Why do most builds NEVER show the HOW? They only show the end result of a build, in most cases. In short, never any step by step on the order of the build.
As in, they show you the final result in the skill tree, Borderlands as an example... and in other cases show the final stats you should have at this high level... Dark Souls for example. Super rare to find someone saying to focus on this stat on a build first before diving into this stat.. or mix and match. Also have to consider how the game progresses as to why it's better to focus on this because early in game and then later on this because later in game.
I been on a Borderlands 2 kick again and it's that RPG build stuff that has prevented me from getting burnt too quickly. I just keep thinking of what skills are best to learn first as a new class? Because you can reset your skills it seems somewhat good to learn a skill early in game that is otherwise not part of the final build planned. I try to look at builds but that can be confusing before you have played that class long enough. The problem though is that they just show the final result and don't usually give the order. Yes, I understand people who just power level to that end point but... what about those of us who enjoy playing the game normally?
So I just think my brain is unable to think of what would be best to learn first and in what order. I dunno how people come up with builds. I dunno if hundreds of hours would make me come up with a build that most would agree with in working well. I suppose it depends on the game. Still, I end up stressing over looking at builds, the skills and gear and all that... again thinking Borderlands 2 mostly.
Back on why I make this journal... just WHY does NO ONE ever give the step by step?! So rare... these Dead Island build videos I saw are one of the only ones I have found that tell you which order and give the why he chose this order. But now knowing Dead Island... game is pretty bare bone in skill trees and make the choices too easy... that's besides the point.
Anyway... I guess in the end... people just look at the end of a game. Which brings up another thought... in why do people wanna be given the best gear and max level? Once you have the best gear and max level... what else is there to hunt for? Part of the fun is hunting and finding new stuff. I guess people just wanna fight end game bosses but... why? No more skills to learn, no more new gear just... no reason to do so anymore. When I reach an end game with a character I make a new one and start fresh. Just people wanna win so badly I guess that they forget the journey... eh? Folk complain about early game being boring and nothing to do... failing to realize that really the end game, with best gear and max level is the true nothing to do.
I envy those who I have talked about builds in which they say they do NOT look or follow builds... they just do their own thing! Experiment and test and just see what works for them. I get pretty OCD with this stuff so I always look at builds and tend to follow them closely. With Borderlands 2 I am feeling this philosophy of... only 26 points on a skill tree and no more. To only use 26 points, to get that final skill at the bottom and then do the same on a 2nd tree and use the left over points on the 3rd tree. To me that feels nice on paper. I like to be balanced and spread myself out... Red Mage type if you will but still be strong in a certain area. It feels I should stick to the way I want to rather than follow these builds that put more points than that on a skill tree but... heh. Just maybe my way of doing things is probably not as effective though.
So anyone who reads all this and all... comment on your thoughts on any of this! And well I think I could be up for finding Borderlands 2 partners who have a similar play style to me. As in we do every side mission, let each other shop and share and all that stuff. And... I dunno. Anyway I shall stop blabbing on.
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10 years, 5 months ago
19 Sep 2014 20:50 CEST