Hello folks
First journal on Inkbunny? Pfft you know my gangsta style permits no other way to do things. There's only one image in my whole gallery? Yeah I've been lazy and uploading all my art on FA. Not that there is much art, in difference to most furs, I don't find spending money on artwork to be a worthwhile investment (It's expensive for a student, bro!)
But I am interested in finding an artist to help me with a design for a new fursona character sorta deali-o that I've been thinking up for a while. Not that I'll stop with Sock anytime soon, but I feel like it could be fun to have two fursona characters and not just one. Spice it up. Make me seem like I have schizophrenia even though I'm the most boring normal person there is. If any of you guys are an artist wanting to do some creative design helping and drawing, contact me. I don't have much money, but I might be able to pay some just for some simple sketches of the character or sumthing, I dunno. We'll work something out when we get there. If any of you guys knows an artist that wouldn't mind helping with that, let them know too.
Other than that, I've been to america now. Woopdidoo. I became so allergic that I had to cut the touristing short by two weeks and return to Sweden. I'm feeling good though, my eyes aren't swollen anymore, so I can actually look around normally. Having a not-cracked face is a feeling that I've been taken for granted before, it feels so nice to be able to move my mouth a millimeter without it hurting.
All in all: Had very interesting experiences, now I'm horny for some character designing. Thanks for reading, I can't believe anyone would get this far.
I mean come on. Only one picture in the whole gallery?
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9 years, 7 months ago
17 Jul 2015 00:43 CEST