A question mostly for the artists out there, especially those who pump out tons of new drawings every week (though feel free to provide insight even if you don't consider yourself an artist) -- how do you manage to keep yourself motivated through all of it?
I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the idea of an "art block" and to be honest I get those fairly often; sometimes I'll be in a mood when I just feel like drawing all day long, but the next day, or the next week, I'll open up a blank canvas and nothing will come to me, or I'll never feel totally satisfied with what comes out. It's not that I can't draw at all during those times, but it feels more difficult and probably takes a lot longer. Then I lose motivation and find something else to do.
The reason I ask is because I'd absolutely love to draw more often, with the ultimate goal of being able to support myself and live comfortably by doing art alone. I know it's a difficult path, but for personal reasons that I don't want to really get into here, it's somewhat difficult for me to hold a traditional job right now. Since I've been drawing since a young age, I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I could make a living from doing this.
Anyway! I'd like to hear some any insight you have on this topic, hopefully it'll help me with my ability to provide more content for you guys~
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9 years, 1 month ago
01 Feb 2016 19:43 CET