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America I am DISGUSTED!


I cant even START with this...I cant even BEGIN with it. That kinda legislation, should NEVER exist in a bill or a law, we cannot grant LICENSE to harm another for religious or moral reason. It's unconstitutional and the supreme court has already RULED on the issue of bullying and cyber bullying.

These bastards are just pissing out there ears now.

The Republican party just passed a law to "stop bullying" in Michigan that actual ALLOWS it if it can be morally or religiously justified.

Excuse me, I want my fucking country back.
Viewed: 519 times
Added: 12 years, 6 months ago
12 years, 6 months ago
ughhh. i agree fully, after watching that video i reallly see our government continues to get more corrupt and STUPID as time goes by.
12 years, 6 months ago
I understand, that a large amount of that legislation is being glossed over in that veido but it's calling attention to the fact that the Anti bullying law, is ALLOWING surten KINDS of bullying and thats wrong. How would sombody like it if i punched them in the face for haveing another skin color, or beliveing in a god when I dont share that philosophy. I would got tossed in jail.

Allowing Sanctioned bully in tantamount to bullying yourself.
12 years, 6 months ago
indeed, just today i watched a video of a gay kid gettign bullied, the kid got a concussion and broken teeth, n the bully? three days of suspension. BULLSHIT.

the laws on bullying need to be full effect, not some "justify it and its okay" stupid law for all we know the "reason" could be faked! and then theyd still get away with it!
12 years, 6 months ago
They've created a law that specifically makes it OK to bully gay kids.

They're sick bastards.
12 years, 6 months ago
12 years, 6 months ago
That is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.  This isn't the middle-east.  We don't have religious wars like that.

E Pluribus Unum ~~ We are all supposed to be united as one.

Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free... ~~ Come as you are, you will be accepted here.

WTF America?
12 years, 6 months ago
Hey can you please pass me the constitution? I Just ran out of bathroom tissue.
12 years, 6 months ago
Welcome to my soviet state :< I've signed petitions to recall all republicans in the state.
But I've done so only because I can't go shoot the pricks without being jailed for it :<
12 years, 6 months ago
if our nation continues to spiral down hill, well lets just say for the first time in my life I can honestly present a reason to support our right to bare arms.  We may well, one day, need to protect ourselves, from our own government. thats so wrong.
12 years, 6 months ago
Many are already rising, each supporting their own cause, that's why we're seeing so many "occupy" protests going on now.
12 years, 6 months ago
This is exceptionally disgusting.  Realize this isn't just allowing bullying of gay kids.  It legalizes bullying of jews, muslims, and every other minority.  This is the most disgusting legislation I've seen in a long time.  The bigots who amended this bill need to be driven out of office.  
12 years, 6 months ago
Actually they don't have to be a minority, who's to say a jewish kid couldn't beat up a bunch of christians or say an atheist goes apeshit and beats up all the religious kids in the class?
12 years, 6 months ago
As if that's going to happen.  There was at least one bullying incident where a muslim student justified an attack.  We all know a claim like that won't get any traction in Michigan.  This is a specific license for xtian bigots to abuse gay students.  It also gives them the same justification to abuse anyone of a different religious creed.  I can't wait for the first incident of a 'christian' abusing a catholic or mormon.  It's going to happen.  We all know it's going to happen.  
12 years, 6 months ago
WHAT THE FUCK...... thats just FUCKED UP RIGHT THEIR O.o i should know i was bullied as a kid and it right fucked me up 6 ways from sunday, i can't go out to social events, being in a crowed of more then 10 people puts me on the edge and if no ones with me it scares the shit out of me, i have no self confidence and i never will
12 years, 6 months ago
You're not alone there-and the VAST majority of my bullying was of the psychological type. =_=;
12 years, 6 months ago
mine was more physical then psychological its why i get nervice when someone is behind me, its why i check my rear vision mirror a dozen times when i'm driving home, and sad to say its why i'm 31 years old still living with my parents and utterly incapable of having a physical relationship with the opposite sex, the best i can handle is friendship and even that is hard for me to do i only have 2 RL friends its what I've become accustom to
12 years, 6 months ago
Have you tried hypnotherapy?
12 years, 5 months ago
I know what bullying is. I know what it can do to a person.  I was systematically and intensively bullied almost every day of my life from the time I was 8 till I was 20. Physical , mental and emotional.  Every day.  Punched.  Spat on.  Called the most filthy crap.  Had it beaten into me in every way,  shape and form that the only thing I was fit for was to lick dogshit off the pavement , that my killing myself would make the whole world a better place. To say I have issues from this is an understatement.
12 years, 5 months ago
You and me both, my friend.  T-T
12 years, 6 months ago
Oh....    My.......    God!!!
12 years, 6 months ago
For Bullying there is NO!!! excuse. I was bullied to in school. Alot. Didn't had many friends. I was an outside and while others say: You will miss the school times. I definatly can say NOT. Being adult, even unemployed I live better and have a far MORE happier live, being alone, then to remember that annoying school-time. School was nothing more then: you have to go there, make your exam to get a job, to earn money and hope never to meet those asshole again. Not to mention that you don't go to those freaking meetings of ex-students either.
That are the times I think: Teachers should be allowed to HIT their students again.
12 years, 6 months ago
That's sad, but believe me, in my country (Brazil) it's even worst... =/
12 years, 6 months ago
Oh, come on, what horror film is this from? No, but seriously, this is disgusting... 'allow bullying if it's for a religious or moral reason'? Where's the fucking fairness in any of this? It's like promoting a bullying version of the KKK. How can ANYBODY think that this is okay, and how can they be so twisted, and how can they be so high up?! Britian don't do enough here but what America is doing is FAR worse, like the Senate said, "this is worse than doing nothing". It's brain-achingly frustrating and sickening to see how fucked up some higher ups are in this world that 90% of the world's population could do a better job.
12 years, 6 months ago
well...that sucks.

explain to me the fact....that they're seriously..allowing a kid to be bullied..as long as there is a religous reason..

i mean...im quite the anti muslim kinda guy...and dont get me wrong...only towards the extremist kinda muslims..but still i think we should all get along with eachother (i think its even in the law).......and that bill goes against that..

and also blaming a religion is the biggest douchebag trick in the book..
12 years, 6 months ago
I was so indignant I posted this to facebook with a rough rant to go with it. I was picked on in school.  personally those republican fuckers were the ones bullying others they were never picked on in school cause they had the money, the wealth, the friends, and such as that.
12 years, 6 months ago
wow this just makes me laugh at how stupid politicians are.  i mean really "its ok that people kill themselves because they were bullied based on religious reasons" how does that make the slightest bit of sense?

so i would pose a counter question as to whats worst the fact they are trying to pass this law, or the fact they make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to pass bills like this.

and this ladies, gentlemen, and furs is why i fucking hate politics.

12 years, 6 months ago
i saw this earlier. this is proof that  church and state are no longer separate.
Moral and religious reasons... Basically they are saying they are allowing for
religious persecution in the usa. which we get more then enough of anyway.
See religion having a hissyfit when posters that say you dont need god
to be a good person was posted in nyc. (i forget the exact poster but they don't want
not believing being advertising while they get the right to do so.)

And its worse now cause all any bully has to do is "CLAIM"  that its for moral or religious reason.
its just a blueprint to make bullying easier.

12 years, 6 months ago
That's our Republican Party. But to be fair, bullying is one of the so-called Christian Right's favorite pastimes, along with judging, comdemning, and practicing open sanctimony and apostasy.
I remember all the fun I had with the Bible-thumpers and moralizers when I was in school. I never missed the chance to show them how ignorant they were, concerning their own Scriptures.
12 years, 6 months ago
First Read the Bill

" MrSOCKS wrote:
I remember all the fun I had with the Bible-thumpers and moralizers when I was in school. I never missed the chance to show them how ignorant they were, concerning their own Scriptures.

Reminds me of a time I was in Best Buy watching a episode if YU-YU Hakusho on one of the TVs (in which a character had the symbol for "Moon/luck" on his forehead [which so happens to look like a swastika]) A woman beside me says "That's terrible exposing people to such filth."
I turn to her and say "What filth?"
"why that evil Nazi symbol."
"so you're saying that public displays of icons that can be linked to great suffering and pain should never be allowed to happen?"
"No matter the source?"
"Yes swastikas, KKK signs, gang signs anything like that should never be allowed"
"Really? First of all that (I point at the screen) happens to be Kanji the Japanese language it just so happens to look like a swastika, it means Moon in this case. Second the swastika was a good luck charm in Germany it can't help it was used by an Aryan Asshole, third if you are so concerned about emblems that represent suffering then your cross should be the first to go, you know the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trail, I could go on but you wouldn't listen" (with that I left)
12 years, 6 months ago
In America today, too often opinion, however ill-informed or reckless, dictates far too much of discourse and policy.
Also, some pic of this symbol from YY-H would be appreciated.
12 years, 6 months ago
12 years, 6 months ago
Groups like this that can get stupid laws passed also have a high level of organization. What is needed now is a large organized group to stand up fight back. A loud voice that   right wing owned news and courpted church organiztions can longer ignore.
12 years, 6 months ago
Then do so it is your First Amendment Right.
12 years, 6 months ago
I wish it were that easy, but i have literally no real support. I'm in the bible belt. Any try to stand against them with out some sort of support is almost suicide. I try but no one here will listen and i am probably on some kind of bible humper black list
12 years, 6 months ago
So am I hell I'm in Georgia!
12 years, 6 months ago
Mississippi, probably just as bad as where you are
12 years, 6 months ago
Actually Mouse, I think you may have it much worse.
If he's in the metro-Atlanta area he might not be so bad off.
Hell, the whole 'occupy' movement in the ATL has enough steam that it made national news, even if they all peacefully leave the park when it 'closes' now. He could probably head downtown and protest in a fursuit- you however, might get lynched for trying that around Tupelo. I met a guy once, up north, that referred to Atlanta as the San Fransisco of the southeast. He didn't mean it as a compliment, but I took it as such. Savannah Georgia ain't too bad either. Point being that Georgia can be kinda cool sometimes- but Mississippi?
Shit man, if your a gay-fur, you need to get the fuck out. Run dude- Mississippi is fucking nuts. The social climate in Mississippi is the worst I've experienced in the US- positively stifling. I feel terrible for the gay folk that have to live there. Atlanta or N'orlens your best, closest bets. But uh- N'orlens has a bit of a, shall we say, infrastructure problem.
12 years, 6 months ago
true, but at the rate things are going running anywhere the us will be pointless. each day the right gains more ground and more power. but everyone of the right wing nuts claims to victims of discrimination and thus gains the public support
12 years, 6 months ago
Because they own the media. : (
12 years, 6 months ago
ok so they pass a law that makes it ok if i can do it morally or religiously  so lets go bully the kids of the republican party and see how they feel when there kids or grand kid  die as a result of us doing so
12 years, 6 months ago
That alone wont solve much, altho they deserve it in spades. Only problem is that will give them the adlity to vilainize all non belivers even further, thus laws they want passed get easier to pass
12 years, 6 months ago
i know but i got bullyed alot in school and i had to beat the shit out of my bully to make them stop
12 years, 6 months ago
this is fuck up.i wish i could say what i want to but the government and FCC are watching what where doing.
12 years, 6 months ago
Firs time this act is used, there will be a major lawsuit.  If someone dies because the teacher or police officer sues this act to just ify bullying, then the parents will go for millions against the state, that everyone else will pay for in their taxes.

12 years, 6 months ago
Makes sense to me that this would happen; republicans are just doing what feels natural as they want to keep the door open to bash on other religions, atheists, homosexuals, and anything else they deem immoral & they want those 'liberties' extended to kids as well. It's a shame as kids shouldn't have to deal with things like this. It should be illegal to force a religion on a child; it's brain washing and possibly even torture if some of the religious disciplinary horror stories are to be believed.
12 years, 6 months ago
Shokuji, you have surprised me, normally you research things like this before you comment. If you had you would see the Bill is protecting Freedom of Speech, But punishes those who would harass or abuse people. (see my other post below)
12 years, 6 months ago
It's true I didn't research it, only went by the information available here. But freedom of speech isn't freedom to bully, so if what they're saying is bullying someone, that 'someone' should have the right to make it stop. Besides, if "moral" and "religious" reasons are what in the text of the laws then it's flawed anyways. It should just refer to the 1st amendment and be done with it. Morality changes with every person on this planet, it's a poor word to use in any law as laws are meant to solidify things, so why use a fluid word like morality? Religion shouldn't be a factor here, we're talking about school not church. Kids should be there to learn, not push their religious beliefs. And if a religious belief allows one kid to bully another, it needs to stay out of schools if you ask me. IMO, public schools should remain a neutral place, respecting peoples religious views and peoples desire to have freedom from religion.

(I'll have to read your other reply below later as I'm off to work. Maybe it will educate me & change my mind about things. But hopefully the above has explained my viewpoint well enough for you to understand where I'm coming from.)
12 years, 6 months ago
You are correct freedom of speech is not the freedom to bully. And you are right in the fact they should have simply referred to the First Amendment or reprinted it word for word in the bill itself.

PS. Have rough draft in brain.
12 years, 6 months ago
By the way, to further explain my first comment on this, I had recently found this document and it sort of fueled my 'rage' when it comes to religion & schools. My apologies for surprising you, but I will make mistakes just like everyone else.
12 years, 6 months ago
None of us are without fault- me included
12 years, 6 months ago
lol i'm Canadian.
12 years, 6 months ago
Hugs the Kanadian.  Harper is so cute in a sweater. :p
12 years, 6 months ago
things are not exactly perfect in Canada Either =p
12 years, 6 months ago
12 years, 6 months ago
From the party of NO, are you really surprised?  This is the same party that has bullied their way through congress on a moral stance.  It always appears that even when Democrats agree or compromise on an issue, the republicans  stamp their feet and say No, it must be our way.  It is amazing how often in blogs and comments in news reports that republicans call Democrats, socialist, communist, liberal and any other dubious negative connotation under the sun.  

I agree, moral is such a loose and broad term.  It changes from community to community.  This is as sick as the judge who whipped his daughter for downloading songs off the internet.  Cursed at her and told her he will beat her into submission and he says he did nothing wrong.  Now the argument is what morally is discipline and what is immorally child abuse.  
12 years, 6 months ago
Times like these I wish Canada wasnt so cold all the time.
12 years, 6 months ago
My religion requires me to hand out 10 wedgies a day, and a weekly beating to my local government officials.

that's cool right? I have this hear religiously mandated beating stick which I must use to do it, mind the nails sticking out.
12 years, 6 months ago
Then you would be violation of MICHIGAN SENATE BILL NO. 137 Section 10 Part A
12 years, 6 months ago
I wasn't bullied much in school, mainly because I was too strange for the other kids to know what buttons to push, but I have known many people who've been harassed and bullied in schools. This bill is completely deplorable, and I am glad I don't have to deal with that state. I can only hope that that bill gets struck down as unconstitutional soon, before the insanity spreads.
12 years, 6 months ago
So how is allowing it stopping it?  I don't understand...
12 years, 6 months ago
Have you read the Bill?
12 years, 6 months ago
it's stopping it per say but there legislation in the bill that says it wont infringe ong a persons religious or moral rights in the context of the bill. If taken literaly it meens  you can say a kids a horrible person and going to hell, you just cant punch them in the face for it.
12 years, 6 months ago
Have any of you read the actual bill?

The exact section she is saying is "pro-bullying" is as follows (taken from Michigan SENATE BILL NO. 137)
(8) This section does not abridge the rights under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States or under article I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian. This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.

Now this means the anti-bullying law does not restrict a STATEMENT of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction to another student. A STATEMENT not an insult or argument.

A Christian student call tell a Atheist student that God is going to send him to hell. BUT he cannot
1. Repeatedly approach the student with this matter (Section 10 Part B Para. I an III)
2. Yell it or use aggressive language at the student (Sec 10 Part B Para. I, II and IV)
3. Call or text the student with said beliefs (Sec. 10 Part A,B, and C)
4. Use physical violence (Sec. 10 Part A and B)

The bill allows freedom of speech but not freedom of harassment or physical attacks.
12 years, 6 months ago
which basically mean, "being gay is a sin, it's immoral and so you're going to hell!" is totally cool. This is basically the first amendment protection that allows those westboro nuts to go around with god hates fags signs, only protecting religious bullying.
12 years, 6 months ago
One, as much as I hate westboro church, they still have the right of free speech and peaceful protest. Second, if you have read the Bill, it gives clear outlines as to what is bullying (carrying signs would be against Section 10 Par B Paragraph I). Third you can make statements based on your own religious or moral beliefs (including being against religious bullying) as you wish as long as it it a statement and peaceful, not an attack or harassment.

Finally, HAS ANYONE thought of using westbboro's own tactic against them? Staging protests and sign carrying at westboro's protests and functions? If I had the money and ability I would travel up there and use MY First Amendment Rights and protest them, if westboro tries to shut me down good luck because I'm exercising the same right as them.

Do I like westboro NO
Do I approve of their message NO
Do I hate them for their actions YES
Will I take their Free Speech away NO

Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't mean you have to listen or take it to heart.
You have the right to counter their point, use it. Fight their fire with fire of your own. When one of their church dies protest at their funeral on how judging others sends them to hell.
12 years, 6 months ago
No, freedom of speech limits ends at when people use it for the sole purpose of inflicting psychological torment on individuals.
It was intended to permit & encourage criticism of organizations and law, since the US founders knew unchecked organized power is generally a very bad thing.
Businesses and politicians are trying to reverse the meaning though, very easy to destroy whistleblowers when they can launch a whole media against mere persons.
12 years, 6 months ago
Correct the SOLE purpose, now keep in mind the misguided people of westboro truly believe in their interpretation of the Bible. They sadly believe they are trying to help.

Further more if you are using
" TwoTails wrote:
freedom of speech limits ends at when people use it for the sole purpose of inflicting psychological torment on individuals.

Then we should stop most of the anti-drug campaigns as they use "shock ads/therapy" as a main point.
12 years, 6 months ago
That's a ridiculously massive jump.
Education is at worst misery, psychological torment is what makes people want to die.
12 years, 6 months ago
Both westboro and the anti-drug program are using shock ads/therapy, they are using the same weapons.
Once again as much as I hate westboro, Free Speech is Free Speech.
12 years, 6 months ago
I think the term "beachhead" comes to mind, these people only need an excuse and will wedge it wide open.
12 years, 6 months ago
Will people abuse the loophole YES, it has happened for centuries. Even when laws were first made loopholes were abused, but to be fair Section 10 Part B Paragraph IV leaves a wide enough opening to punish a student if they try to use the loophole.
12 years, 6 months ago
The point is the loopholes still open these cans of worms.
A flawed law even with good intentions can do more damage than no law about it.
It takes power away from the victims, puts it in the hands of bureaucrats.
12 years, 6 months ago
Thank you. I wanted to read the version that passed.

It is my opinion that the passage in question is only an affirmation of federal law, namely the First Amendment. If the bill passed without that language, any case that were to arise from it would require additional debate with the SCOUTS. State senator Whitmer is taking a pretty liberal view of that passage and it seems to me that her appeal is more based on emotion tinged with politics rather than a real appeal based on fact.

I can't help but think that this kind of legislation would be unnecessary if parents were more involved with their children. 50 years ago such laws were not needed because parents were more involved. Hell, even 30 years ago, such legislation was not needed.

I was a fairly bullied child at that age, but I also do know that passing laws that curb First Amendment rights is just as wrong as bullying. And if there should be any disgust at this law, it should be the fact that the state had to write one because parents can't raise their kids properly.
12 years, 6 months ago
" SENATE BILL NO. 137 Section 8 Part 1 wrote:
This section does not abridge the rights under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States or under article I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.
" First Amendment wrote:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
This section should have ended here as it already states it won't abridge the rights under the First Amendment which says that no laws will be made restricting religious beliefs/practices.

But then Section 8 continues with a completely useless sentence
" SENATE BILL NO. 137 Section 8 Part 2 wrote:
This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian.
There is no need for this to be in here at all and, as you pointed out, is where the uproar has come from.

I'm slightly curious what the 'original' version looked like that the person in the video said has been gutted and made ineffective with this current version. Also I still stand by what I said before; Religion shouldn't be a factor here, we're talking about school not church. Kids should be there to learn, not push their religious beliefs. Public schools should remain a neutral place, respecting peoples religious views and peoples desire to have freedom from religion.
12 years, 6 months ago
First of all I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read the bill.

Just about EVERYONE ELSE jumped on this "It's a pro-bullying bill" bandwagon with as much abandon as an Ohio crack user finding out New Jersey is real.

And I agree with many of your points but, from a personal note, I think SENATE BILL NO. 137 Section 8 Part 2 was added as a clear point as to what is bullying and what is not, Giving a calm, peaceful statement about your personal beliefs is (generally) no bullying.

I could say your entire religion is a lie, as long as I am talking evenly, fairly, and peacefully and not for the sole purpose or express reason of causing mental or emotional harm, I would be Free Speech.

Now if I was up in your face about it I would be wrong and a bully (in addition to a complete ass, which seems to be te default setting for bullies anyway)
12 years, 5 months ago
" fscribe wrote:
Ohio crack user finding out New Jersey is real.

OMG!?!?!?! New Jersey is real???

Seriously, this is why I am going to move to Canada with my mate. He plans on dropping his dual citizenship and i shall marry him and become a Canadian as well. The US is starting to go down the drain and instead of putting on a life preserver and waiting, I'm taking a raft beforehand and paddling away.

Don't get me wrong, I understand there is more to this because I did read the whole bill, but Kevin is right, this can be very badly misinterpreted. Look at all of us, Senators included, who already have. Considering this, you KNOW police and school officials will as well.

12 years, 5 months ago
I wish you a lifetime of happiness in your marriage to be.
12 years, 6 months ago
you make an Excellent point, however bullying of any kind in the school systems and more recently online, is not acceptable. Im not calling out the ENTIRE bill, im just calling out the bit were it basically says as long as im expressing my freedom of speech or religious beliefs I can tell you your going to burn in hell and your parents should drown you for being the devil's child. =p I know you see how easily that can be abused, I Respect your encouragement to read the law, I encourage that to, by all means let everybody read this law. it's still been gutted and needs to be thrown out, and redrafted.
12 years, 6 months ago
OMG we have some people with some common sense in this country!
12 years, 6 months ago
I find it ironic that the republicans (before they went full blown insane) used to be very against this kind of government backed iron fisted social law.
US gov wouldn't be such a sick joke if actual liberals and actual republicans were running it.
So fast politicians can be when it comes to selfishness to do what they want.
12 years, 6 months ago
I can't believe there actually is a law that allows bullying if it can be religiously or morally justified. Bullying is simply fucked up and the law is absolutely stupid.
12 years, 6 months ago
Read the bill I posted a link
12 years, 6 months ago
I was deeply disturbed to find that there wasn't an onion news symbol at the bottom of the screen x.x if shit like this can be real then what else is going to be destroyed in our country?
12 years, 6 months ago
That's it! We need to raise George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Abe Lincoln back from the dead and send them to Capital Hill to bitch slap every politician there that needs it! We can also let them clean up DC!

Thomas Jefferson has even said these words: "It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
12 years, 6 months ago
I am officially disgusted at this appalling step back into the dark ages in a modern society. The fuckwit proposing this self-righteous, evil thing should be driven out of office with a shit-coated pitchfork. The US don't need this crap.
12 years, 6 months ago
TL;DR: Don't have time to read the whole bill, here's the important parts:

(3 d) A provision indicating that all pupils are protected under the policy and that bullying is equally prohibited without regard to its subject matter or motivating animus.

(8) This section does not abridge the rights under the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States or under article I of the state constitution of 1963 of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian. This section does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil's parent or guardian. (grayed out for being pointless)

(10 b ii) Substantially and adversely affecting the ability of a pupil to participate in or benefit from the school district's or public school's educational programs or activities by placing the pupil in reasonable fear of physical harm.

(10 b iii) Having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil's physical or mental health or causing substantial emotional distress.
12 years, 6 months ago
well done, Though i'll state again XD the reason for this journal is to call to attention the wholes a pointless text in this bill. It states it's prohibited period but wont infringe on a persons moral or religious right to express there opinion which can be abused into bullying. I know it SOUNDS absurd, but im angry about that line of pointless text, laws MUST be clear, and black and white, as much so as possible. if left to open like this it creates opportunity for heavy abuse.
12 years, 6 months ago
I assume if it's only a statement of belief and nothing more it should be okay. Then again if their genuine feeling about race produces a statement of 'Black people are black because their souls are tainted.' that could cause the person they're saying that to cause "actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil's physical or mental health or causing substantial emotional distress" and shouldn't be allowed regardless if it's their genuine moral/religious belief. Then again, if a bully was saying that, I'm sure s/he got that from their parents and isn't something they really believe. But that's it's own can'o'worms I'm not willing to crack open right now. =p
12 years, 6 months ago
basicly the law folds in on itself... The insulting thing is they included any reference at all to morality and religion in a bullying law.
12 years, 6 months ago
The point I made here is that it doesn't matter if that line that got you and everyone else upset was there or not as the first amendment protects free speech anyways. They shouldn't have added that 2nd line but it actually doesn't change anything about the bill. (As far as I can tell.)

What bugs me is that a law needs to be passed for these kind of protections to be put into place and it's just not common sense that has us protect kids in this way. Wait.. what bugs me more is that several kids needed to die before a law was pass that should have been common sense in the first place. Yeah v.v
12 years, 6 months ago
I get that, but it does, If a law can be misinterpreted, as this one can, its a BAD law. Im upset more so becouse of that then anything else, they need to redraft it.
12 years, 6 months ago
Well, this is interesting. So if I were still a kid in school and someone bullied me, but steps out of the bounds of 'acceptable bullying', do I get to use my right to exercise my 2nd Amendment rights?
12 years, 6 months ago
No, they would just change the law to protect the poor bully from the evils of those of us that are able to think for ourselves
12 years, 6 months ago
This doesn't sound good.  It should say that *all* bullying of any type is not allowed, period, no exceptions.  If the door is open for people to justify something, either morally or religiously, people will find ways to justify even the worst crimes imaginable.  No good can ever come from bullying, no matter how someone tries to justify it. Unfortunately, our society often rewards and encourages the bullies, while condemning the victims.
12 years, 6 months ago
Well.. they now have two choices.. they can either knock down all the schools in Michigan or they can count the months before the bully related school shootouts force them all to be condemned
12 years, 6 months ago
uhm, i just watcht it and i agree whit the female.(i forgat her name)
12 years, 6 months ago
12 years, 6 months ago
Come move to the UK, KevinSnowPaw. We don't have guns and a blanket right to free speech, but any hate-based bullying (verbal or physical) are quickly stamped down upon. (Plus, the weather's nice and we don't get natural disasters as a general rule.)

On the topic of hand, though, even as a Brit, I am appalled when the U.S. Constitution is bastardised, ruled over, or 're-interpreted' (from the original, very confusing language of English). It saddens me that the wise sentiments and beliefs of great men such as Franklin are ignored or over-ridden in today's society.
12 years, 6 months ago
my god, THANK YOU!

Thats exactly the attitude I wish more people had, No it's not your country but the problems here do matter. Just like The problem in Australia matter. America is not perfect, no nation is, but our constitution is something great men created, with a dream, to protect freedom and liberty that blood was shed for and continues to be shed for to this day. It's a Symbol, not only of America in one of it's finer moments, but of what can be achieved if you truly fight for it. It's horrible to see it treated poorly or ignored.
12 years, 6 months ago
What sort of idiotic, radical, nut-job would think that this even begins to solve the problem? Who the hell even thinks of this crap? Sen. Wilson has the right response to it, but the how it is even able to be brought to legislation is beyond me.
12 years, 6 months ago
That doesn't surprise me IN THE LEAST.

Before anyone hates me for saying that: WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I AM MISANTHROPIC?!?

because I LOVE hating and being paranoid of EVERYONE for NO god damned reason!?!

Yes, I am an emo bitch. I TOLD YOU I was.

Meanwhile: it doesn't surprise me. Look at all the hatred of gay folk.

Look at the ridicule of furries.

Look at how eagerly furries tossed babyfurs to the hillside when "socio normative" assholes discovered "babyfur".

Sorry to be a downer... but "yeah, yeah. What else is new".
12 years, 6 months ago
My goodness, that's just very fucked-up and don't make sense. Legalized bullying? Wow, our planet has gotten crazier these days! x_O;;
12 years, 6 months ago
In other words "More power to the bullies, especially the religious nutjobs."
I would not wonder if somebody gets killed in this before the year is over, and most likely by the bullies.
There is very little that would not be an appropriate punishment for those who proposed and legalized this.

Isn't making unconstituional laws illegal? The only way to stop this at this point is a petition based on that.
12 years, 5 months ago
Why the hell is it that those dumb asses just learn that if you do that it just opens up the path where more kids are just going to off themselves. I mean "bullying is wrong but if its for religious reasons its all right" I mean what the fuck is wrong with America! It's because of dumbasses like these on why teens these days end up more fucked up than any other country in the world. God i mean it's because of crap like this is why i never liked being in highschool but forget that now it's all ready in elementary school. I mean what the hell is next kinder-gardeners or preschoolers beating the crap out of each other. God help us all!
12 years, 5 months ago
Hiyas Kev. :)  Make sure you follow up on this thread in the news--the Michigan House sh*t-canned the "religious or moral" exemptions on the shiatty Senate version of the bill, with Dems and Repubs both pushing against the provisions that gutted the intent of the bill.  It's not over until the fat lady... er, I mean, bully goes to jail.  I think you will see a final version of the bill that is more palatable, i.e. no B.S. "exemptions" for someone's religion as an excuse to bully.  Bad laws these days seem to have a way of getting destroyed at the ballot box or in the courts even if they DO pass.  Yay checks and balances...  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/11/stephen-colbe...
12 years, 5 months ago
thats good to know if they update it and change it so thats not in it spread the word.
12 years, 5 months ago
"My country, 'tis of thee,
Rank land of anarchy,
Of thee I sing;
Land where our children died,
From greed and selfish pride,
From broken mountainsides,
Let chaos ring."

Just had to let that out. This economy sucks. Very much... ;_;
12 years, 5 months ago
I won't lie. This bill is bullshit (billshit, if you will). Thank goodness that according to an interview about a week ago featuring Gretchen Whitmer, it looks like they are going to change it. I had some trouble finding updates, but I hope that they wipe this shit off of our constitution.
12 years, 5 months ago
What frustrates me is that behavior called "bullying" in school would elsewhere be regarded as "assault" "battery" "harassment" "extortion" "theft" "slander" or "vandalism"   They already have laws pertaining to these things, but because it's between minors, and taking place in a compulsory government institution, it's held to a different standard.   But that's what government does, it makes things unnecessarily complicated, because to a politician making policy is like jerking off.   It accomplishes nothing, but makes them feel better about having wasted your time and money.
12 years, 5 months ago
Not all is lost it seems: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/11/michigan-hous...

But really, the usa is really the only democratic country where this kinda thing is even possible...i'm always amazed every time i see another example of it. In europe, i don't think anyone would ever dare even suggesting stuff like this! oO
12 years, 4 months ago
Screw America, man. Land of the free my chapped ass
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