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not very active around here..... time to fix this

as some of you know, im be not very active around here, i was more active in my fa account but only to write some journals

but, i'm on vacations so i will be a lot more active

if want to contact me on anyway, feel free to contact me by:

Furaffinity, Twetter, Facebook, Telegram, Discord, Skype, Garena and other instant message programs

i have..... an insane amount of art oending to be uploaded, right now i'm organizing that art pieces

is a combination of art made by me, made for me and art that i get included with characters i get

are like 550 pictures..... with a lot of mixed themes....

will take me somedays upload everything

so.... yes, get ready to see a lot more of me XD
Viewed: 25 times
Added: 7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
You might find the FA to IB migration tool or other gallery management tools useful if you want to fill your gallery up easily. Just be sure to check each piece to be uploaded against our acceptable content policy, and apply appropriate keywords and ratings for our search and filtering systems before making work public.
7 years, 5 months ago
that reminds me.... why there is so much pending picutres to be uploaded, is because i was having issues with the migrator, i try it again but i still having issues

"We haven't been able to validate your FA Account. Please, go back and try again. IF you don't have any means of access to your FA account after the mass-reset, your IB username is different than FA's and you don't have your FA page linked to your IB account, please, PM Salmy on Inkbunny and we'll work out a solution."

i dont have any issue to enter to my FA account
my IB user is diferent from my FA user
i dont have my FA linked to my IB account

please, can you help me?  using the migrator will save me a lot of hours of uploading
7 years, 5 months ago
Well, perhaps that's an issue you need to PM Salmy about! He's more yellow and cat. :-D

Or you could temporarily link your FA account to your IB account, and then unlink it later.
7 years, 5 months ago
thanks ^^

i will
7 years, 5 months ago
If it ends up not working, do pester him. We want it to work! Especially this time of year.

Maybe that is why, too many people using it… their servers may be overloaded and they noticed it was a large user. It's busy here, too - we added a new image cache earlier this month, and it pushed out 280GB just in one day this week to the US East Coast.

But if it is truly broken, my suspicion is they changed the layout somehow. [Oh! Are you using the beta layout? If so, you could also try changing it back. But if that fails, the temp-link should still work, since it verifies that separately.]
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