As this election draws to a close it is difficult for a lot of us not to fall into despair. There is a hard road ahead for queer and trans people, for immigrants and minorities, and ultimately for kin...
Hello all, this is Bastion's husband, Krechevskoy. Bastion has been detained by ICE while entering the US. *They are scared and alone, and they need your help.*
If you're reading this, there's a pretty big chance that Bastion has brought a smile to your face at some point, whether through his incredibly talented and beautiful work or his warm and friendly way. Now you have the chance to bring a little joy back to him by helping in this really difficult moment, even if it's just with a single dollar. It may seem like it's not much, but together these small acts of kindness can make a world of difference.
I helped with what I could, though I know it's not much, but every little bit counts.
I could not agree more with VoodooKitty. If you're reading this, there's a pretty big chance that B
I... Am not a wealthy person... But I gave 25 dollars. If you care, if you have a dollar, give a dollar, if you have a dime, give a dime. You don't have to be the hero, you just have to fight with what you have, and where you can.
I... Am not a wealthy person... But I gave 25 dollars. If you care, if you have a dollar, give a dol
Sent what I could, and glad to see the turnout for this CTA. Y'all are awesome, and it makes me glad to be part of this community. Granted, it hurts my heart that it's even happening in the first place.
Stay strong. Much love to you both. Come home safe. And extra shoutouts to Krech. Keep us posted, friend.
Sent what I could, and glad to see the turnout for this CTA. Y'all are awesome, and it makes me gla
Never heard of ya until now but I hope you make it through all this BS, sadly I don’t have any money to help but I’m rooting for ya hang in there man! Also that’s a good partner on you to sound alarms when you’re basically imprisoned definitely a keeper! Much love and good luck!
Never heard of ya until now but I hope you make it through all this BS, sadly I don’t have any money
I hope everything goes well for you. I've been in the same situation... But I had nobody to help me and I eventually failed to protect my Visa... I haven't been able to see my boyfriend in US since then, and I don't know when I'm allowed to apply for Visa again or if it's even an option. Sigh I'll pray for you. I don't want anyone to end up being in the place I'm in...
I hope everything goes well for you. I've been in the same situation... But I had nobody to help me