I was in the middle of a conversation with someone over there and suddenly? it "timed out" as it says. that was about an hour ago. I dunno what's going on here? my connection is good, I can access eve...
I mean, Does anyone else get a Error 522 message when you check FA? Just curious as it's been doing this since 2 am and I was in the middle of checking my messages when it acted up.
remember when i told u i had the meds >.< i got put on them cause of stress my tummy is getting digested i has acid reflex thats why My tummy is sick and its been like this fo a month *rubs tummy* and i also cant handle the stress from people it hurts every day <:( i am sick i also am nervis all the time *hugs u
remember when i told u i had the meds >.< i got put on them cause of stress my tummy is getting d