For those of you that remember :iconspiritto: she has recently resurfaced and is presently streaming. For those unfamiliar she's an amazing artist and person responsible for the Children of the Night ...
:iconebonyleopard: just started up a new patreon. Head on over and check it out his gallery, if you like what you see then consider donating to his patreon.
Right so here's the long and short of it. Due to a slight mix up and some miscommunication by both myself and the state I now owe a grand total of $9566 to the state, tried to appeal the matter but i...
Hey bud! I'm back at it. I really appreciate your faith in me. I'm finally exposing my remaining living family for turning me into a CP project. I name dropped everyone to the New Glasgow Police department in Nova Scotia earlier today. The truth will come out, in this wash... ♡ love, /b/M
Hey bud! I'm back at it. I really appreciate your faith in me. I'm finally exposing my remaining liv
Hey, I wanted to say I am SO fkn sorry for all the weird, obnoxious harassment on Twitter recently. I am being assessed for Multiple Personality Disorder, thats why I flipped out on FA in 2010. My DiD has been attempting to bring back my memories of sex abuse & resurface for 11 years now, & it literally drove me crazy. I became Lucid June 7th, this journal explains much more:
So sorry again! I only reached out to you bc somewhere inside of me, I recognized you, & I guess I wanted people to witness me falling the f*ck apart. I think I wanted people who have known me a long time, to recognize that I was very sick, very unlike myself. I'm much better now. If you can forgive me, lets chat at some point. Love, M023
Hey, I wanted to say I am SO fkn sorry for all the weird, obnoxious harassment on Twitter recently.