Multiply the digits by 8... in other words 500 rings = 4000 search for it in cheat engine, change the amount... like spend 100 rings, then search for 400x8=3200 and you will find your value.
Once you know the value, the next one you search for could say 1 ingame... (make more the same value, in this case 1, then find all the results that match) then search for 8. You will get thousands of results, but look at the value you just found for rings, it will say like 06B0F0B8 Scroll down your list of results till you see the entries that start with 06B0F0 in my case 06B0F0D8 and 06B0F088 were the two values.
Repeat till your satisfied with cheeets.
Again, its EASY to edit ANY flash game with google and Cheat engine. Even games that block traditional searching are hackable, google the game
Multiply the digits by 8... in other words 500 rings = 4000 search for it in cheat engine, change th