up for this long. This guy apparently doesn't outside of church.
7 years ago
Yeah. And (being autistic myself), no offense taken; the keyword is 'fanatic', though. High functioning autism or not, this guy's downright obsessed with his delusional crusade.
Ugh, crazy assholes like that sicken me.
7 years ago
Bin Trollin?
7 years ago
He aint being serious, thats just a petty troll who targeted you cos you're popular. And since you responded to him he gonna keep targeting you. The fiasco with DA was just coincidental since they will remove ANYTHING they think is porn even when it isnt porn to the slightest. Aka he only took advantage of the situations.

he have no contact with anyone, and its just a ploy to get you riled up which for him, IS working since you reacted. All you gotta do is ignore him. I encountered people like this and I never lost since I had nothing for them to use.
7 years ago
Well, now he admitted it was porn, so there is no defence.
7 years ago
Me? O_o
7 years ago
Yeah; if I shared his position/motivations, I would totally screencap that and show it to DA. I'm not sure it'd change their decision, but it might if "it's just a depiction of the body, not porn" was a defence (see human nudes).

There are laws where whether an image "is pornographic" may be important. That might be determined in part by a jury, and the statements of an artist would factor into that.
7 years ago
Yeah.. but I don't remember "admit" that was porn.. I don't think is porn!! (and that's why i'm a little offended yet) O_o
7 years ago
That may be so, but as far as I can see you didn't clarify which works you were referring to in the original post (and message to the reporter) when you said:
" porn sadly is the kind of art that sells better/faster
…and so that could be used against you with respect to any appeal which he is contacted about as a reporter (or he might just attach it to the initial report).
7 years ago
ahh.. but here's the thing.. that image/model was not made for sale .. when I said " porn sadly is the kind of art that sells better/faster" was not refering the image that caused my temporaly ban, which was never on sale or commisioned and most people doesn't consider it as porn.
7 years ago
This troll's behaviour does not necessarily mean he has autism. He does, however, have serious issues, since he goes to these extremes to ruin someone's life. I hope he will stop soon.
7 years ago
That's really messed up in the new heights really. But if I were you I'll totally encourage him to continue his righteous crusade of his with more aggressive delicious porns in his honor. XD
7 years ago
Envidia, pura envidia. Ese cerote no es nadie, en vez de preocuparse por su propia puta vida está pendiente de la de otros, y así como lo planteas, su "Dios" es un cortocircuito que tiene en el cerebro, una voz que le guía y que se llama esquizofrenia. Es un títere programado que como dicen por ahí "no puede ver ojos bonitos en cara ajena", y mejor no sigo porque no vale la pena prestarle atención...
7 years ago
Just tell him "your anger makes my penis harder" XD
7 years ago
Well that explains why you always want me angry Krez :(
7 years ago
Oh? Actually... that statement doesn't work with me :3
7 years ago
hahahah sure sure... excuses excuses.
7 years ago
Such dedication can ONLY come from a Message from God Himself. So he will always be on the Right side whatever he does; repent or await Divine wraith! I mean, through his own hands because his allmighty god is not even able to carry such simple things himself so he has to whisper what to do to a minion without a brain of his own who otherwise would feel his life beng so useless (which probably is the truth). Same goes for those who kill in the name of Allah. Or any deity.
7 years ago
Man, I couldn't live with myself if Butch Hartman was mad at me.
7 years ago
Yet another person who likes to use religion as a weapon/reason to attack people. I can't stand people who do that. Religion teaches acceptance, love and belief, to seek comfort or guidance when you feel lost, not to be judgmental dicks. Anyway, sorry, this guy's hassling you. Hopefully everything works out for you.
7 years ago
It's like he's trying to turn DeviantART into a Holy Place, where sexism and nudism are not allowed, and also trying to make the Internet a safer place for minors, by removing PalComix entirely, so that someone else can open up a similarly named site that's full of Family-Friendly Stuff! It's not his fault that you give us stuff to masturbate to. If you want to shut him up, then close your DA Account, and open up a HentaiFoundry Account, and we'll understand. But in all realism, you should just clear away from the Public eye for a while. I would hate for DA User GlitchyReal to lose his account, all because of someone like him. GlitchyReal is a naturist artist who doesn't even go for the sexual nude stuff, but is more for naturist stuff. I plan on supporting GlitchyReal on Patreon, next month.
7 years ago
Just like we eliminate the humans here - like they did in Keepers of the Light at Eurofurence.
One day we'll succeed, and the filthy skins will be wiped from the planet… one day…
7 years ago
Oh my gosh... I hate it when people claim "God sent me to do this or that!" seriously? I'm sorry to hear that you're the only support for your family but as a Christian I can tell you that God would understand that you're selling porn to stay afloat in life. I seriously want to slap this person across the face for this, all you're trying to do is make it through life.
7 years ago
This statement I can actually agree with.
7 years ago
Thanks xD glad to know.
7 years ago
Good job bro bro, keep up the great work
7 years ago
...what the shit? That's not even an issue in religion anymore, that's just nuts.
7 years ago
This is just getting ridiculous the fact this guy would spend all his time trying to ruin you is extremely mental i don't even know why people like him are allowed to use the internet. i'm sorry about what's happening to you man i hope this guy eventually disappears from the face of the earth.
7 years ago
Trolls just Trolls
7 years ago
Soo just a batshit crazy indoctrinated moron?
7 years ago
Sounds like one to me.
7 years ago
I didn't read the entire journal but, I read enough.  This troll sounds like the guy that sent me a message about a writer/artist by the name of thekzx.  He complained that kzx couldn't draw, he was married but had never fathered any children, etc.  I told him that, if he didn't like kzx's art, don't commission him.  If he didn't like kzx's stories, don't read them.  I didn't listen to a thing that troll wrote.  I haven't heard anything from that guy since.  I hope that everyone he tries to coerce into attacking you tells him to take a long walk on a short pier.
7 years ago
Yeah, we've had to deal with that guy in the past - he's a little crazy.
7 years ago
A little crazy?  I guess you think Mt. Everest is just a hill.  LOL.  No, but I think you're right.  As we say in the deep south, "He's tetched in the haid."  LOL.
7 years ago
wow sounds like someone needs to be sat down and told that they are wrong
7 years ago
You are not the only person to draw cartoon porn. Like, what is this guy's problem? -_-
7 years ago
You know I was about to say he was a derange lunatic, till I seen his user name and palm smack my head.
7 years ago
I've seen his work. The Majority is classic paper drawings, with pencils and crayons. Some of which are cars. Others are pictures of memorabilia like Hot Wheels cars, Disney Pins, and other things. Apparently, he might have been a minor, or he lacks proper computer skills to draw on the PC. He might have been scarred for life by the oversexualization of Sonic Characters like Amy. If anything, go the route of another user: ItsMyTurnNow93, and do up SAFE Nudity. The majority of his works are of Amy Rose nude, and it turns out she's actually depicted in the way SEGA would've depicted her, if female nudism was okay in the Sonic fandom and in life!

https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=1214101 - Take a look.
7 years ago
I respect people who believe in their religion, I honestly do. But, that respect stops when that belief turns into a mindset that doesn't look at the whole story. Unless you have all the facts of the situation, you shouldn't rush to judgment. Once you have a full and proper grasp of the situation and know enough to really understand it, and after you sit down and try to understand the other side, you can make a choice on whether or not you should go through with potentially harming another person for what they've done.

At the same time, I find religious individuals with strong belief difficult to convince them of doing just that. When you use religion as a shield so you can get away with bullying others, you either truly believe God wants you to do so, or you're offended by something and refuse to do the sensible thing and just flat ignore things that don't directly affect your life. Like the preacher that tried to shut down an entire radio station because he disagreed with one late night talkshow host. One person doesn't like something, they don the cloak of religious indignation, and try to say it's wrong to listen to late night radio shows.
7 years ago
I welcome Our Host...To The INTERNET
7 years ago
I fucking new it I NEW THIS ASSHOLE WAS STILL LURKING IN THE FUCKING SHADOWS OF THIS DRAMA! I am honestly shocked! Because he put commitment into this for three fucking years! This is not just a troll anymore he has evolved to straight up creeper/harasser hybrid. Look when you get on DA again tell the admins what happen. Also I found out it is possible to arrest people due to this if they have facebook. I am gonna spread the message because he needs to go away.
7 years ago
fucking hell not this shit again...
7 years ago
I'm really sorry this has happen to you for years.

Why do people spend years of there own lives attacking a person that has never done anything to hurt them? It just so bizarre that people go all the way to just hurt a person they never met; you know that all that trolling and planning is gonna lead to nothing and there just gonna alienate themselves from other people, family, and friends (ex.Chris-Chan).

Also the whole "God sent me to stop all cartoon porn" thing? Okay then  WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING PALCOMIX?! Other then some bondage and S&M pics, to me  Palcomix makes the tamest content I seen on the internet. Unlike other artist like Shadman who make content that I'm surprise that hasn't got him and others thrown into jail. Why not attack artist like them?! (Which I don't want him to. I'm just making a point.)

And this whole "You ruined my Childhood" thing is complete bullshit! If mickey mouse came up to you when your a kid; punch you in the gut, spit on you, and tells you that "your mom never loved you" then your childhood ruined. Seeing a drawn picture of Mickey's dick on Deviantart for a paid costumer; doesn't ruined your childhood! You look at it for a second, close the tab and move on with your life.

Sorry if I'm rambling. But I want to say is I'm sorry your going through this shit. And don't worry along as he doesn't throw rocks at your window your fine. You will always have "us" continuing supporting your career and life.

7 years ago
" Ryanic92 wrote:
I'm really sorry this has happened to you for years.

Why do people spend years of their own lives attacking a person that has never done anything to hurt them? It just so bizarre that people go all the way to just hurt a person they never met; you know that all that trolling and planning is gonna lead to nothing and there just gonna alienate themselves from other people, family, and friends (ex.Chris-Chan).

Also, the whole "God sent me to stop all cartoon porn" thing? Okay, then  WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING PALCOMIX?! Other then some bondage and S&M pics, to me  Palcomix makes the tamest content I seen on the internet. Unlike another artist like Shadman who make content that I'm surprised that hasn't got him and others were thrown into jail. Why not attack artist like them?! (Which I don't want him to. I'm just making a point.)

And this whole "You ruined my Childhood" thing is complete bullshit! If mickey mouse came up to you when you're a kid; punch you in the gut, spit on you, and tells you that "your mom never loved you" then your childhood ruined. Seeing a drawn picture of Mickey's dick on Deviantart for a paid customer; doesn't ruin your childhood! You look at it for a second, close the tab and move on with your life.

Sorry if I'm rambling. But I want to say is I'm sorry you're going through this shit. And don't worry along as he doesn't throw rocks at your window your fine. You will always have "us" continuing supporting your career and life.

Plus, Walt Disney had an old lost animation film where Mickey and Minnie had sex in their bed back in the 40s.

If he sees that shit? He'll probably commit suicide. lol

I've seen people like him before. But I never bother to reply as I block him off my own account.

He's just a fuckboi who only exists because le cartoons and God told him to fuck Pal in the ass. lol

And if you look at his IRL pic.

He's a grown ass man child in his fucking 30s. Fucking sad! lol

Him having kids also makes me wanna vomit. XD
7 years ago
it just sound like that guy believe so much and he put so much time on you that he don't have anything else beside chase after you to the end of the world to report your art. I mean if God really send him to this world to do this, it really a waste.
7 years ago
Is that what led to that mass takedown on e621?
7 years ago
" GameManiac7509 wrote:
Is that what led to that mass takedown on e621?

Doubt it. lol
7 years ago
Not really my concern what happens there anymore anyway, because I got banned there about a week or two ago. But the time does add up.
7 years ago
I put people who want to change the world using change.org in the same category of people who call 911 to complain McDonald's ran out of chicken nuggets.

In any case, I don't think this guy believes God gave him the mission to destroy your porn, I think it's part of the Trollsona he has created. Real ultra-religious types usually are not very familiar with Internet porn (or basic computer stuff at all)

In any case, I feel your pain, these kind of people can make your life a nightmare. I had a case some years ago (and I don't even draw porn) and it was horrible.
7 years ago
Seriously? Is that the same guy that has been bugging you for years now? Wow that dude doesn't have a life, why does he do This to you.. it's really creepy to think he still wants to destroy you after 3 long years
7 years ago
Trolls are everywhere. Suddenly you can be the enemy just because you did something they don't like, or have something they don't like, or even interacted with someone they don't like ... or even if other people you don't know know you, that this troll don't like.

Real arguments have been "these people I have, they like you, so I hate you for it" ...
7 years ago
lol, people who claim to be on a mission from God are crazy. God can't talk to you, or send you on a crusade. That would provide proof of his existence. Proof denies faith, and without faith the whole belief structure breaks down.

That guy needs mental help.
7 years ago
Seriously... I can't get that someone can't understand that porn is EVERYWHERE in ANY form (toon parodies, drawings, even movie parodies). The most hilarious is fact that persons like him are attaking small artists or groups like PalTeam but they don't have guts to fight with big sites that making porn.
7 years ago
Great,  Islam or Christianity. These two realy should be banned forever, so without an excuse everyone can see these Nutjobs for what they realy are.
7 years ago
Anyone who uses God as a justification for their actions is dangerous, simply because in their twisted, little, minds they have the ultimate argument, and literally don't have to listen to anyone else. There is simply no way to win an argument with such a person, because reason, logic, and common sense have already gone out the window. The fact that he's trolling for your pity for his unfortunate situation, is also pretty below the belt as far as I'm concerned.  Personally I wouldn't believe a word of it. The dude's a loony with an axe to grind, and you just happen to be the juiciest target he could find.
7 years ago
deja que ladren, hermano, significa que haces camino! además, leer tus razones para hacerlo, se me hace admirable, junto con la ya de por si gran admiración que tenía por tu trabajo, que hayas levantado con las oportunidades que has tenido y ahora sigas en ruta por el bien de tu familia y los tuyos, Sigue así, man, un saludo fuerte desde México!
7 years ago
This person should respect other people beliefs if he doesn't like what we do, he should turn his back of our works, ignore them and go to what he loves watching...he's not in the earth to be the boss of anyone...you don't know him either way...
either way he does not KNOW that too MANY people WISH for your content (your work is amazing <3)... Too bad for him that you have popularity who wants to support your work :P

I support any work if it's at the right age require for each audience to see, people must understand there weird tastes in this world..to weird fetish to the bestiality... and I confess I'm not support to that, but accept it exist and I respect people weird tastes...
I know we live once and once we must live at our own ways not by the OTHERS.
People loves power that's the most humans for us....this person is like Trump in person!
That person needs POWER and he must command everything! >:V

I say...this person should feel how you feel...that's the only way for that person to know what's he's doing wrong (it's a he right??)

Anyway I'm sorry for this to happen to you, I hope justice comes to you soon! :(
7 years ago
You know guys... These kinds of people make me sick overall. Thinking what corrupt crap they do is right. It's NOT right! It's never right, yet they believe it is. That is corruption at is finest there. We all should not stand for this treatment at all. HECK lately people that are aiming to make America great and better again ARE taking actions against these kinds of insane people that have been doing so much illegal activity in our country, while we GOOD people try to do the right thing are being wrongly punished by these people, even in HORRIFIC ways... HORRIFIC... And people are fighting back against them. But that's for Pro Trump and Anti Trump stuff, and I don't engage in politics, but I just wanted to try and say some example here. So it's the same thing on the internet. Yeah, the Internet's a double-edge sword, while new creators can seek excitement, it's also where bad people are ready to crap on them. What they should do is tell them "Screw you, jerko" or something, and move forward.

Another thing I recently saw was that on YouTube these 2 videos from boogie and BlackCriticGuy (separate vids they made, BCG making his after seeing boogie's) about YouTube Drama (though the vids were a year ago, this is an example people learn something new every day), about how the YouTube Community's turning against each other, discouraging new YouTubers, and frick, bullying them into not chasing their YouTubing stuff. That. is F###ED up! Boogie said the community stood together against reddit and such, but now many of them are lashing at each other for clicks and views. If I were a YouTuber, I would not CARE about any of that. I'd do it for everyone. Me, and my supporters. Heck with these examples I would make vlogs talking about how I feel about this crap and what we can do to fix it. Ya guys can check them out for more information. But this YouTube Drama crap.. is definitely something I would NEVER take advantage of, milk it, or even engage in it. ;3; But I did see people make videos trying to stop this, so there's hope yet.

A lot of people that have potential for good entertainment, art, game making, or anything that is good should NEVER have to go through this crap of a treatment. I know there's always gonna be those rotten apples, but what we can do is push those bullies aside.

I hope you can figure out the solution at the end, cuz ALL of us here does NOT wanna see you get banned too. ;o;
6 years, 12 months ago
"damn niggas trying stick me for my paper" - Warning, Notorious B.I.G.

like forreal this guy is the most jealous no life piece of shit i've ever heard. and then he tries to use religion as an excuse too, what a load. it sucks for you to have to deal with this pietro
6 years, 11 months ago
The hilarious thing about this is the fact that God has better things to do than protecting the honor of fictitious cartoon characters...

He is more into the line of sending people to help ACTUAL people according to instructions.

This fellow, and plenty others are nothing but parasites that use God as an excuse for their madness.

I'd ask him: "Dude, what where you on when God gave you that task?"

Good luck with the nutcase.
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