Hey everyone, its been ages, things kinda took a massively turn at the end of 2014 for me, pretty much losing touch with almost everything over 2015. However, things are going well again and I finally have time to sketch and doodle as well. Just a few things about the project, I am still working on this occationally, so no worries I haven't quit, i just haven't been able to get past shellder and cloyster so i may make a place holder for them or something and move on XD and post the ones i've done after them.
Also, I will be updating some older pictures again, but I'll let you know too.
The Mascot Trevor the Buizel will be uploaded too once I finish his image as well,
Hey, did you guys now I also have an FA account? Well, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thepokesmecks/ , Ill be uploading content to there again soon too as well as updates new versions, and doing more requests and such as I go along.