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Kuma-Kun alive AND taking commissions!

If you think you saw a similar post by someone else, shush, you're imagining things! ;P But seriously, be sure to read because there's a few details different here.

I will be taking a fixed number of art slave stream sessions, to be spaced out over the rest of the year, beginning in June. I will be opening slots for 4 hour drawing sessions at $200, and no more than one slot per month of 6 hour sessions at $300. These will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis, BUT I will begin with the slots in December, and work my way backwards from there. Meaning the first person in line will be scheduled for a December stream, then November, etc.

Another caveat is this: my regular commissioners and long-time patrons know I appreciate them to no end, and in no way do I mean to dismiss or diminish the value of their continued patronage, BUT, as this is a one-time crazy happenstance kind of deal, I am wanting to make this window available to people who've wanted to commission me for a while, but just haven't caught an opening since I've been mostly-closed for so long. SO, I am opening this window first to people who haven't had a slavestream from me before. After some time, if there are still slots available, then I will open them up to my regulars.

I am doing things this way so the first people in line will have the longest wait; the idea is that this will give people pause to stop and think and be REALLY sure they want this, rather than fill up slots with impulse-buyers who may then have a change of heart once the waiting actually sets in. Since this is funding a move, that money will be gone, and I can't be refunding people who sign up for a December stream but want a refund before December gets here.


For those that don't know, a slavestream from me is a live streaming session where I am your art slave to draw whatever you want (within my pretty severely relaxed limits) for however many hours you paid for, where you can watch and give live feedback and direction, ask for changes or corrections as we go, skip the whole email tag back-and-forth corrections process and just have your art by the end of the time allotted. Unlike that other guy, my streams are private or invite-only. You can invite whomever you like to your streams, but it won't be open to the public.


Timed sessions are very much quality versus quantity. The more refined and detailed you want an image to be, the fewer total drawings will get done. Conversely, the rougher and looser sketched each figure is, the more total can get drawn. You decide which way you want me to lean. There is no guarantee of quantity for total art from a session because sometimes things just flow more easily and readily than others. As a >general< estimate though, I more often than not average about half an hour per figure sketched. Simpler characters take a little less time, more complicated characters take a little more.

I will draw damn near any insane thing that could possibly get your dick hard, Males only, with the only solid absolute Will Not Draw being anything in the poop/fart/AB/diaper range. Other than stink/waste/baby/unclean stuff (as in rancid/filth, healthy fresh musk-play is fine), your kink is probably fine by me. I have no problem with most of the stuff that gets hated on, but do check with me if you think you might have something far enough outside the norm that I might still decline it. For the most part, I enjoy indulging people in the crazy imaginative impossible wackiness this fandom produces, so I've probably got you covered. But that doesn't mean standard dick-in-butt isn't welcome, too. :P If you're watching this account, you don't want normal. ;D

I will not be doing character design work in these. You MUST have drawn references for any characters you wish to use. Rule 34 is okay, but if you want to use the personal OCs of another individual, they will need to give permission before the session begins. This means "surprise" gift art for friends is not an option - I've seen too many ways that can backfire and cause drama.

All of my characters, including li'l ol' me, Kuma-Kun, are freely available to include, but they may have additional limitations on what I will draw them in, on a case-by-case basis. Any characters that I put up for adoption between the time you pay for your stream, and the date your stream is scheduled for will still be available to use as well, and this will be clearly noted in the terms of any adoptions so their buyers are aware of such. NOTE: If there is some matter of personal drama issue between a stream buyer and the winner of an adoptable, then that adopted character will >not< be available to the stream buyer - on the crazy minimal chance of that kind of shit coming up. @_@


If you've read, understand, and acknowledge all of the above, send an EMAIL (it's stamped on all my art, people) with "MOVING STREAM" as the subject. In the email; give me your paypal address, state how old you are, specify whether you want a 4 hour slot for $200, or a 6 hour slot for $300, and give a brief listing of the general themes/kinks you'd be wanting, so I can let you know if there's anything that would be an issue. DO NOT send any money through paypal. I will be invoicing people as slots are taken, and you will be informed of which month you're slated for. Questions or requests for clarifications on any details should be made here, in comments on this journal. Only email once you've got it, and are all clear and ready to take a slot.

Invoices must be paid within 24 hours of being sent or you forfeit your slot. So if you'll need some time before you can pay, wait until you're ready before emailing about a slot. With these terms, I expect these will likely take a while to fill, so don't stress and rush. <:3
Viewed: 399 times
Added: 8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
The mystery is solved.

Also, first buyers get end of year slots, last buyers get now slots? I am curious as to the logic behind that.
8 years, 11 months ago
" I am doing things this way so the first people in line will have the longest wait; the idea is that this will give people pause to stop and think and be REALLY sure they want this, rather than fill up slots with impulse-buyers who may then have a change of heart once the waiting actually sets in. Since this is funding a move, that money will be gone, and I can't be refunding people who sign up for a December stream but want a refund before December gets here.
8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
Well, that's what I get for skim-reading. Good luck to you.
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